Saturday, March 24, 2012

Movie Review

So Jay and I watched a movie last night.


It was a clean movie. I only recall a handful of bad words. And there was nothing else that I would normally shut a movie off for: spirit-related creepiness, nudity, vulgar humor, etc.

That alone would usually cause me to recommend it. Plus it had a really good story line and good actors too. Gwyneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishbourne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and a few other recognizable actors.


It gave me nightmares. All.night.long.

 It's about a virus. And if you are not concerned about germiness I would say go ahead and watch it. It is interesting.


if you are even mildly germaphobic, like me, don't do it! It will disturb you on levels that you didn't know a movie could. I cannot help but replay everything I may have touched the last time I was outside my home. I want to Clorox my mail before opening it. I am now hyper-aware of every time I touch my face. I have never considered a shower in germ-x so seriously in all my life. And I sort of want to start wearing a mask and locking my children inside my house for the next 20 years or so.

And don't even get me started on the thoughts I have of going to the hospital to have my baby...


The Chad Beck's said...

You're so funny!
We watched it and it creeped us out at the time and I do think of it now and then and how really that really could happen so quick and easy! BUT, I think it will fade for you, I know it did for me anyhow. It's just another thing you can easily freak out about and "think" we can control it, but again it comes down to putting trust in God to protect us!

Holly said...

Well it sounds good to me. LOL I am sure Chris and I will watch it at some point :) just remember that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, God already has a planned "end" for our life and we can trust Him always. Also one could say to fear is not to trust. ;)

We will see what you say to me after we watch it and I am freaking out! LOL Love you Heids