Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I admit it. After years of getting annoyed at people who would live here their whole lives and still complain about winter, I'm finally joining them. I am in desperate need of sunshine and warm weather. I feel crabby, mean, large, cooped up, and I still have two and a half months to go! But regardless of how I feel, these make me smile and while I'll never be a professional, I think they are cute! I used a "sunshine" action that I found online on a few of these and they really do make me feel better.

Why, you may be wondering, are there no pictures of Taiter? Well...

Ahhhh. Praise the Lord for the sunshine in my life.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What's in a Name

Oh really? You guys don't like Nadia Lucile as much as Avril? That's a bummer. A real big bummer. Because... I'm feeling a little bad for that name since we didn't pick it and no one else did either. *smile* Yes, we had already decided to name her Avril Danae before I posted but it was fun to hear everyone's opinions. I am still trying to get into the groove of calling her Avril instead of "baby" or "my girl". I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually!

That's all for now. I am still working on pics from Matt and Tennille's visit. Most of them are of their little boy, Lane's, birthday party. He turned three while they were here.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Catching Up

Hello everyone!

It seems like ages ago that I last posted anything and I honestly don't have much of interest to post now.

We had company for two weeks and although I was very sad to see them go, I still feel like I'm catching my breath. There are heaps of laundry to wash, fold, and put away, hundreds of dishes that don't seem to go away, my living room is in desperate need of dusting and I still have to wash the spare room bedding and rugs. That's without the vacuuming and mopping and bathroom scrubbing that needs to be done again. *sigh* I found a plaque that fits me and my mom perfectly in one of my magazines. It states: I'm so far behind I thought I was first. I'm telling you, it describes me to a "T".

Soon, I should have a few pictures of our visit to post but I just haven't even gone through them yet to choose which to use. And I am not a Beck so I didn't document every raindrop that fell and only ended up with very few pictures period.(Hey, I love you guys. I'm just much too lazy and incompitent to take that many pictures.)

I do think that Jay and I have finally chosen a name for our precious daughter but I'm not going to tell you which one it is until you all tell me which is your personal favorite. I won't be persuaded to change it, but feel free to tell me what you think.

We had it narrowed down to two names:

Nadia Lucile
(Nadia means "one who received the call of God" and Lucile means "light")


Avril Danae
(Avril means "April" or "opening blossoms of spring" and Danae means "God is my judge")

What do you think?