Friday, March 30, 2012

Taking Over

I just realized that FB is taking over the world.

I tried to join Pinterest and I have to have either FB, Twitter, or an i-phone app to join.


Well, when it does take over, me & my parents will be the only free people left on the planet.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 on Tuesday

1) I have decided to break down the list of things I want to accomplish before baby comes into weekly goals. It seems a little less overwhelming if I have a week to complete a list of 4 or 5 things. Even if they are bigger things. I broke them down into six weeks. That's all I have left. Crazy!

This week is week 1. My goals are:
*to finish Avril's room
*deep clean boys' room
*deep clean our room
*switch out seasonal clothes
*vacuum 5th wheel

2) We also started a new morning routine as of today. I think it is going to work beautifully. Today was the first day in weeks that we were finished with school by lunch time. I felt so free having my afternoon to do projects. And it did my heart good to be able to send the boys outside for two hours. Spring? Have you finally arrived?

3) Sleeping is becoming more & more difficult. There are only one or two positions in which I can lay comfortably and by morning they are no longer comfortable. It's okay though. It inspires me to get up earlier. Which inspires me to go for a walk & do devotions. In a way, it is a good thing. And in a way, it's not.

4) Jay bought me the entire series of I Love Lucy for Christmas. I enjoy watching it while I fold laundry or iron. What I really get a kick out of though is the fact that my kids like it even more than I do. Even Avril will proclaim, "Let's watch LUCY!" and run to dive in the chair. Then they will sit transfixed through however many episodes we happen to watch. Pretty cute.

5) Has anybody noticed how hard it is to find kids' clothes at a reasonable price these days? Is it that I just have more kids and less hand-me-downs or have prices really gone up the last couple of years? Whatever it is, it's going to cause my kids to have to wear uniforms pretty soon. That way I can buy 5 of the same 1 or 2 shirts that happen to be on sale and call it good.

6) My two younger children have picked up the most endearing habit of sticking their tongue out at me when I get after them. I am guessing that it won't take them long to get over that. (wink wink) If you know what I mean.

7) We are coloring Easter eggs on Thursday with Terah & the kids at Mom's house. I am excited about it. I got two egg-coloring kits last year for $.25 a piece. I am planning on getting more stuff this year when it goes on clearance. I sometimes think we don't make a big enough deal out of Easter. I plan on making it a really special time in our home from now on. At my husband's request, we don't do Easter baskets but that doesn't mean we can't make it special in other ways.
(I also got the kids each a chocolate bunny for a quarter a piece and stuck them in the freezer.)

8) I received my new Taste of Home magazine yesterday. They had 12 different cheesecake recipes in there! The one that I was actually drooling over is the Salted Caramel Cappuccino Cheesecake. I think I must try it before I have to go non-dairy while the baby is nursing. Maybe I'll make it for my sister & my sister-in-law for their birthdays. It's complete with Kahlua. Mmmmmmm.

9) A funny ad that we saw on the front page of the newspaper while we were in Colorado was titled:
"Valentine's Day Visectomy Sale"
Well, it still makes me laugh.

10) I think, I think, we finally named our baby. Of course it is subject to change over the next six weeks or so. But as for now, we have decided to name him Garrett Leighton. We intend to call him "Rett" for short. I still feel wishy-washy about it so don't be surprised if it does indeed change but it hasn't changed for the last three weeks or so.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Movie Review

So Jay and I watched a movie last night.


It was a clean movie. I only recall a handful of bad words. And there was nothing else that I would normally shut a movie off for: spirit-related creepiness, nudity, vulgar humor, etc.

That alone would usually cause me to recommend it. Plus it had a really good story line and good actors too. Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishbourne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and a few other recognizable actors.


It gave me nightmares. All.night.long.

 It's about a virus. And if you are not concerned about germiness I would say go ahead and watch it. It is interesting.


if you are even mildly germaphobic, like me, don't do it! It will disturb you on levels that you didn't know a movie could. I cannot help but replay everything I may have touched the last time I was outside my home. I want to Clorox my mail before opening it. I am now hyper-aware of every time I touch my face. I have never considered a shower in germ-x so seriously in all my life. And I sort of want to start wearing a mask and locking my children inside my house for the next 20 years or so.

And don't even get me started on the thoughts I have of going to the hospital to have my baby...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A "New" Friend

Guess what I did?

I helped Holly start a blog.

Welcome to the dark side of non-facebookers my friend. It's okay, we have cookies here.

Check her out!

Monday, March 19, 2012


Today was a day of milestones at our house.

First Avril is no longer in a crib. She has officially graduated to a big-girl bed.
And she loves it.
So do I.
It is so nice to be able to sit beside her and pray or sing or read. Her bed is now the easiest one to make in the entire house. She can climb into it by herself so that means I no longer have to lift her in and out. And it is stinking cute to see such a little P-body in such a big bed.

Secondly, my oldest son is practically toothless as of this evening.

Daddy helped pull the first tooth. adam was a bit distraught over the whole thing but he quickly recovered.

Then he asked daddy to get the second tooth.


 they wiggled...

and tugged...
 and wiggled some more.

Then there was a swift jerk...

and now my boy looks like this:

Friday, March 16, 2012

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity-jog

Yay! We arrived home Tuesday evening and let me just say, "It is good to be home."

Much fun was had and our three-day journey north was sad as each mile took us farther & farther away from loved ones that we see far too seldom. But... each mile also brought us closer & closer back to the people we love on regularly. And closer to this beloved place we call "HOME". So with every passing mile is a bittersweet realization that it will be another year before we do it again. Bitter because it seems so far away and sweet because we get to recouperate in the best place on Earth. (Well, to us anyway)

I hardly took a photo on our trip. There are a few but I will share them later.

We are still dealing with the aftermath of vacation. The loads & loads of laundry that are actually already washed but still need to be folded, ironed, & put away. A messy 5th-wheel that is mostly unloaded but still dirty. Kids coming off of nearly 3 weeks of too little sleep, too much activity, & a constant sugar buzz. The rain. Oh how we miss the 70-degrees & sunshine! And the push to get back into a somewhat constructive & sanity saving routine.

There are a few things that become crystal-clear to me when we go on vacation. They have varied throughout the years but this year they are:

1) My children absolutely, without a doubt in my mind, cannot consume large quantities of dairy. In any form. Days of whining and screaming and overall grouchiness will result.

2) Our 5th-wheel is handy, but small.

3) Matt & Tennille are some of our favorite people to be around.

4) Long periods of time in a vehicle with three kids & a baby in the belly is harrowing no matter how prepared you are.

5) Pull-ups on a nearly three year old are a free pass to pee in her pants.

6) It is always, always wonderful to come home. Even when you didn't want to.

And I am excited to be home and get some projects done. Jay says we can probably get a mattress for avril this weekend so that means I get to start on her room. I have been planning & decision-making these last couple of days and I am very excited to get started.

There are lots of baby related projects I'm getting ready to do too.

But for now I've got to get this house cleaned up. Jay's mom will be here tonight.