Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Wow, I never realized how much I was going to miss in the 9 days we were gone! Terah's kids got huge, Kira started school, Lance wrote seventy-something books on his blog, small group became medium group, the weather changed to fall(some of the leaves in my yard are yellow!), and Tess and Kaylee got their driver's lincenses!

Anyway, we missed everyone while we were away but we had a blast! There was hardly time to breathe or even sleep. The only bummer was that all of the kids and I developed colds just before we left and are now suffering through what I hope is the worst of it.

I have almost 200 pictures to go through and will be posting some of them later this morning. If my boys can manage to get their energy out without the house crumbling down around me, that is.

Just wanted to say hi and let you all know we are safely back.


Terah said...

Welcome home!

I missed ya!

Shaggy said...

How is your computer working? Any different from your old? Now you need a keyboard, I will buy it if you don't, and a flatscreen, you will have to work on your husband - maybe do some negotiating with that nice red sled in your yard. :)

Crystal said...

Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

The Chad Beck's said...

glad you made it home safe, you'll have to tell me all about it sometime! love ya!