Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bummer Day

Well, today was a little trying to say the least.

Last night I learned a very important lesson. Don't let kids play on your deck barefoot. Being much like my oldest son, I learned this the hard way. You see, Rowster somehow cut his baby toe and got a big splinter right at the base of it on the sole of his foot. We, like any normal parents, tried to get it out. Jay used the tweezers and couldn't get a good grip on it so he whipped out the needle. After digging for a few minutes the thing began to swell and he couldn't see what he was doing. Of course my little guy was nearly inconsolable at this point (Rowan was even worse). So Daddy tried a couple more times. No luck. It was stuck really good.

We decided to leave it be and see if the swelling went down by morning. It didn't. The poor guy's foot was swollen to almost the bottom of his arch. Plus he had been up half the night crying because it was hurting so bad. He could walk but would stop every ten steps or so and start whimpering. Now, we couldn't just leave him like that so we took him to the doctor.

Jay got permission to start work a little late and we arrived at the pediatrician's office at 8:00am sharp. The receptionist said, "I'm sorry, the earliest we're going to have any doctors or nurses is 9:30 or 10:00. Could you come back?"

Now Jay went to work and I took the boys to Wal-Mart. I decided it was a good time to buy them some outside toys since the weather is finally getting nice. So we killed an hour or so and went to pay for our stuff. "Your total is $37.00 even," said the cashier. I opened my wallet. No debit card. (Took it out last night to pay a bill over the phone) Fished through my purse. No checkbook. All I could find was a twenty so I had to put half the items back.

Anyhow, we get back to the doctor and he picks at the splinter for a couple minutes while Rowster is hollering at the top of his lungs because, well because it hurts dangit! Doc couldn't really get anything so we opted for numbing it and going a little deeper. My boy had finally settled down by the time the numbing shot was ready to be administered, but it didn't last long. As soon as the doc grabbed his foot and stuck that needle in, Rowster started screaming so loud and so much that he would have put any heavy metal band to shame! This proceeded fot the next 20 minutes until, miracle of all miracles, the doctor finally got it out. Did I mention that I got the lovely job of pinning my son down while he writhed and twisted and kicked and screamed? It felt more like wrestling a hippo than a little boy. In fact, we had to call a nurse in to pin his leg down just so the doctor could get a band-aid on his foot. I broke a sweat to say the least.

We go out to the truck and I get him calmed down with some juice. Gotta love juice, huh moms? Now I proceed to look for my keys for the next 10 minutes while climbing in and out the passenger door of my truck because the lady on the other side parked too close for me to even get my driver's door open. Find the keys, they had fallen in the diaper bag when I grabbed a diaper earlier. Drive home, Rowster falls asleep. Whew, right? Wrong!

Get home, put Rowster to bed, feed Taiter, put him to bed and spend about 45 minutes looking for my debit card. No can find-o. Still can't! I have no idea where it is.

Well, my day got tons better when Rowster slept for 4 hours and I napped for one and a half.

That is until I realized my kitty, Tamar, is missing.

Is it Wednesday or something? This usually happens on small group day. Oh no! You guys gotta pray for me tomorrow!


SLANCE said...

I was wondering where Jay's car was at this morning...fun times!

The Chad Beck's said...

you poor thing! Sounds like a fun one. Poor little guy. :( At least Adam wasn't crying along with him, my kids would've been both screaming like that!

Terah said...

Well, when I "lost" my debit card the kids had thrown it in the trash, only it somehow slipped underneath the garbage bag and I found it when I took the trash out.

Poor Rowster! I feel even worse for Mama though!

Heidi said...

terah! 4:59 am! What were you doing!?

Adam wasn't screaming but he had his nose in the middle of it the whole time. Rowster was screaming so loud he couldn't hear me tell him to get back half the time.

Oh! I found my debit card this morning. It was on the floor by my bed. I think I must have stuck it in the pocket of my jeans and it fell out when I picked them up to do laundry. So when I checked the pockets it wasn't in there.

Now the only thing left to resolve is finding my dear kitty. She was just starting to get sweet too! :(

The Chad Beck's said...

When you discribe Adam being right there, all I can think of is Jay! That's how he would be trying to see every little thing! I've seen him do the same thing!!! That's too funny!
Good! It's always a relief finding those debit cards!

Crystal said...

Boy boy... that sounds aweful!

Terah said...

Ya, I know. Been up since 4:30!
Gwyneth was being really restless. Not awake or anything, just tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep so I just got up. Then, when I was up someone closed a door somewhere in the house. (The windows were open, so you know how all the air moves and pulls at all the other doors when you close one? Plus I heard it, too) But everyone else was asleep. That was kinda eerie. And it's not the first time I've had that happen.