Friday, June 20, 2008

It's a Boy!

This is just a short little post to let you all know that yesterday I found I am going to have another nephew sometime in October. Carissa is due October 22nd, I think. I think she was just a tad disappointed since she already has a boy and so does Jeremy(her husband). They will both be four in July. I told her it was fun to watch your little boys grow up together and learn to be good friends as well as brothers. Mine still need some fine tuning in the friend department but I think we'll get there eventually.
Anyway, I was happy to hear it was a boy because I would have been insanely jealous if it were a girl. =) I mean, what mom doesn't want a daughter? I sometimes cringe at the thought of having any more children because I would be so disappointed if I didn't get a girl. Then I would feel guilty for being disappointed over another beautiful boy. And on and on it goes. God knows best.

Please be in prayer for Carissa, Jeremy, Justin, Zach(Jeremy's boy), and this new little one.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


My kids have so much fun with those giant legos. Taiter loves to see how high his tower can go before falling over. The back drop on these is not the best but I still thought they were cute.

Well, you guys have a great day and I'll see you all tonight at my house.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bummer Day

Well, today was a little trying to say the least.

Last night I learned a very important lesson. Don't let kids play on your deck barefoot. Being much like my oldest son, I learned this the hard way. You see, Rowster somehow cut his baby toe and got a big splinter right at the base of it on the sole of his foot. We, like any normal parents, tried to get it out. Jay used the tweezers and couldn't get a good grip on it so he whipped out the needle. After digging for a few minutes the thing began to swell and he couldn't see what he was doing. Of course my little guy was nearly inconsolable at this point (Rowan was even worse). So Daddy tried a couple more times. No luck. It was stuck really good.

We decided to leave it be and see if the swelling went down by morning. It didn't. The poor guy's foot was swollen to almost the bottom of his arch. Plus he had been up half the night crying because it was hurting so bad. He could walk but would stop every ten steps or so and start whimpering. Now, we couldn't just leave him like that so we took him to the doctor.

Jay got permission to start work a little late and we arrived at the pediatrician's office at 8:00am sharp. The receptionist said, "I'm sorry, the earliest we're going to have any doctors or nurses is 9:30 or 10:00. Could you come back?"

Now Jay went to work and I took the boys to Wal-Mart. I decided it was a good time to buy them some outside toys since the weather is finally getting nice. So we killed an hour or so and went to pay for our stuff. "Your total is $37.00 even," said the cashier. I opened my wallet. No debit card. (Took it out last night to pay a bill over the phone) Fished through my purse. No checkbook. All I could find was a twenty so I had to put half the items back.

Anyhow, we get back to the doctor and he picks at the splinter for a couple minutes while Rowster is hollering at the top of his lungs because, well because it hurts dangit! Doc couldn't really get anything so we opted for numbing it and going a little deeper. My boy had finally settled down by the time the numbing shot was ready to be administered, but it didn't last long. As soon as the doc grabbed his foot and stuck that needle in, Rowster started screaming so loud and so much that he would have put any heavy metal band to shame! This proceeded fot the next 20 minutes until, miracle of all miracles, the doctor finally got it out. Did I mention that I got the lovely job of pinning my son down while he writhed and twisted and kicked and screamed? It felt more like wrestling a hippo than a little boy. In fact, we had to call a nurse in to pin his leg down just so the doctor could get a band-aid on his foot. I broke a sweat to say the least.

We go out to the truck and I get him calmed down with some juice. Gotta love juice, huh moms? Now I proceed to look for my keys for the next 10 minutes while climbing in and out the passenger door of my truck because the lady on the other side parked too close for me to even get my driver's door open. Find the keys, they had fallen in the diaper bag when I grabbed a diaper earlier. Drive home, Rowster falls asleep. Whew, right? Wrong!

Get home, put Rowster to bed, feed Taiter, put him to bed and spend about 45 minutes looking for my debit card. No can find-o. Still can't! I have no idea where it is.

Well, my day got tons better when Rowster slept for 4 hours and I napped for one and a half.

That is until I realized my kitty, Tamar, is missing.

Is it Wednesday or something? This usually happens on small group day. Oh no! You guys gotta pray for me tomorrow!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Name That Baby!

My boys are two completely different people.


* He is openly and loudly defiant.
* Talks non-stop.
* Loves trucks, cars, planes, etc.
* Learns everything the hard way.
* Has a temper.
* Is a go-getter.
* Loves to make a mess.
* Likes to be the boss.


* He is openly and quietly defiant.
* Is more of a thinker.
* Loves trains, blocks, and animals.
* Learns everything the easy way... from his brother.
* Is more laid back.
* Is a go-getter.
* Loves to make a mess.
* Likes to be left alone.

Quite a few differences, right? I know, I know, there are a ton of similarities too. Regardless, I try to teach them according to their unique personalities and temperments. Sometimes it is hard to remember that what works for one may not work for the other. Especially when you get confused as to which one you're dealing with. I'm sure we all experienced being called by our siblings' names growing up(especially Lance and Lyle) and laughing at our moms and dads for their blunders. But let me tell you, as a parent with more than one child, this can be very confusing at times. Let me show you.

< Taiter



Do you see what I mean? There are many more where they look even more alike but I don't have time to post them right now because I have to go mow the lawn before the little rugrats wake up!

I now forgive my mom for all of the times she called me "Ter, B-, Tes, HEIDI!"

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk

We all know and have heard this saying. I am not exactly sure what it means but I think it's something like: It's already spilled and you can't get it back into the jug/glass/bucket/container so there is no use in crying about it. What's done is done. Would you agree?

Well, even if you agree, it is impossible to explain this to an eighteen month boy.

Will you just look at that sad face! Poor guy!

Don't worry, Daddy is here to save the day!

Now here are some more of the little guy. Some of these are a little dim because I was trying not to use my flash. I think they are still pretty cute though!

Now if you have never seen a picture of me at this age you wouldn't know that he looks just like me in this next one. But he does!

Okay, just a couple more...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Just a Glimpse

Okay, my sister posted that I have to do this on her blog so now I am caving under the pressure. I am such a sucker! I am not quite sure where to start but I will give it a go...

10) I once swallowed my sister's water. This doesn't sound too revealing. But... she had already had it in her mouth and spit it back into the glass. I know it's gross, but she dared me!

9) I've only dated four guys and I was the first kiss for all of them. Unfortunately, only one was my first kiss, and I'm bummed it wasn't Jay.

8) I cannot stand loud music. It just gives me an instant headache. I feel sick the whole next day if I go to a concert. It doesn't matter what kind of music, if it's loud, I can't tolerate it.

7) I have almost 21 nieces and nephews. It's 20 right now but Jay's sister is due in October.

6) I hated tomatoes before I got pregnant with Taiter. Now they are one of my favorite veggies. Weird,huh?

5) I have wanted to write a novel for as long as I can remember. Not a cheesy, flowered up, Christian novel, but a realistic Christian novel. You know, not where everything is always perfect in the end.

4) I also, am not competitive (in the usual since anyway). I don't know if I am not competitive because I lose every game I play or if I lose because I am not competitve. Either way, I could care less if I lose. It's just not important to me.

3) The sound of people chewing, really grosses me out. Gum also grosses me out. There is almost nothing more disgusting than someone putting a big wad of chewed gum on their plate while they eat. Except, of course, when they put it back in their mouth afterward. YUCK!

2) I laugh when someone falls. Now it can't be just any fall, it has to be one of the really bad ones. Like when my brother-in-law and his wife sat in a metal chair and it folded, not tipped, under them and they fell back and slammed into the bookcase in front of Jay's entire family. I was the only one not asking if they were okay. I was laughing too hard to breathe, in fact, I'm still laughing! I honestly can't help it.

1) I am terrified of heights. I get that dizzy feeling where it actually feels like you're falling but you're not. I seriously almost cry every time I go on a theme park ride. Panic Plunge almost killed me. But for some strange reason, I am drawn to these rides. I just simply must go on them.

Well, there it is. Just a glimpse into who I am. I'm sure some of these facts are obvious but this was the best I could do. Now, hmmm, I tag Lyle. I did it, so you've got to give it a whirl. Plus Chad and Shelby are gone.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I had to tell you all this cute conversation that I had with my son this morning.

Adam: Mommy, get me the washclosh.

Mommy: No.

Adam: Mommy, will you pleeeeease get me the washclosh?

Mommy: Yes, since you asked nicely, but just a minute okay?

Adam: Okay. It's right there.

I continue doing whatever it was I was doing.

Adam: Mommy it's right there, on the counter.

I walk past it to give something to Rowan.

Adam: Mommy, the washclosh is on the counter. Can I have it....Please?

Mommy: Yes. Here you go you little slavedriver.

Adam in syrupy-sweet voice: Thank you...Slave.

Orchard Blossoms

As I mentioned before, this is almost my favorite time of year. This is the time of year that everything comes back to life and reminds us of our Saviour and His Resurrection. This is the time of year that the flowers bloom and the grass is still green. Heck, this is the time of year when you can finally send the kids outside and let them get their energy out. What mom doesn't love that?
This time of year is also usually warm without being hot, sunny without being hot, longer days without being hot,... do you see where I'm headed with this? It is the small space of time between gloomy winter and blistering summer where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.
We have a small orchard and this time of year it blooms. I think this is one of the biggest reasons why I love May and June. Having an orchard is just so awesome. The reasons why I love this are many. Part of me, being a girl, simply loves the pretty flowering trees. You look out and there they stand in all their breath-taking glory. Branch upon branch of small pink and white flowers. Part of me likes knowing that we will have yummy fruit in the fall with which we can eat, make pies, share, or freeze for a later date. Part of me likes just watching the process of growth and re-growth that happens in an orchard. But I think the biggest reason why I love having my own orchard is that we had one growing up. It brings back many memories. I can't look at an orchard without thinking of Dad. I remember him planting, pruning, and picking all through my childhood. As a kid you don't usually tend to see the beauty in these things but only the work. I did not appreciate the orchard much back then but now I can see why Dad loved it so much. Of course Terah and I got the lovely job of pulling up all the ferns and stacking all the branches but we also got to pick the fruit and have mushy prune throwing fights. This of course was the most fun part of the orchard growing up. We also got to put our kiddie pool under the trees and pitch a tent and sleep in it on warm nights. I vaguely remember playing a game of graveyard with all the cousins in the orcahard one summer long ago. So even though the orchard meant a lot of not fun work to do it also made a great playground for us four kids. I am excited that my boys get to grow up with an orchard. Because an orchard makes a house feel like home to me.

I know these probably look washed out. That is because I pulled an ameteur mistake and faced them away from the light so I had to brighten them.Anybody got a copy of Photography for Dummies?
Also there are no closeups of Rowster because if you look closely at picture #1, he is screaming his brains out. I plan on posting a whole passel of him next.

As I look at these pictures, I see the beauty of the orchard that I spoke of above but I also see my own precious blossoms and I think they are the most amazing to watch. How does God love someone so much to bless them like this?

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children are a reward from him.- Psalm 127:3

Monday, June 2, 2008

Fiddlin' Around

Yay, it's June! This is probably one of my favorite months of the year.

We kicked it off by joining our brother-in-law at a fiddle competition. He is married to Jay's sister Deanna and he's a great musician. He can play different instruments but this time it was the fiddle. The fact that he asked Jay to back him up with the bass is actually an answer to prayer. Jay has really missed playing lately and was asking God for more bass time. Andrew called the next day. Isn't it amazing to see God at work.

The boys and I joined the group, although I think I was the only person over 12 who couldn't play some kind of an instrument it was fun. The boys got to play and I got to visit with my looney sister-in-law. I said that just for her benefit. You'd have to know her to understand.

Here are some pictures of us "fiddlin' around. (All musicians hate these jokes)

My cutie niece C.C.

I think, and so does she, that she was actually the star of the competition.

Here is one of her older brothers, Brandon, eating his yummy Subway sandwhich. He actually ate most of a foot long! He's only 4!

Jake is the oldest of A & D's boys. He's on the right and his buddy, D. is on the left.

Here's the Taiter!

Rowster's favorite game was to climb up on the picnic tables and run across them. He fell more than once and his mommy had more than one heart attack!

Here's the man of the hour.

And here's his backup crew. Left to right: Sam, Drew, Jay, & Ryan
(No, this is not trick photography, Jay is actually that much shorter than everyone else. Those guys are huge!)
Andrew played well but being the non-conformist that he is, he broke the rules on the last round and placed fifth! Good job, Drew!

I would like to acknowledge the fact that A & D have three boys. Zach, is the second and unfortunately I did not get any pictures of him.

Thanks for a great weekend and we will see you next yea... I mean soon!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wedding Day Blues...or Greens

It was a beautiful spring day in April. It was sunny and somewhat warm. Everything was going perfectly. It was my wedding day.

There really could not have been a better day for a wedding that time of year. There was nothing that could have dampered my spirits. I was going to marry the man of my dreams. I was getting married in my church, the same church that my parents had been married in almost 25 years before, only I was doing it without the orange and green carpet. All my friends and family were there. My dress was beautiful and fit perfectly. My makeup had been applied by myself and I was actually happy with how it looked. My shoes didn't fit but that was okay because I had secretly always wanted to get married bare foot. Yep it was pretty much perfect in every way.

Now I was getting a little nervous because they had just told me that it was time to go upstairs and walk down the aisle. I took a deep breath and decided to look in the mirror one last time. Yes, the dress, the veil, the makeup all looked perfect. But there was something amiss. My looked strange to me all of a sudden. I looked closer. No, it couldn't be, could it? I moved my bangs aside and.... Nooooo!
There it was, a big, ugly, green and yellow dandelion plant sprouting out of the left side of my forehead right at the base of my hairline. I pulled frantically at the nasty weed and much to my horror, it popped off leaving a big hole filled only by the root. This was going to be the worst day of my life...

Okay, this was exactly the dream I had last night. I am not kidding! It was horrible. I decided I would share this with you guys so that you would understand the extent of which I hate dandelions. I am now having nightmares about them! I do think it's time for some weed killer, don't you?