Tuesday, April 27, 2010


1) Still no camera. Bummer.

We are deciding what to do. Well, mostly just deciding to actually fork over the money.

I'm threatening death if I don't have it by Avril's birthday.

2) By the way, Auntie Terah....

do you think you could schedule us in for a "turning one" shoot? There may be a Starbucks in it for you.

3) Only a week or two left on Adam's school. Not bad for starting two months late. We are going to have to get in a routine for next year though. It's much more extensive. And I want to do more than just what's required. I want it to be enjoyable for all of us.

4) Speaking of which, we are remodeling one of the rooms in the basement to be a school room/office this summer. I have tons of ideas but I'm not sure how to pull them all off. Please, please send me pictures of decorating ideas or ideas on how to do lots of usable storage and work areas. Terah, I may be enlisting your help on this one too! =) (I'm so lucky. You're not. You know that saying: I smile because you are my sister. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it. That's our saying.)

5) I am also going to start working on Avril's room. I have ideas. Lots of ideas. I'm thinking it may be her birthday present as she has plenty of baby toys.

6) Jay has been running our route this week so he has been stopping by for "lunch" each day. Is it still considered lunch if it doesn't come until almost 4:00 p.m. each day?

7) So ready for summer. For some reason I only feel inspired to do yard work on the rainy days, when I can't. But that is another project that I will be getting under way as soon as we get another dry day. Ripping out overgrown flower beds. I've been avoiding it for three years now. It's time.

8) My orchard is blooming. And I have no camera. Double bummer.

9) Jay's parents are coming this weekend. It'll be good to see them again so soon. I'm not sure how long they are staying.

9.5) The boys are getting so big. Adam is starting to sound out words and ask somewhat intelligent questions. Rowan is losing his baby chub. *sigh* It goes by way too fast.

10) I took this picture a couple of months ago when Terah and the kids were visiting one Wednesday. It's a little blurry but it's AWESOME!

The first one is the sunshine/70's look.

The second was a Fresh & Colorful action.

Which one is your favorite?

Monday, April 19, 2010



Seven years today. I can hardly believe it's been that long.

Year 1:
*We went on our honeymoon to Disneyland, Six Flags, etc. It was our first trip alone together. The day after our wedding we were driving and I broke down and cried as the reality that my childhood was over hit home. My brand new husband pulled over, hugged me, took me for a walk, hugged and smooched me some more and then gave me the cell phone to call my mom.
We were gone 10 days, had a blast, and drove straight through on the way home because we were homesick.

*We lived in Athol.
*Jay washed windows and worked nights at UPS. I worked at Unicep(against my will).
*We were on opposite schedules for the first six months.
*We got a dog, Ramsey.
*We went on our second trip together, to Colorado. We flew. We were trying to decide if we should take a job down there. Right before we left UPS said they had a driving position.
*Jay took the job at UPS.
*We got a kitten, Ashes.
*Chris & Holly officially adopted the boys.
*Shelby got pregnant.
*Heidi(my cousin)got pregnant.
*Carissa got pregnant.
*Terah got pregnant.
*Carissa S. got pregnant.
* I quit Unicep.
*We were told we had to move. We packed up. We tearfully said goodbye to our first home together. We moved to Fish Creek.
*We had our first anniversary. We spent it at a little bed & breakfast and just ran around the park and the town. Then we ate at Wolf Lodge.

Year 2:

*1 week after our first anniversary, April 26, 2004, I found out I was pregnant.
*Jay continued working at UPS.
*I stayed home and enjoyed being a housewife.
*Shelby had a girl.
*Carissa had a boy.
*Heidi had a girl.
*We took another trip to Colorado. Our last without children.
*Terah had a boy.
*Carissa S. had a boy.
*On January 4, 2005, I started having contractions. They plagued me for two days and on the third day I went to the hospital.
*On my due date, January 6, 2005 @ 8:18 p.m., we became parents. Our first child, a boy, entered the world.
*We fumbled through parenting and learned that our sweet baby had a lactose intolerence. So began my year without dairy.
*Everyone threw Adam a shower.
*I stayed home and watched Adam grow. Jay worked at UPS.
*We had our second anniversary. I believe we went truck shopping and to dinner.

Year 3:

*We bought the Ford.
*Soon after our anniversary we went to Vermont. My first time on the East coast. We visited Jay's family, attended his grandparents' 60th anniversary, and flew home. We were there 10 days.
*Adam grew, and was a happy baby as long as I stayed away from dairy.
* We spent most of the year celebrating everyone's children and enjoying life.
*All the babies turned one. And most of the mommies were expecting again.
*Shelby had a boy.
*Adam turned 1.
*Jay's grandpa passed away.
*Shortly after we took another trip. This time to Colorado and Arizona.
*Tennille had Lane. The second boy with the family name.
*Adam learned to walk.
*Terah had twins! Boy & girl. And while she was in the hospital recooperating, on April 12, 2006, I found out I was expecting again.
*One week later we had our third anniversary. We went to a hotel without Adam. The Davenport. Fancy-shmancy. It was the first time we left Adam overnight.

Year 4:

*Adam grew like a weed.
*So did I.
*Heidi had another girl.
*Deanna got pregnant.
*We celebrated my inlaws' 40th anniversary.
*Carissa S. had a girl.
*We bought out first house and started remodeling it. I was eight months pregnant.
*On my due date, just five days before Christmas, I went to the doctor. I went to my parents' afterward and started having contractions that I passed off as Braxton Hicks. By 7:00 that night I was sure death was upon on me and at 11:34 p.m. our second child, another boy, was born. He was much smaller than Adam but loved just as much.
*Adam turned two.
*We continued remodeling and in March of '07, we moved into a motorhome on our property.
*Deanna had a girl.
*We had our fourth anniversary. We just went to dinner and a movie but were glad to get away from the house project.

Year 5:

*We kept remodeling the house and going crazy in the motorhome for the next four months. I took my laundry to Mom or Terah's house once a week.
*That August we moved into our first house.
*The boys grew like crazy.
*Rowan turned 1.
*Adam turned 3.
*We went on another vacation to Colorado and Arizona. This time with two kids. Crazy.
*Rowan learned to walk.
*Jay worked. I stayed home with the boys. Life was sweet.
*We had our 5th anniversary.

Year 6:

*Jay started building the shed.
*That summer we spent most of it working around the place and watching the boys grow out of their babyhood.
*That fall we went to Colorado. We visited, laughed, and rode 4-wheelers. The boys loved it! And so did we.
*Cousins had more children.
*Carissa had a boy.
*On October 4, 2008 I told my sister that I was expecting again. She told me she was due two days before me.
*Rowan turned 2.
*Adam turned 4.
*That winter family came to see us, so we didn't take a trip.
*We had our 6th anniversary.

Year 7:

*Jay finished the shed.
*His parents came to visit.
*The road department tore out half our front yard and all of the trees blocking us from the road.
*Terah had a girl.
*12 days later, on June 17, 2009 @ 10:09 p.m., our daughter was born. She was huge.
*That September we went once again to Colorado. I fell and dropped my baby down the steps. Thankfully she was in her infant car seat and I was the only one with injuries.
*Jay continued working while I stayed home with our three wonderful children.
*I began homeschooling Adam.
*Rowan turned 3.
*Adam turned 5.
*We went on another trip to Colorado and Arizona.
*And today we celebrate our 7th anniversary.

There are so many things that happened during these years. I tried to include the highlights but I know I have forgotten some important things. I know Jay's other grandfather also passed away but I don't remember what year it was. There are many things that have made up our life together. Some bad. Mostly good.

As I look back over the last seven years I am filled with one thought. I am so very loved.

Thank you, Lord, for this marriage, this family, this life. I know it all comes from you. May I always be grateful and put you in your rightful position in my life. I love you. Amen.

Thank you all for being part of our life together.

And thank you, Honey, for asking me that question years ago that started our journey.
I love you.

Friday, April 16, 2010

A List

1) So, Adam and Avril need summer clothes. Rowan needs a couple of things but has all of Adam's hand-me-downs so he's pretty set. Anyway, Adam and Avril need summer clothes so I went on the BabyGap and Old Navy website and put almost everything my heart desired in my shopping bag. $588.88! Can you believe that!? Granted there were a few things in there for myself. A couple dresses and a jacket but still. I usually put everyhting I like in there and then weed out my least favorites and see what I'm left with. Then I usually have to cut it in half so I keep everything that is a need and get rid of the rest. Sometimes I can put a couple of my fave's back in after that but I usually still have to cut something out. Well, this time, heaven help me, I don't wanna cut anything out! Don't worry, I'm not wealthy or materialistic enough to actually buy it but...

2) We had cinnamon biscuits for breakfast today. They are sugared and rolled like a cinnamon roll only with biscuit dough. They are my kids' favorite thing other than pancakes for breakfast. They were very happy.

3) I think Avril got her fourth tooth today! She still has two more trying to come through, poor girl.

4) My camera is toast. It keeps saying error 99 and won't take pictures. My grandma has the same camera and hers just did the same thing. She got it fixed. $235.00. We just decided that we are going to buy the newer version of the Rebel. Might as well, it's a better camera and it's only twice as much! *smile*

5) My baby can crawl. Yup. She is getting so big. She can also pull herself to standing next to the furniture now too(as of the 14th). And I just realized that I am NOT ready for this. I mean, I actually have to keep my floors clear of stuff and with the boys that's a full time job. Not to mention MY CAMERA IS BROKEN! How am I supposed to get pictures?

6) I still haven't done my spring cleaning. I was going to start almost two weeks ago and haven't yet. I'm such a procrastinator.

7) The weather has been so nice that Jay has taken to wearing his shorts to work. This might mean something if the guy didn't wear them through November. I know I don't plan on crackin out mine! It would have to be about 150* before I would.

8) We're getting close to done with Adam's school. I'm thinkin that I'm going to have to do review with him over the summer so he won't forget what he's learned. Maybe we could do one day a week or something. I am quite stoked to take a break and spend more time outside.

9) I have to make jelly. I froze all the juice our plums made last summer and never got around to making jelly. You know, I'd just had a baby and I'm a procrastinator and all that. But now I've got to get it done. I think I have upwards of ten batches. Ugh. It's not that I mind doing it, it's just very time consuming.

10) My dear, sweet baby sister has betrayed me. She got a job! She is going to be waitressing at the new View Restaurant. That means I'm out a babysitter. And a fellow jelly maker. (;

11) God has been showing me my idols lately. Man is it ever a pride swallowing process. I keep telling myself that I don't have idols and then it is proven otherwise. Gulp. Sadly, I still have yet to change much of my daily routine. I think the biggest change has been in prayer.

12) I am going to start reading some out of the Little House books each day to the boys. I actually might just do Farmer Boy to begin with. I think they may find it most interesting. Then I am going to move on to the Sugar Creek Gang. I think I will start buying them in sets of six off of Amazon. Have any of the rest of you ever heard of the series Happy Hollisters? If you ever see any at a used book store or a yard sale, grab them for me! I will pay you back. You know, as long as it's not over $10.00 a book or something. They are old and have not been reprinted.

13) I am still addicted to all things lemon and I am seriously craving lemonade. I may have to make some after we go outside and play. (;

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Death By Poop



My daughter................................huh hummm......................

My daughter ate...... breathe breathe breathe

My daughter ate her own POOP!


There, I said it. If you don't want to hear the story then stop here. If you do want to hear the story.......

....then you're as gross as my daughter.

Yesterday I was talking to my little sis on the phone while I was in the back bedrooms making beds. Adam came running back in a panic to tell me that Avril had pooped everywhere. Oh great, I ignorantly thought, she's probably got it all over her clothes. As I reached the end of the hallway, just as I was rounding the corner to the living room, Adam pipes up and says, "It's all over and she's eating it!"

What!? She probably got a little on her finger and so he thinks she's eating it. Adam tends to be dramatic and just a smidge GERM.A.PHOBE.

I round the corner and there she is in the middle of the floor next to the vacuum. She's got her hand to her face and she's gleefully cramming in.......gAg.....sputter.......retch!....FISTFULS of the stuff.

"Aaaack!", I screech. "I gotta go!" I flung the phone on the floor.

Then I had to assess the damage.

The stuff was oozing out the back of her diaper and had decided that the carpet was a nice place to plop down. After which, I'm assuming, my sweet baby decided it must be fun to play with because it was quite smeared. And the unassuming vacuum hose was then vicimized by her small, fecal covered hands as there was stuff packed in the coils of the hose. It was at this point, I'm guessing that she decided to do away with the goop covering her dimpled little paws,
Enter: Mama

I frantically scooped my daughter, and all four of her poop-covered cheeks, off of the floor and dashed to the bathroom where she was haphazardly placed in the bathtub fully clothed and then doused with water. She kept putting her hands in her mouth which, at this point in time, was green.....Yes, green, and I was in quite the panic as I realized not only were her cheeks and mouth covered in the gunk but it was also packed in her nostrils. I ripped her shirt from her body and turned it inside out to swipe her mouth clean. I dug and swiped and wiped until the inside of the shirt was as unusuable as the outside had been. I then started splashing her with water and cleaning her mouth out with a rag which was all in vain as her poop-caked hands kept finding there way to her face.

It was here that I found myself when my brother called. Adam answered and handed me the phone and for some reason I took it between two finger tips and slapped it on my shoulder where I whined that I didn't know whether to puke, cry, or faint.

I then related the whole story thus far to him and he.....laughed!

Well, I finally got the water to run clear and then filled the tub with a fresh, soapy bath.

Here is where Jay enters the story.

I called him to whine and ask what I should do. He was far more grossed out than even myself and he told me to take a syringe and flush her mouth and throat out and then to feed her until she puked it all back up. Right about then she barfed in the tub and much to my relief, it was white. Woo-hoo! Maybe she got more up her nose than down the hatch. Well, she decided to plant her face in the water and suck a bunch in so I got rid of the phone and whipped her out of the tub so she could suck in air and spit up bath water. Then, and only then, she started wailing which is about the time Shelby called.

Finally, I got the girl bathed, dry, in fresh clothes, and quiet. Then I had to tackle the living room. Here's where it gets even worse.

You know, while I was scrubbing up the child I didn't think about the actual poo so much as just getting it off of her. Well, getting it off of the vacuum and scrubbing it out of the carpet, I got first-hand knowledge of the stuff. It was the green, pasty, grainy stuff. Moms, you know what I'm talkin about. The kind that takes half a package of wipes to clean off the cute baby bum. Yeah. That stuff. I got to scrape it off of my carpet. Like a hundred times. It's one thing to rescue your baby from sure death-by-poop but when it's only carpet....
all I could think was, "I wanted laminate floors!" Why, oh why, can't husbands listen to us?

Well, it's all said and done now and so far we've survived.

Looking on the bright side, if we tell that story to her dates, Jay won't even need his shotgun.

And truth be told, my one regret is: I should've grabbed the camera.

Just keepin' it real. Keepin' it real.

Friday, April 9, 2010


__it happens.

Okay, I'm sorry for those of you whom this may offend, but it is so totally true. And you may want to reserve your judgement of me until you've heard my story. I'm sorry that I just don't have the stomach to elaborate on it right now but I will soon.

I just want to keep it real here folks.

And __it really happens.

You already know if you are a mother...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Park

Now when I refer to "the park" in Arizona I could mean one of two places.

The first being the R.V. Park where Jay spent many a winter living before we met. This park is full of Grandparent-ish people. I think that Jay sort of thinks of them as grandparents-once-removed. Especially the owners, John and Gerri.

The second being an actual park with playground equipment.This is the one that I'm referring to today.

I think it was our second day in Arizona that we all went out to play. We were there for hours. The kids had a blast. They got dizzy on the mery-go-round, dirty in the sand, slippery on the slide, and crispy-fried in the sun. (It wasn't particularly warm that day and their mom was really neglectful when it came to sunscreen application.) Rowan went around telling everybody "My arms are like fi-yer. I don't like it! It hurts me like that." oops

Here are the kids on the slide. This was Rowan's all time favorite thing to do.

There was also rollerblading, ball throwing, a short-lived basketball game, and eating of lunch while were there but I'll show those in another post.