Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Actually, Rowan turned 4 yesterday. I started to post yesterday but got side tracked until now.

December 20th is his birthday. (Even if Daddy gets confused!)

"Four" Rowan

My baby boy turns four today. *sniffle*

Here's the interview:

What's your favorite color?  Green

What's your favorite toy?  Preston has two supermans.
Are those your favorite toys?  Yes.

What's your favorite movie?  Superman

What's your favorite food?  String cheese

What's your favorite dessert?  Ice cream

What's your favorite candy?  Chocolate chips

What's your favorite restaurant?  Tomato Street

What's your favorite animal?  Sheeps

What's your favorite car?  I like chevys.
Why?  Cuz I just love them.

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ice cream man and a tomato man. (He means work at Tomato Street)

How do you feel now that you're four? Good.

Rowan, you bring laughter, joy, companionship, entertainment, and sweetness into our home.
Praise the Lord for sharing you with us!
We love you.
Happy Birthday, Baby Boy.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

 1) Praise the Lord that my daughter is feeling better. She had some sort of a nasty cold for about a week and by the end of it we were both bawling all day. But the last couple of days have been heavenly in comparison.

2) We've moved the computer downstairs to the spare room in the dungeon, uh, basement. Hince the lack of blogging posts. Well, that and number 1 of this post.

3) I think I am done Christmas shopping! Man, I'm really early this year. Normally I'm not done 'til the 23rd or so. I guess Jay has one more gift to order for the boys but as far as I'm concerned, I have done my part.

4) I am not done Christmas baking. Haven't even started. But I walked on the treadmill early today so I can start tonight. If my hubby doesn't mind picking up a few things. He usually doesn't mind. He's pretty spectacular, you know.

5) My husband is pretty spectacular.

6) I plan on making a couple different kinds of cookies, fudge, maybe chocolate-covered cherries, cookie dough balls, and jelly.

7) Still have to do Christmas cards too. It is my goal to someday have Christmas cards sent out the first week in December. Someday.

8) My kids had a gingerbread house decorating birthday party on Sunday afternoon. It was fun! And it didn't take me too long to clean up the mess afterward. They will be getting another party after the new year for the grandparents and aunts and uncles without kids. Something simple.

9) Adam continues to do exceptionally well in school. I am amazed at how quickly and easily he grasps everything. Numbers are his strong area but he doesn't really have a weak area. Even his attitude has greatly improved.  I'm so proud of him!

10) Next Tuesday is the women's ministry meeting and we are having a Christmas tea. I am so excited. It sounds so relaxing and fun. Love all those ladies to pieces and I missed the last one so I'm really ready to get together.

11) I am really, really going to do it! I am reclaiming my mornings. I keep threatening but tomorrow is the day. I am going to start getting up at 5:30. I need morning time before my kids get up. I need devotion time. I need getting dressed time. I need seeing Jay time. I need exercise time. I need time to get my morning stuff done so I can start school at a reasonable hour.

 Mornings, I have missed you. I am coming back. Please be merciful.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

10 on Tuesday ~ Stockings

Some stocking stuffer ideas for the little boys in your life.
This is a list of things our boys will be getting.

1) Masking tape (doesn't leave sticky residue or peel paint)
2) Small hammer
3) Small pliers
4) Small screwdriver
5) Tape measure
6) Kid-safe scissors
7) Kid-sized work gloves
8) Batteries
9) Motorized toothbrush
10) Markers

Friday, December 3, 2010


Makes you want to find the mistletoe, doesn't it?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Monkey

You love Monkey so much.
Sometimes you seem insecure without it.
Whenever you are upset, you go to your crib and pull her through the rails. Just to hug her.
If you are sleepy, none other will do. Not even Mommy.
I love to see your short little arms wrapped around her and your chubby, dimpled hands gripping her so tight.
I adore the way you cal her, "Mum*may". Not the same as "Mommy."
Daddy thinks you are too attached.
Mommy thinks you are too cute.
But I understand it.
I'm attached to my monkey too.
Because my monkey is you.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

T.O.T Gift Edition

Deciding what to buy the kids for birthdays and Christmas this year has proved to be a bit mind boggling but I think we have finally decided. We try to get them something fun, something they have been asking for, and something they need. I think we may have accomplished just that. Without going bankrupt!

So this is what we've come up with:

1) For the boys' birthdays they are each getting a sleeping bag. This will be great for overnighters and the 5th wheel.

2) For Christmas, they are each getting Carhartt pants. They have been blowing the knees out of their jeans left and right this year and we wanted to get them a sturdy pair of play pants to keep their other pants stain and hole-free. Plus, what's cuter than a little boy in Carhartts?

3) They each get a set of Leap Frog dvds. Rowan gets volume one and Adam gets volume two.

4) Avril will be getting a couple Boz the bear dvds. They are her favorite and they teach Biblical principals.

5) Both boys are getting mud boots. They have really been wanting some since our trip to Vermont. These will also help preserve their good shoes.

6) For Christmas, Avril will also be getting some dishes for her kitchen set. I bought these in the summer. I didn't think she was old enough for them at her birthday.

7) The remainder of Avril's gifts will be clothes. She really needs a few things and she doesn't really care what she gets anyway.

8) I try to get one Christmas movie for them to share each year and this year I think I'll get this one. How can you go wrong with Andy Griffith?

9) The boys love to dress up and pretend so after Halloween I went and bought them three costumes each. I spent a grand total of twenty-three dollars and some odd cents. They are going to love it!

10) Each of the boys will be getting a fiddle this year. I am most excited about this gift. I hope that their daddy's musical talent rubbed off on them some.

It sure sounds like a lot but most of it they were getting anyway(minus movies and toys) so we decided to just save it for Christmas and birthdays. I'm slowly getting into the habit of making them things as well. I have a couple minor projects up my sleeve. Eventually I would like to buy them one birthday gift and one Christmas gift and make everything else myself. However, not being able to sew clothes makes it a little hard.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Homeschooling for us was the only option. We did not wish to send our children to someone else for the majority of their week. We did not wish for any extra unwanted influence. We did not wish for public schools to have control of our child. We did not wish to pay the costly tuition for a private school. We(namely:I) did not wish for it to be so...challenging. And it has had it's challenges for sure. Probably more difficult than pleasant days. And a lot more of throwing my hands in the air completely exasperated than I ever expected. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. I get to have my child home with me all the time. I don't have to worry that he's not learning what he's being taught, because I'm the one teaching him. I already know where he struggles. There's no wondering what kind of friends he is playing with or what kind of things they are teaching him. No fretting that he's not getting Scripture in his daily lessons(although I do wonder when it will really start sinking in). No dealing with an unfair teacher. No phone calls saying,"Uh, your kid's in trouble." (Hey! He is my kid after all. It would happen if he went and you all know it!) No frustration over what he did or did not leave at school\home.

And....he is actually learning to read. From ME! I can hardly believe it's possible. My worst fear is that I would not be able to teach my children to read. But he is doing so well.

Words Adam can Read:

* any word that is spelled the way it sounds
* a
* the
* words ending in "ll"
* words ending in "ss"
* words ending in "ck"
* is
* has

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. He can read simple sentences now.

And despite all of it's difficulties, homeschooling is still my only choice.


Friday, November 5, 2010

How Do you...

So, I decided to reorganize my kitchen tonight.

On a whim.

And I don't know really where to put everything. I want more of the upper cabinets to contain food instead of dishes but I don't want all of my dishes down where they can be broken. I don't want my baking goods in the lazy susan anymore because they're too heavy and it's kind of inconvenient but I don't really have a free upper cabinet. Lower cabinets don't really work because they are too deep and don't have enough shelves. I need a lower cabinet with a roll out drawer but alas, there isn't one.

So, how do you organize your kitchen?

Raking It In

They wanted a BIG leaf pile.

To jump in.

They didn't last long.

But I plan to build their stamina over the next few years.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


My son and his dynamite.
Blowing up Star Wars action figures.

I asked: How do you know when they're dead, Adam?
He answered: They stop talking.
What were they saying?
No! No! Please No!

Whatta nice boy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



I need to know how to make banners, posters, cards, etc. such as the type Terah made for the Pro-life auction or that Crystal made for the Country Fair.

Any way that any of you could help me with this would be greatly appreciated.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Too Good Not To

A quote I read today:

"Hard work pays off later; laziness pays off now."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hotel-Motel-Holiday Inn

After our dreadful experience for our last night of vacation, I would say that these photos are more than fitting. These were taken one of first nights in a hotel but I must say, two weeks, one grimy bathtub, and a set of bloody sheets later...

these are my sentiments exactly.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


We are on about day 7 of some sort of horrible sickness. It started last weekend with Avril. I thought she was just teething, as I could see about five new ones trying to pop through, but was proved wrong after a couple of days. At the beginning of the week, the sniffles began. Then the fevers and sore throats. Then the coughing. Then more fevers. And aches. And chills. And headaches. And cold sweats. And neck pain. And dizziness. And then Thursday night Avril started feeling better but by then Jay and Adam had it pretty bad. Finally, yesterday Adam seemed much better. And Jay felt better too. And then we got up this morning and there was a light at the end of the tunnel. They all felt much better and Rowan and I haven't come down with it yet.

Then, the puking started. Poor Adam. He seems a little better at the moment but you never know.

Please send a prayer up for us. Jay and Adam are really worn down from this sickness. They are pale and have lost weight. And especially Adam is very discouraged. He told me this morning that he just can't wait to feel good again. I can't wait for him to feel good again either!

Avril is as happy as can be and Rowan too. (I think Rowan already had this while we were on vacation.) I feel like a caged animal. I made one short trip to Super 1 late at night early in the week, but have been stuck at home since then.

Please pray that Adam and Jay will recover soon and that God wil protect Rowan and I from this horrible bug.

Have fun tonight at the dinner and concert.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Well, this week I have been in a baking mood. There is just something about this time of year that inspires me to be more domestic. I just want to do all of the housewifely things that sometimes feel like drudgery. Part of it may be that we haven't done school because of sick kiddos, so I just have time to bake. But I think it's just the season.

So far this week I have made homemade crackers, doughnuts, and cookies. Today I am working on a loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. And I may throw some whole wheat ingredients into the bread maker.

And get this, I haven't eaten any of it!

Okay, okay. I sampled the doughnuts. And I snitched a couple little bites of cookie dough, but that's nothin! Normally I do that and then eat three or four when they're done. I'd say I'm definitely improving.

Anyway, Jay, Adam, and Avril have all been sick this week. Some kind of flu-type bug. So they haven't felt like eating. And Rowster has done his best, but most of the baked goods are going in the freezer. Which, in my mind, is wonderful. It makes it nice for when we have company or when we get too busy for me to bake. And if you knew my family, you would know that baking is a necessity. It is one of the essentials. Life without baked goods is no life at all.

That being said, I think I'll make fudge too. Never too early for the holiday goodies!
Not that I'll be eating it, of course.

At this rate, I may need another freezer!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Mug

Homemade hot cocoa.

With marshmallows.


First sips.

Lip smacking.

Happy boys.

I hope this is a first of many this season.

*Adam was very sick this day so he took one sip and went back to lie on the chair. That is why there is only one photo of him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It is that time.

Time for:

- crisp, cold mornings
- sunny, pleasant afternoons
- baking
- hot cocoa
- soups
- jackets
- hats
- sweaters
- thinking about upcoming holidays
- colorful, falling leaves
- putting things away for the coming winter
- canning
- fires in the woodstove
- school
- inside projects
- cuddling & watching movies
- cuddling and reading books
- leaf piles
- afternoon walks
- settling in

Yeah, hands down, this is my favorite time of year.

Until Christmas!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bon appetite

This is one of the many things that greeted me when I came home last weekend.

Oddly enough, I'm still glad to be here.

"What is it," you ask.

Well, it is Jay's dinner.

From two weeks prior.
Apparently he forgot I warmed it up in the microwave.

Originally, it was spaghetti. Now it's somewhere between slime and fur.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Feeling Picky?

Hey guys.

We are leaving at approximately 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning and much to my dismay, I did not get all of our plums picked and juiced. I did enough to make about 40 jars of jelly but even that hardly made a dent. So...

If you want to come and pick some for yourself, go ahead and come over any time after today. I would suggest coming in the next 3 or 4 days though.

The plum trees are the ones in the back yard. I think there's one of a different variety in the orchard. (And honestly, I don't really know if any of them are officially plums.) Help yourself.

Next year I am refusing to go on vacation at harvest time. There's always so much wasted!

Have a good couple of weeks and we'll look forward to hearing all about the church fair.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Little Baby Buggy Bumpers

This was my buggy when I was a little girl. Terah had one just like it and we spent many a day running the circle in our grandparents' house and pushing these buggies. It makes me both happy and a little sad that now our daughters are playing with them. Thank you, Grandma, for keeping these all those years. I hope to one day see my grandaughter playing with it as well.

Friday, September 3, 2010

When the Dream of Motherhood Becomes a Nightmare

As a teenager I worked at a daycare. I enjoyed working there. I loved the kids. Loved spending time with them. Loved, playing, cuddling, feeding, and even changing them. Kids were my world. They were all I wanted. My dream was to get married and have a family of my own. To live out a quiet life, taking care of my husband and children. Cooking and cleaning for them. Playing with them. Teaching them. Loving them.

I met Jay when I was just over 18 and we were married just before I turned 21. A little late in how I’d planned my life to be, but going in the right direction.

Just after our first anniversary, we found out we were expecting. I was overjoyed, ecstatic, elated, and…nervous. What was pregnancy going to be like? Was labor really as hard as they say? Would I wind up needing a cesarean like my mom?

Obviously, all of these questions were answered in time. Pregnancy is a miracle.( One that makes me grumpy. ) Labor is difficult, but honestly not as bad as I had imagined. And different with each child. I did not need a cesarean even though I had large babies. God had made my body capable of handling them, if not my frayed emotions. And it was all so worth it. At the end is a beautiful new soul that you get to nurture and a soft head that you can kiss daily. Sure there are set backs too, like nursing for the first time, but nothing is too much to give to your baby.

In those first days, weeks, months, I never really asked the question, “Will I be a good mom?” Sure, I wondered what my baby would be like. I wondered if I could handle labor, and nursing, and being up all night but I never feared that I would be a horrible mother. Children were my dream, a dream soon to be attained. Of course I would be good at it. Everyone said I was a natural with children. I felt natural with children.

After Adam was born, my confidence was shaken when he screamed for the first three weeks of his life. I wondered what I was doing wrong. Honestly, I wondered what on earth we’d been thinking when we started praying for a baby. Then the doctor told us she thought he might have a milk allergy. Problem solved. I now had a happy, although skinny, baby boy. My confidence grew up again and I carried on as a happy mother with everything I ever wanted.

As Adam grew into a toddler, I was told we were too hard on him, that we expected too much from him. My confidence faltered once again but was reestablished when I was reminded that only Jay and I are held accountable for how our children are raised.

Time marched on and we had two more children.

And somewhere, somehow, the dream was lost. Cleaning became a never-ending drudgery. Cooking became tedious and too time consuming. Laundry is never done. Yard work is just not worth it. And cleaning pee off of the floor makes me angry.

The children are naughty. They fight, make messes, and whine. I no longer ache to hear them say “Mommy” but cringe when I hear it. I tune out anything that doesn’t sound deathly. More often than not, I would rather put in a movie for them than try to play with them while they’re fighting the whole time. I long for nap and bed time (wasn’t it just a short while ago that I couldn’t wait for Adam to wake up so I could see him?) Their messes are no longer cute. They’re constant asking to help me with something drives me to near madness. And their chatter makes my back ache from tension. How did I become this mother?

Talking with friends last night, I realized that I don’t like what my children say because I no longer listen. I don’t enjoy playing with them because I am too busy doing something else. They make me angry because I have disengaged myself. Only a few years ago I would have spent as much of my day as possible playing, or reading, or walking, or even sitting and watching a movie with kids. Today, I spend most of my day trying to get them to leave me alone. Why?!

How long has it been since I have spoken to them for the sheer joy of conversing with them rather than to correct or scold them? Would cooking dinner be more pleasant if I let them help? If I just chose not to say anything to them instead of yelling, would my anger disperse? If I just quietly put them on their beds when they fight or are naughty, would they calm down instead of rising up against me? If I put the book down and got up would they listen better? Would I still have to hide in the bathroom praying they don’t get a penny to unlock the door from the hallway if I would only play with them when they ask, instead of telling them I’m busy?

I cam home last night feeling beaten-down, disappointed, defeated. I came home wondering why I had become this self-absorbed mother that gleans nothing but stress from her children. I came home feeling sorry for myself. And when I talked to Jay, he told me to get back to the basics. He mentioned routine and consistency. Regular meals and naps and so forth, which I thought was a great suggestion after I got over feeling attacked. But I think that I need to get even more basic than that. The basics are: These are my children
I am responsible for taking care of them
They need me
I love them and love is not self-serving.

And most importantly, God trusted me to take care of them according to his purpose. How can I fulfill the will of God when I am angry at them all the time? Basically speaking, I can’t.

So, changes are being made. No more computer, reading, etc. until nap time. Only one movie a day. The kids are going to help me with meals and cleaning. And I am going to try to listen to what they are actually saying to me. No more yelling and threatening, just cut and dry discipline. They misbehave, something gets taken from them or they lay on their beds. No talking, debating, or arguing. And if I was skeptical about this method last night, I am feeling better about it today.

“This you know, my beloved brethren. But let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.”
~James 1: 19 & 20

I cannot expect to achieve the righteousness of God in my children if I am dealing with them in anger all of the time.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eyes @@

I wear contacts.

My boys call them eye-tacks.

And after Rowan filled my case with soap last night...

I'd say that's pretty much the perfect description.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Beaux Junior!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Brandon(7), Adam(5), Jacob(11), Justin(6), Zach(10),
Rowan(3), Cara(3)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just(in) Time

Last month we had a visit from our nephew, Justin. We had not seen this kiddo in over a year and his grandparents had gone all the way to Indiana to bring him home for a three week visit. We got him for three days and the boys had a blast. Eventually Justin did have to go home. School started for him on the 17th of August so he had to be back in time for that.

We really enjoyed having him and hope that it won't be so long until the next time.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A Mid-August Update

Our summer continues to fly by in a blur.

The wedding is now a week behind us and outside of the monsoon that came during the celebration, all went well. My brother and his new wife are vacationing in Maui and I've not heard a word. I'm guessing that means they are enjoying themselves.

You might think that I would feel somewhat lonely and bored after Serina moved out but just three days before the wedding, we got company. Aaron and Melissa Weil came to visit and do a show at the church. They have a music ministry and travel all over the country performing and witnessing. Jay and Aaron have known each other for years and were even accused of being twins through much of their teens. If you would like to see what they are all about check them out at http://www.aaronweil.com/. I think most of you came to the show but for those that didn't, head on over to the website.

Anyhow, they were here for a week, which means they left Tuesday afternoon. We had a great time. Jay got to take three days off while they were here. One for the wedding, one freebie, and one in which the four of us got to go to Silverwood. We rode rides, walked the park, and stuffed ourselves with elephant ears and ice cream cones. The best part of all, thanks to one of Jay's co-workers, we got in FREE! Of course the roller coasters were a definite highlight. I do not think I will be going on the After Shock again any time soon. A little too scary for my taste. I don't like to think that I am actually going to die.

The school room is slowly being mucked out and we are planning to have a yard sale next Saturday. Today I cleaned out the boys' room and tomorrow will be my room and possibly Avril's. There are still some things that I need to make final decisions on in the boys' things, you know, toys that are broken to bits but still frequently played with. That sort of thing. Plus I still need to do the end of summer closet clean out to prepare for their winter attire. I probably will do this shortly before our trip to New England next month.

Speaking of, we are still plannning to go but have not yet purchased tickets. We shall see.

Jay's oldest brother Chad has recently returned to the States and is making a quick over the country visit to his family. I believe we get them for a day next weekend. It will be good to see them as it has been six-and-a-half years since we did last. Their three little girls are now all teenagers and our three little ones now exhist. It should be a good time. Even if I am bitter that we only get a day! *smile* At least we get to spend Thanksgiving with them!

Some new changes may or may not happen at UPS that will give Jay more time at home. Please be in prayer that it does happen as we have been feeling his absence these days.

Adam has been growing in knowledge and attitude. We are trying to nurture the knowledge and doing our best to squelch the attitude. I am looking forward to starting school in just a couple short weeks as I think he will thrive this year. Plus I imagine that having something to do all morning long and more attention from Mommy will help the attitude. The poor boy just can't be allowed to get bored or the trouble starts. I also believe that doing a daily Bible lesson will do wonders. Jay and I have decided we need to have a family Scripture reading and prayer for a few minutes each evening but I plan on doing a more extensive lesson in the mornings. We also revised his chore chart and he has been informed that he will not be fed breakfast until the first half is done. He was also told that there will be treats involved upon completion of a day's chores. He seems gung-ho for now.

Rowan also shows great interest in academics lately. He has sponge letters for the bathtub and always asks me to tell him what they are. I may be starting some form of preschool with him as well. He hates bugs and I think, will be glad when they stop invading our house. Me too. He has been closely observing his brother and has started mimicking the snide remarks he hears. However, he usually only needs to be reminded once whereas his brother is a little more work. Rowan also asks quite intelligent questions these days. Such as ,"Why didn't God make kids human like you and Daddy?" Or, "Why can only humans talk and not animals, or stools, or toilets?" Can you tell he was going potty on this one?

Avril is walking! Each day she walks a little more. I think she may actually walk more than she crawls now. She has also started trying to communicate a little more. This girl is busy. I think she may give little Trista a run for her money! Look out boys, they're gonna be one heck of a duo. Although, dear, sweet Adah may keep them in check.

She seems to have moved past the two naps a day stage which means I will have to contend with her during school as well. But, no fear, I have a plan! Since she is usually napping during the boys' movie time I think I will buy the Baby Einstein dvds and let her watch one while I'm working with the boys. That way maybe she'll get some learning in too! Of course, when the school room is done, there will also be a lot of their toys down there to play with.

As far as school goes, I do plan on having somewhat of a routine. If you know me, me and routine don't usually go hand-in-hand but I intend to prevail for the sake of my children. I believe that there is enough of my dad and sister in me that I can get things done in a timely manner. And enough of my mom in me that I can do it without freaking entirely. And apparently enough of my sickeningly positive husband in me to believe that to be true!

I have a schedule in the making but I shall leave that for another day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Domestic Me

Many people have said they enjoy the laid-back, lazy days of summer.
Well, they lied.
I don't know what planet they are from but here, where I reside, summers are anything but laid-back and lazy. It seems we're crazy busy this year. I think it is almost putting December to shame. Almost.

I scarcely have a moment to breathe(I do that while I'm blogging.)hee hee In times like these I have to be creative if I need a moment's peace. So I have been retreating to my bathroom a lot lately. Sometimes I really do need to use it but a lot of the time I go under the pretense of using it and just sit on the lid of the toilet and read a few pages from a book, pray, or ignore the fighting going on in the rest of the house. Lately I read a few pages from The Power of a Praying Wife. She speaks a lot about Proverbs 31. This makes me feel ashamed. I know I have a long way to go to be this woman. And these days, if I'm honest, I don't try or even pray to be this woman. I really have been lazy!

But seasons always change in due time. And the time is due. So for the sake of posterity, here is the list of things that need to be done by the end of August:

* deep clean house
* clean out basement
* have yard sale
* cut all the boys' hair
* make food for brother's wedding
* go to brother's wedding
* design and get started on school room
* rip out rocks and old flower beds
* turn last year's plum juice into jelly
* pick more huckleberries & freeze them

Not too bad until you consider that deep clean house will take me the better part of a week. As well as clean out basement and rip out rocks and old flower beds. That's about two weeks plus of work right there. Man I wish I had slaves like my parents did. What? You thought that slavery ended in the 19th century? Nope. My folks had four of us.

And just for kicks, here's looking at next month.

* finish school room
* start school
* pick plums and juice them
* turn them into jelly
* pick pears
* finish last year's Christmas project
* learn to can pears
* go to Vermont

There may not be that many projects but they are BIG projects. Oddly enough, I'm excited about getting started.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Mike Mulligan & Finklehopper

Adam's two favorite books are Finklehopper Frog and Mike Mulligan and His Steamshovel. They are books I'd never heard of until Mimi found them at a thrift store and brought them to the boys.