Friday, June 13, 2008

Name That Baby!

My boys are two completely different people.


* He is openly and loudly defiant.
* Talks non-stop.
* Loves trucks, cars, planes, etc.
* Learns everything the hard way.
* Has a temper.
* Is a go-getter.
* Loves to make a mess.
* Likes to be the boss.


* He is openly and quietly defiant.
* Is more of a thinker.
* Loves trains, blocks, and animals.
* Learns everything the easy way... from his brother.
* Is more laid back.
* Is a go-getter.
* Loves to make a mess.
* Likes to be left alone.

Quite a few differences, right? I know, I know, there are a ton of similarities too. Regardless, I try to teach them according to their unique personalities and temperments. Sometimes it is hard to remember that what works for one may not work for the other. Especially when you get confused as to which one you're dealing with. I'm sure we all experienced being called by our siblings' names growing up(especially Lance and Lyle) and laughing at our moms and dads for their blunders. But let me tell you, as a parent with more than one child, this can be very confusing at times. Let me show you.

< Taiter



Do you see what I mean? There are many more where they look even more alike but I don't have time to post them right now because I have to go mow the lawn before the little rugrats wake up!

I now forgive my mom for all of the times she called me "Ter, B-, Tes, HEIDI!"


Terah said...

They are both such a great mix of their parents! I always wanted a batch of "cookie-cutter" kids.
Um, guess that didn't happen...

The Chad Beck's said...

oh... I can't believe how much they look alike! Only I see sooo much of you in Rowan and Chad sees so much of Matt in him! I think maybe we're both right. :)

Heidi said...

I see Matt in him a lot too.

Um...he wasn't even in the state when Rowan was conceived, in case there were any doubts.