Friday, March 16, 2012

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity-jog

Yay! We arrived home Tuesday evening and let me just say, "It is good to be home."

Much fun was had and our three-day journey north was sad as each mile took us farther & farther away from loved ones that we see far too seldom. But... each mile also brought us closer & closer back to the people we love on regularly. And closer to this beloved place we call "HOME". So with every passing mile is a bittersweet realization that it will be another year before we do it again. Bitter because it seems so far away and sweet because we get to recouperate in the best place on Earth. (Well, to us anyway)

I hardly took a photo on our trip. There are a few but I will share them later.

We are still dealing with the aftermath of vacation. The loads & loads of laundry that are actually already washed but still need to be folded, ironed, & put away. A messy 5th-wheel that is mostly unloaded but still dirty. Kids coming off of nearly 3 weeks of too little sleep, too much activity, & a constant sugar buzz. The rain. Oh how we miss the 70-degrees & sunshine! And the push to get back into a somewhat constructive & sanity saving routine.

There are a few things that become crystal-clear to me when we go on vacation. They have varied throughout the years but this year they are:

1) My children absolutely, without a doubt in my mind, cannot consume large quantities of dairy. In any form. Days of whining and screaming and overall grouchiness will result.

2) Our 5th-wheel is handy, but small.

3) Matt & Tennille are some of our favorite people to be around.

4) Long periods of time in a vehicle with three kids & a baby in the belly is harrowing no matter how prepared you are.

5) Pull-ups on a nearly three year old are a free pass to pee in her pants.

6) It is always, always wonderful to come home. Even when you didn't want to.

And I am excited to be home and get some projects done. Jay says we can probably get a mattress for avril this weekend so that means I get to start on her room. I have been planning & decision-making these last couple of days and I am very excited to get started.

There are lots of baby related projects I'm getting ready to do too.

But for now I've got to get this house cleaned up. Jay's mom will be here tonight.

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