Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Curse

Well, I'm finally feeling it. The dreaded pregnancy curse a.k.a. "morning sickness". There are moments in my day, such as 11:59 a.m. and on, when I marvel at the fact that it is called morning sickness. I mean, when it turns noon it's no longer morning and therefore the sickness should go away, right? Apparently not.

The last two weeks I have had nausea from the time I get up until the time I go to bed. Most of the times it is a mild car-sick feeling but there are moments, boy are there ever moments, when it rages out of control. Like when I smell bacon or the corn chowder I made the other night. Or when I'm changing a stinky diaper (Hey! It makes me sick now. That's my story and I'm st-st-stickin' t-to it!). This week has been the hardest of all but I am feeling better today than I was yesterday, so that's a plus.

I realize that I'm quite whimpy when it comes to this. I have never handled the stomach thing well, even when I was little. Also, I did not have morning sickness with the boys so this is new to me. If I could lay on the couch all day and never get up, I think I'd feel fine. Really! However, I have two rowdy little boys that need to be tended to and so the seasickness continues.

Well, those afore mentioned chillins' are in bed so I'd better rest a bit too before they wake up.


Craig and Heather said...

Poor you!

I recall with my last one the all day sickness that lasted most of the pregnancy.

Hope you feel better soon.


Crystal said...

It'll be worth it if its a girl right!!??

Terah said...

I feel your pain, Sister!

My morning sickness has never been "morning" sickness...more like afternoon, evening and all night sickness. And I'm feelin it now!

Isn't it weird that we have the same bad/good days, hours, minutes? Seriously makes me wonder if the weather plays a part or something...

The Chad Beck's said...

I'm so sorry! I hated that, and yeah, I never was sick in the morning, mostly at night. Hang in there, just think how short of time it is really?! I can hardly remember the feeling already! It should start getting better for ya soon.

Dana Allard said...

I'm sorry. The only thing I hate about being preggo is morning sickness.
I hope your feeling better soon!

Heidi said...

Aww. Thanks for the sympathy girls.

So far, so good today. Yay! I also bought peppermint tea yesterday, so we'll see if it helps.

I do wonder if the weather plays a role. I seem to feel much better if *I'm* cold. Just like the motion sickness.

Yes! It will totally be worth it(even if it's a boy!). =) I'm just whimpy because I only had maybe a few times of nausea with each of the boys and it went away as soon as I ate.

Please Lord, don't let it last the whole pregnancy.