Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This morning I told Adam that Aunt Tessie was going to come watch him and Rowan while Mommy went to the doctor. He said,"Oh. Do you hafta pee in a cup again?" I laugh because this has become his standard question every time I mention the word doctor. He has had to come into the office with me before, mostly when I was pregnant with Rowan, so I am guessing that he still remembers or he has just heard me talking about it before. It's cute because he scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes like it's the most detestible thing he can imagine. I kinda feel the same way.

The answer to his question was, "No." Today I had an ultrasound and they like you to suffer from a full bladder during this procedure. However, they always tell me that I'm dehydrated because mine is always empty. I am skeptical about this as I had to run to the potty six, yes, SIX times in the first hour I was home. I think that I just need to drink my water sooner than they tell me to. I am promising to do this for my next ultrasound sometime in February.

Anyway, she said everything looks healthy. There is nothing that concerned her. Although I was confident that everything was okay, it is still nice to have it confirmed. The exciting part was that the baby is measuring at 12 weeks gestation which would put my due date 5 days earlier than I had thought. They said they won't change it though since it's within a week of what we originally thought. I had both of the boys on their due dates without being induced so I guess I'm generally right on target. The only thing I've ever been on time for in my life!

The cleaning has gone fairly well this week. I have not gotten as far as I would like but have made some noticeable progress. I was asking Jay yesterday why even when I was a teenager, did the days seem so much longer. Do you have any idea what I could get accomplished before noon? I would shower, get dressed, do hair and makeup, clean the entire house(Mom & Dad's is much bigger than mine by the way), watch t.v., and get some school work done. I can remember being exasperated because I would do all of this and look at the clock, I would groan and complain, "It's only 12:00! This day is never going to end." So I ask, what in the world was wrong with me? Now I get up and put on sweats, go potty, throw my hair back, go potty, fix breakfast for the kids, go potty, get them dressed, go potty, look at the clock and nearly scream because it's already time to make lunch and I've accomplished nothing! Well, Jay's answer, "Kids, Honey. Kids consume your life. They suck all of the life giving energy out of your body and then they spit it on the floor for you to clean up." Okay, I added the part about sucking and spitting but he said the first part. I think he must be right. I never realized how much time it takes to take care of kids. It's not that I don't enjoy it, I do. But they really do take up a good chunk of time.


So, I was reading over this and I've come to one conclusion.

I think that maybe it's blogging and not the kids.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back on Track

I must apologize for the rather dreary and negelectful nature of my blog as of late. I haven't really been into the computer much these days and although my life is typically uneventful it seems to have been especially so lately. My kids seem to scream and run in the opposite direction when they see a camera so there haven't even been my unprofessional quality photos to look at. I hear that my sister has a disc of delectable autumn pictures to admire if ever we remember to ask for\hand it over. I am excited to see them.

Anyway, I'm sorry. And the good news? I think I'm coming out of it. At 11 weeks pregnant, only two(or is it three?) weeks away from the second trimester, I believe I am officially over my bouts of nausea. I do feel a certain cheerfulness emerging as well and I am beginning to feel a little ambitious. Jay is still working hard on the shed and making a little progress. I believe he may have it mostly finished before Christmas. This is an exciting prospect as every spare minute is spent working on it.

Jay's nephew Josh is supposed to be arriving in the next couple of weeks. He will be staying with us for the month of December to work the Christmas season at UPS. I know, you probably envision a 10-year-old when I say nephew but Josh is actually 20, a mere six years younger than us. Strange. I struggle to remember that he is my boys' cousin and not their uncle. His mom is Jay's oldest sister.

Well, this visit and the upcoming holidays have suddenly created an urge to have my house in ship-shape order. So this week will be dedicated to doing just that. My closet needs to be mucked out. Clothes that are becoming too tight will be stored until next fall when they might actually fit me once again. The boys' closets need to be cleaned out as well. Toys will be gone through. Clothes washed and ironed. Pictures hung on walls. Gunk and dust bunnies cleared out from under beds. Furniture and cabinets dusted. Floors vacuumed and scrubbed. Bathrooms scrubbed. Fresh sheets on beds. Kitchen cabinets organized. The works. I think I might actually have the energy to do it! If only my kids cooperate, I'll be all set.

The other exciting event this week is that I have an ultrasound on Wednesday. They were a little concerned as I have had some bleeding and they wanted to check things out. It feels a little silly and unnecessary to me but Jay thought we should go ahead and do it. I am excited about seeing the little one though. If Jay can't start a little late at work I will be canceling as I don't want to do it without him. I figure, if there is some problem, it would not do good for me to hear about it alone.

Yes, I am definitely feeling back on track.

Have a good evening, everyone!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Six

Okay, I've done this before. A while ago but I have been asked again. I will try to think of six different things than last time. As I do not have six more people to tag I will simply post mine.

1) I also am not a "social person" but can be quite good at faking it if need be.

2) I can barely whistle. Can't whistle a tune. Can barely get a noise out at all.

3) I love early morning. My favorite time of day is just before sunrise, unfortunately I hardly ever see it these days.

4) One of my favorite movies is the newest Little Women.

5) I could easily be a pyro. Something about flame is beautiful to me.

6) Reading is my absolute favorite past time. Other than my kids.

Sorry, Heather, I'm not very interesting. But hey, you asked for it! =)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So I had my first appointment for the baby today and it went well. The nurse just asked me all of my family history and how the pregnancy was going so far and then drew some blood. I do fine with that as long as I don't watch.

The most exciting part was I got to hear the baby's heartbeat. The count was in the 170's. This is always so much fun the first time because it actually starts to feel real. It helps me to realize what a miracle a baby actually is. Only 9 weeks in the making and it has a beating heart! Wow. Our God is an awesome God.

On a more sour note, I also had to weigh. Is it a bad sign that this is the most dreadful part to me? Of course I weighed even more than I was expecting. Now I'm on this down-in-the-dumps-wanna-quit-eating-sugar-but-can't kick. You know, when it's very apparrent what your supposed to do but your too discouraged to actually do it.My biggest problem is I'm starving ALL the time! It's like, "Well, golly-gee-willikers. I'm already too overweight so I might as well enjoy it for the next 7 months and just pig out!"

Plus it's really hard to get out and walk when it's dark when Jay leaves and when he gets home and raining every minute in between. Not very motivating when you think of dragging two water-logged and freezing kiddos up and down the road in a wagon. I do however have Slim-in-Six videos that I actually enjoy when I buckle down and do it. So I'm enlisting you guys to hold me accountable. I am going to get up early and do this five days a week and if I happen to sleep in, I'm doing it at nap. You guys gotta check up on me every so often and make sure I'm sticking to it. I am determined not to look like the GoodYear Blimp when I have this baby!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am on my hands and knees scrubbing a bathroom of solid white tile. I am crying because I cannot get the grout clean and another maid (who looks a lot like Shelby's mom but is not) is telling me to hurry and get it clean. I know the consequences of not doing a good enough job and I am very afraid.

Suddenly I am summoned to his office and I am shaking but trying my hardest to look pleasant. I am a slave and I know my very life depends on how good of a slave I can be. I also know that my entire family was brutally murdered in concentration camps because they were Christians. And most of all I know being called to his office is a very bad thing.

I follow a man through the door and stand at a desk. I can't really tell what the man behind it looks like but he is speaking to the others in the room. I realize what they are talking about and I start to panic. They want to use me to bear his offspring. I don't know what to do, what to say. I am sent back to finish cleaning the bathroom and told I will be summoned that night. I am crying again and the Aunt Cindy look-a-like tells me I should feel blessed that he didn't want me killed. I tell her that I would rather die than do this. She tells me to be quiet and we hear footsteps in the hallway.

In a bizzarre twist my dad steps in and tells me he has someone who will get me out of there. I ask how he is even alive and he doesn't have time to explain but tells me how I must get out.

That night a man comes to get me and I am afraid that he has summoned me for him. But instead he takes me outside of the large building I am in and to an old abandoned factory full of refugees. I understand that these people are Christians. He then tells me that he is the brother of the man who is now in charge of our country. No one knows about him. He became a Follower of Christ because of the great faith of those being slaughtered in the "correctional camps".

It is at this point that I notice a girl with dark hair and brown eyes among the group. I start weeping and rush to embrace her when I recognize that she is my little sister, Tessa. I cannot believe she is alive and they tell me how this man told the camp officials that he had killed her when he had actually spared her and brought her to this place. We all rejoice and start praising God.

Then there is confusion and men start filing in with guns. One of them is the man's brother and he grabs my sister. He is going to take her away. I start screaming and praying all at once. I tell him to leave her alone. He says he's going to kill her on the spot.

The brother who loves God steps forward and says that he will turn himself in if they let the rest of us go. People all around start crying. I say that it is because of me that they were all found. He explains that he is what his brother really wants because he is viewed as his biggest threat. The man in charge agrees to this arrangement and lets go of my sister.

Then this man, this one who had rescued me and my sister turns to hug me good-bye. I hear a shot and he stiffens briefly then goes limp. I stumble under his weight and he falls to the floor where blood pools beneath him. He tells me not to lose faith and then he dies.

* * * * * * *

This was the point in my dream where I woke up. I had tears streaming out of my eyes and my throat was on fire. I crawled out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was in the bathroom getting ready for work and she asked me what was wrong. I sobbed out my dream and she told me it was only a dream. I went to the living room and sat in the dark. I simply could not stop crying. I sat there bawling my eyes out for a half an hour before my mom told me to stop and go get ready for school.

Well, I didn't stop crying just then but I did go and get ready for school. I was about fifteen at the time and the dream still upsets me to this day. It was so vivid and real to me. I honestly felt like it was going to happen.

I have only had two other dreams that have felt this real to me. One was that Adam was kidnapped when he was a baby and I woke up crying. I told Jay to go check on him because I was afraid he wasn't going to be there.

In the Bible many people had dreams that actually meant something. I took the kidnapping one to mean that I had to trust God to take care of my baby even when I couldn't and to watch him super close while shopping at Costco! =) I don't know what the other dream means if anything at all. I remember my mom laughing and saying that it was only a dream but I've often wondered, was it only a dream?

By the way, this guy's brother was half black.


I can only assume that if his brother, unknown of brother, is half black, then so is he.

(Twilight Zone music starts)

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Turn!

Okay, so Lyle and Terah have got me hooked on the name thing so I had to do one too. Keep in mind that these are my picks, not Jay's. We simply can't agree on another boy name so I guess it's a blessing that we have 7 more months to come up with something. Terah jokes that we should name him GUY.

Emery-industrious leader
Gresham-village in the pasture

Averil- april; opening buds of spring
Danae-she who judges
Jaine-God is gracious

Well, those are my top picks. Before any of you get too critical, let me explain my choices. Emery is my all-time favorite boy name but Jay hates it so this will most likely not be happening. Jay likes Brandt, I like it more for a middle name. We already have our girl name picked out, I was just curious to hear your input. Lucile was my great-grandma's name and she was one of my favorite people. She really loved the Lord and it was evident. Her name and the meaning fit her perfectly. This would also most likely be a middle name.

Can't wait to hear your opinions!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Curse

Well, I'm finally feeling it. The dreaded pregnancy curse a.k.a. "morning sickness". There are moments in my day, such as 11:59 a.m. and on, when I marvel at the fact that it is called morning sickness. I mean, when it turns noon it's no longer morning and therefore the sickness should go away, right? Apparently not.

The last two weeks I have had nausea from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Most of the times it is a mild car-sick feeling but there are moments, boy are there ever moments, when it rages out of control. Like when I smell bacon or the corn chowder I made the other night. Or when I'm changing a stinky diaper (Hey! It makes me sick now. That's my story and I'm st-st-stickin' t-to it!). This week has been the hardest of all but I am feeling better today than I was yesterday, so that's a plus.

I realize that I'm quite whimpy when it comes to this. I have never handled the stomach thing well, even when I was little. Also, I did not have morning sickness with the boys so this is new to me. If I could lay on the couch all day and never get up, I think I'd feel fine. Really! However, I have two rowdy little boys that need to be tended to and so the seasickness continues.

Well, those afore mentioned chillins' are in bed so I'd better rest a bit too before they wake up.