Thursday, September 27, 2012

Four Months

plus a few days.

Rhett is getting so big! He has started eating rice cereal, is almost sleeping through the night, and has quite a few new tricks up his sleeve.

He can,


roll onto his tummy,

play with toys,

blow spit bubbles,
suck his thumb,

and just be really cute in general. I mean, it's his best act. Look at this guy! Come on and try to make me believe you don't want to kiss those cheekys right off his face!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


1. In spite of my last post, school is actually going quite well so far. Rowan & Avril beg to do theirs and Adam is actually having fun with his most of the time. Most days we are done by lunch time. Probably the hardest part is the fact that I have to nurse in the middle of it all. Then I have 3 kiddos hounding me to help them with their next subject!

2. Autumn.
   Need I say more?

3. This time of year inspires me to do more around my house. Cooking, cleaning, decorating. I haven't felt this urge for quite some time so I am trying hard to embrace it wholeheartedly. I have lots of ideas but I don't often follow them into completion.

4. Rowan has two loose teeth. Any day they will fall out. It may be silly but this is always a little sad for me as I associate loosing baby teeth with the transition from little kid to big kid. So I smile and exclaim how wonderful it is that he is getting so big and then I go off by myself and cry. I am happy that he is here and he is who God made him but sometimes I miss the bald, fuzzy baby with giant blue eyes & heart stopping dimples. I am living that saying, "The days are long but the years are short."

5. I am really excited about a book I ordered last week. It's called You Can't Make Me! But I can Be Persuaded.  It's written by a Christian woman and it's about dealing with the strong willed children in our lives. Well, as a strong willed child myself, I can safely say that at least two of my own children are, and the third is bordering on, strong willed. The fourth is yet to be determined. Can't wait for this book to arrive.

6. Avril's room is still a work in progress but it is, at long last, in progress. I really will post pictures of it.

7. Does anybody know if Wal-Mart still has their swimming noodles? I need a few for a project I want to do for Adam's birthday. And his birthday is in January so I doubt I'll find any then.

8. Field trip this Friday! I am very excited. Round Lake and a hike studying the different kinds of trees. Perfect for this wonderful time of year.

9. Rhett started eating solids this week! He seems fond of them so far. Pretty cute to see him flap his arms and open his mouth wide when he sees the bowl & spoon. But then, everything he does is cute.(minus the 4am feedings)

10. This is for all of you guys who wonder what we moms do all day when the house is still a mess at dinner time.

We do school...

more school...


we clean the marker off our babies.
Just so you know.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

All My Children

This is a post about homeschooling.
My homeschooling soap opera.

"What? Homeschooling is a soap opera?" you may be thinking.

"What? Yours isn't?" I am thinking.

 You mean it's not complete drama from the moment you wake up until the moment your head hits the pillow at night? It's not a place where all of the main characters lives intertwine & cross each others paths at various points throughout the day? It's not fits of rage and tears and false hope of a happy ending? You don't look for ways to cheat & get away with it? Or contemplate homicide? Or break up with one character(curriculum) only to hook up with another and be just as unsatisfied as you were with the last one? There are no accidents, traumatic events, or beatings that leave you comatose for weeks or even years at a time? You don't have unexplainable messes to get yourself out of even though you know, looking back, they aren't altogether that unexplainable in the first place? You don't feel as though you're reunited with your long lost love when your husband returns home in the evening? Only to discover that he of course has found another love(4-wheelers & yardwork) that he would drop you like a hot rock for at one slight whimper from her. You don't find yourself unexpectedly pregnant & wondering how on earth you are going to care for yet another child? Or wonder what happened to that man that got you into this situation in the first place? You don't find yourself pining away for your girlfriend's perfect life? You don't bounce from one location to the next sucking down coffee & never eating?

Really? Homeschooling's not like that for you, huh?


Um, yeah. It' that for me either.

One question. Holding finger up in the air.

Where in the heck are my designer clothes, perfect hair, perfect body, & my understudy?