Friday, July 30, 2010

Mike Mulligan & Finklehopper

Adam's two favorite books are Finklehopper Frog and Mike Mulligan and His Steamshovel. They are books I'd never heard of until Mimi found them at a thrift store and brought them to the boys.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

{Bathing} Beauty

At first you didn't lift your head;
You didn't know to smile.
The time before you knew my voice
Seemed such a long, long while.
I couldn't wait for you to roll,
And then to sit and clap.
And now you're off and crawling,
Not helpless in my lap.

Why didn't someone tell me
How fast a baby grows,
That every little baby stage
Soon comes, but sooner goes.
So I'll enjoy the fleeting time
Before you learn to walk.
And treasure every tiny noise
Before you learn to talk.

For soon you'll learn to walk,
Then run,
And talk and sing a song,
And never be my babe again.
The babe's forever gone.
Little baby, take your time,
For while you're tiny, you are mine.

(Diane Woolley)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Playing Smashed Cars

That's what the boys call it.

One of them will say, "Hey! Do you wanna play smashed cars?" And the other will respond, "Oh, yeah!" Then they will race off to their room and grab all the right cars for their game. Adam usually asks Rowan for help as Rowan posesses much more patience to keep trying when they all fall over.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Clearly, Avril did not understand why her mother was hiding behind that black and silver thing insted of retrieving her from the crib.

Clearly, her mother was having way too much fun.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Moon Sand

This last winter Chad and Shelby bought Rowan some moon sand for his birthday. I had seen it in stores but never got any "hands on" experience with it. It's pretty weird.

And it keeps my kids busy. I think on this particular day it kept them occupied for about two hours.

This boy plays and narrates everything he does. He is our pretender. Our live-wire. Our passionate one. He's a go-getter and somewhat impulsive. One second he meticulously creates a McQueen, nearly to perfection. The next, he obliterates it without a second thought. This boy, he's a walking contradiction.

This boy is quiet. He likes people but prefers his solitude. He often times will hide himself in a room with a passel of toys or books and refuse to answer anyone calling his name. He likes order but doesn't get easily upset when things are out of order. He will make himself a Mater and make sure it doesn't get destroyed the entire time he is playing with it.

This boy...

He's a thinker.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Question

Why is it that I'm not allowed to eat my cupcake like that?

People don't laugh, & giggle, and point, & say "awwwwww". Granted, they may point and snap pictures and even post them on a blog, assuming they stopped snorting in disgust long enough to think of it, but still...
I mean, I would just like to enjoy my cupcake to this extent without being judged, you guys. If you really think about it, I'd probably be consuming less calories that way.

Is a cupcake any less sweet at age 27 than at age 1?

I think not!

Friday, July 2, 2010

VBS (my perspective)

Vacation Bible School.

What can I say about it? I think I went with the intention of blessing others and ended up being blessed myself. The first day I was completely exhausted from packing Avril around and helping to manage 22 8&9 year olds. I whined, I complained, I even almost lost the battle to my flesh when one child told me that it was boring and that he wouldn't be back. My first reaction was to say, "Good! No skin off my nose." But at last the Holy Spirit prevailed and I sincerely told him that it would be a shame if he did not return. He didn't. And it was.
At our last stop of the day before closing I noticed that Stacy was helping with the craft with little E in tow. I instantly felt ashamed for my inward and outward griping. My baby is quite a lot smaller than E and I am quite a lot heftier than Stacy. Not to mention she dealt with ALL of the children at VBS while I only dealt with the same few. So, I felt really ashamed and had to ask forgiveness.
Apparantly God forgave me and took pity on me in the form of Shelby, Britani, Mom, and Tessa because the rest of the week my sweet Avril was with one of them. I cannot say what a huge blessing it is to have such capable and trustworthy souls to care for my children when I am not able. Thank you girls. You truly are a God-send.
Days 2-4 went a little smoother and I can honestly say that God did a work in my attitude. I was really enjoying those children, even when they tried my patience. I was also hit with the haunting reality that my own children will soon be that age. Yes, it sent chills down my spine but gave me a much deeper appreciation for the way they are now. (I kid, I kid. The children were wonderful. Just fast.)
I was nicknamed Lt. P. due to both the fact that it is my last initial and the fact that I must have made 100 bathroom runs with the children throughout the week. I was somewhat discouraged when I realized that I probably spent more time taking them to the bathroom than teaching them anything worthwhile. But then, on the last day, something beautiful happened. I took about 10 kids at once to the restroom and since there is only one toilet in each bathroom, most of them were waiting in the hall with me. They all had their verse sheets out and were working hard to memorize Scriptures. Then they would bombard me 5 at a time to recite these verses from memory. I realize that a lot of their motivation came from wanting the ever coveted stripes on their shirts but they were eager to memorize the Word of God, no matter what the reason. It would be in their heads. Hopefully for years to come. And with prayer, it would be in their hearts as well. They were so excited. About Bible verses!
I have always been told that a heart surrendered to God could be used anywhere. But I learned first-hand that even a seemingly meaningless task like escorting children to and from the latrine can be used of God. I learned that even though I had started with a bad attitude, like Jonah, God could use me. I learned that although I would have rather done something a little more glamorous or exciting, God was in even this small thing.

How miraculous.