Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Catching Up

Hello everyone!

It seems like ages ago that I last posted anything and I honestly don't have much of interest to post now.

We had company for two weeks and although I was very sad to see them go, I still feel like I'm catching my breath. There are heaps of laundry to wash, fold, and put away, hundreds of dishes that don't seem to go away, my living room is in desperate need of dusting and I still have to wash the spare room bedding and rugs. That's without the vacuuming and mopping and bathroom scrubbing that needs to be done again. *sigh* I found a plaque that fits me and my mom perfectly in one of my magazines. It states: I'm so far behind I thought I was first. I'm telling you, it describes me to a "T".

Soon, I should have a few pictures of our visit to post but I just haven't even gone through them yet to choose which to use. And I am not a Beck so I didn't document every raindrop that fell and only ended up with very few pictures period.(Hey, I love you guys. I'm just much too lazy and incompitent to take that many pictures.)

I do think that Jay and I have finally chosen a name for our precious daughter but I'm not going to tell you which one it is until you all tell me which is your personal favorite. I won't be persuaded to change it, but feel free to tell me what you think.

We had it narrowed down to two names:

Nadia Lucile
(Nadia means "one who received the call of God" and Lucile means "light")


Avril Danae
(Avril means "April" or "opening blossoms of spring" and Danae means "God is my judge")

What do you think?


Crystal said...

(because i LOVE Nadia.... its on our list!)

BUT, IF we have another it will be a BOY! So use it! I will change my mind a hundred times over....anyways....

Nadia is beautiful! I really want you to use it, if that's what you choose! I have lots of names and may never use it.. at least I will get to call somebody it!

Dana Allard said...

Avril! For sure.
That was one we considered for a middle to Charlotte... til I found out it was the same as April... which is Kaylen's mom's name.
But it is such a pretty name.

Britani said...

I love them both!! Which ever name you choose I 'm sure it will fit her perfectly :)!

The Chad Beck's said...

I already know what you picked, so I just won't comment. I will say, the one you guys picked is beautiful!!!
I love the other lots also, I don't know if I could've picked??

Terah said...


So perfect in every way.

Our little blossom.

Karina said...

Nadia is pretty and strong...I confess it does make me think of russian gymnasts...but thats not a bad thing.

Avril is quite pretty and feminine. Growing up in Australia I never really understood the poetry by old English poets talking about the beauty of the blossoms of spring etc. And then I lived in Idaho. And then I totally got it. I remember the surge of hope and happiness I would get when I'd hear birds coming back, or see grass & flowers peeping through the snow. Out of pure emotion inducing effect, I like Avril.

Btw, could you please email me at karinaj5@hotmail.com with your mailing address. I promise not to stalk you...(Or DO I? *beady crazy eyed stare). K, maybe that sarcasm was a little too scary, so just to clarify, I wont. OR..nevermind.