Friday, April 16, 2010

A List

1) So, Adam and Avril need summer clothes. Rowan needs a couple of things but has all of Adam's hand-me-downs so he's pretty set. Anyway, Adam and Avril need summer clothes so I went on the BabyGap and Old Navy website and put almost everything my heart desired in my shopping bag. $588.88! Can you believe that!? Granted there were a few things in there for myself. A couple dresses and a jacket but still. I usually put everyhting I like in there and then weed out my least favorites and see what I'm left with. Then I usually have to cut it in half so I keep everything that is a need and get rid of the rest. Sometimes I can put a couple of my fave's back in after that but I usually still have to cut something out. Well, this time, heaven help me, I don't wanna cut anything out! Don't worry, I'm not wealthy or materialistic enough to actually buy it but...

2) We had cinnamon biscuits for breakfast today. They are sugared and rolled like a cinnamon roll only with biscuit dough. They are my kids' favorite thing other than pancakes for breakfast. They were very happy.

3) I think Avril got her fourth tooth today! She still has two more trying to come through, poor girl.

4) My camera is toast. It keeps saying error 99 and won't take pictures. My grandma has the same camera and hers just did the same thing. She got it fixed. $235.00. We just decided that we are going to buy the newer version of the Rebel. Might as well, it's a better camera and it's only twice as much! *smile*

5) My baby can crawl. Yup. She is getting so big. She can also pull herself to standing next to the furniture now too(as of the 14th). And I just realized that I am NOT ready for this. I mean, I actually have to keep my floors clear of stuff and with the boys that's a full time job. Not to mention MY CAMERA IS BROKEN! How am I supposed to get pictures?

6) I still haven't done my spring cleaning. I was going to start almost two weeks ago and haven't yet. I'm such a procrastinator.

7) The weather has been so nice that Jay has taken to wearing his shorts to work. This might mean something if the guy didn't wear them through November. I know I don't plan on crackin out mine! It would have to be about 150* before I would.

8) We're getting close to done with Adam's school. I'm thinkin that I'm going to have to do review with him over the summer so he won't forget what he's learned. Maybe we could do one day a week or something. I am quite stoked to take a break and spend more time outside.

9) I have to make jelly. I froze all the juice our plums made last summer and never got around to making jelly. You know, I'd just had a baby and I'm a procrastinator and all that. But now I've got to get it done. I think I have upwards of ten batches. Ugh. It's not that I mind doing it, it's just very time consuming.

10) My dear, sweet baby sister has betrayed me. She got a job! She is going to be waitressing at the new View Restaurant. That means I'm out a babysitter. And a fellow jelly maker. (;

11) God has been showing me my idols lately. Man is it ever a pride swallowing process. I keep telling myself that I don't have idols and then it is proven otherwise. Gulp. Sadly, I still have yet to change much of my daily routine. I think the biggest change has been in prayer.

12) I am going to start reading some out of the Little House books each day to the boys. I actually might just do Farmer Boy to begin with. I think they may find it most interesting. Then I am going to move on to the Sugar Creek Gang. I think I will start buying them in sets of six off of Amazon. Have any of the rest of you ever heard of the series Happy Hollisters? If you ever see any at a used book store or a yard sale, grab them for me! I will pay you back. You know, as long as it's not over $10.00 a book or something. They are old and have not been reprinted.

13) I am still addicted to all things lemon and I am seriously craving lemonade. I may have to make some after we go outside and play. (;

1 comment:

The Chad Beck's said...

Ha, Chad broke out his shorts yesterday as well. Those boyz. (;
It's okay, remember you can swap with me with the chidcare thing, no guilt attached! It's the best!!
I LOVE living here with a YARD for the kids! They are out there right now!