Friday, March 30, 2012

Taking Over

I just realized that FB is taking over the world.

I tried to join Pinterest and I have to have either FB, Twitter, or an i-phone app to join.


Well, when it does take over, me & my parents will be the only free people left on the planet.


Crystal said...

I'm still here Heidi!!!
I don't understand pintrest and never sign in. It limits my searches to people I "follow" which i don't like, I want a bigger i just search certain things and then save the pics to my computer. No FB necessary.
I actually don't think i did link my FB and pinterest, I didn't feel it needed to be linked, so there must be a way around it!

Holly said...

O Heidi your hubby is a devious man LOL So NOT funny his trickery yesterday...I was SOOOOO excited...for a split second then Chris and I looked at each other and knew something was up!
I think he owes me dinner! lol