Friday, May 30, 2008


Well, I'm finally posting again. It seemed like a busy week but I didn't really do much of anything. For the weekend we just hung around here and did yard work on Saturday. Sunday we went to church and came home home to feed and nap the boys. Then we went to the park where my brother and his girlfriend met us and followed us back to our place for elk burgers and a movie. Monday, I got to stay home with the boys while Daddy went snowmobiling. I don't think he had any more fun than us though.

Anyway, during my week of boring-ness I discovered quite a few things about myself. Nothing earth-shaking or anything, just a few little things that I didn't realize about ME.

1. I hate, yep HATE dandelions.
Note: These photos are not to showcase my photographic abilities (or lack thereof) in any way. They are here just for emphasis.

These little buggars are everywhere. They are in my yard, in my driveway, and in my flower patch. And they don't come up either. You can pull and pull and they always break off, leaving the root in the ground so it can pop up again. It's so annoying! That would definately be the first thing I learned. I never knew I hated them so much until this week.

2. I'm beginning to love the outdoors again.

All my years growing up I loved being outside and somewhere between oh, 12 & 15, I lost ALL passion for it. Now I am discovering that I want to be out more and more. I only wish I had more to do out there with the kids. I mean, I can only chase them and play trucks in the dirt for so long.

3. I'm really, really, really smart.

I honestly believed I could take the boys outside without needing to give them a bath when we came back in.

Can you see the intelliegence seeping out my pores?

4. I learned that my kids cannot play outside without needing a bath!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lost in the 50's

Well, I decided to post twice today. I tried and tried to get this picture to look just right... but I couldn't quite get it. This is the only decent shot I got at the parade. I hope you enjoy!

All Boy

As you all know my life is ALL ABOUT BOYS! I am sure you have heard many many stories especially of my oldest. If you don't already know, he is ALL boy. For example, I found the grossest thing on the wall by his bed the other day. Can you guess? YEP! It was a big old green booger! For some reason that grosses me out more than most poopy diapers.

Anyway, as I watch this kid grow, I am learning more and more to laugh at the crazy and naughty things he does. He says the funniest things. He told me once not to lose weight because then I'd be a "scrawny mean lady". His words, not mine. He has also asked me if I would buy him a baby sister. I told him I wish I could. (Maybe Crystal or my cousin Bryan could just sell us one of theirs!) He is constantly making the whole family laugh, even when they shouldn't.

Yesterday he and little brother decided to open the wood stove and throw ash around the carpeted living room. Yeah, that's a day in my life. I am sure big brother instigated it but little brother is getting pretty good at mischief too!

I have many more stories to tell but what fun would I be if I told them all in one day!

These pictures were taken when we were playing outside one day a couple of weeks ago. Every time I grabbed my camera, the sun came out!

I would like to point out how he found the one patch of dirt in a whole backyard of grass!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Main Man

Thank you all for your cheerful welcome! I was even further inspired by your comments yesterday. In fact, due to something Lance said, I have temporarily renamed my friends The Nerd Herd. Hey now, don't be offended, I most definately include myself under this title.

I would love it if you guys could give me tips on how to edit my pictures. This is sooo not my strong point!

I have decided that my first real entry should be about the love of my life.

My Husband.

What can I say other than I am truly blessed to have this man share his life with me. He is a loyal, loving, honest(to a fault), good guy. Every day he makes me feel like I am the luckiest wife and the boys are the luckiest kids in the world.

He is a great daddy.

And sooooo Funny!

My knight in shinng armor.

As crazy and kooky as this guy is, I love him with all of my heart and will until the day I die!

Thank you, Honey for all that you are and all that you do!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hey, I would LOVE for you guys to give me pointers on how to make my blog more interesting.

I am a greenhorn when it comes to this!

So if you have advice, BRING IT ON!

Tryin' It Out

Hi Everyone!

This is all very foreign to me so it may take a while for me to get up to date. Nonetheless, I am being brave and tryin' it out.

I love my family very much and would like to share the "wonderful" happenings of our every day life. My boys are growing up so fast and I would like you guys to share my joy as I watch them learn. Of course I am learning a lot too. I am hoping that this will be a motivator to take more pictures of my kids and to look for the cute things that they do. Seek and ye shall find, right?

You guys are my inspiration. I check all of your blogs at least once a day and laugh and smile each time. I believe this is a fun way to share in the joy of the little things that happen every day.

Thank you all for making me smile!