Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I am on my hands and knees scrubbing a bathroom of solid white tile. I am crying because I cannot get the grout clean and another maid (who looks a lot like Shelby's mom but is not) is telling me to hurry and get it clean. I know the consequences of not doing a good enough job and I am very afraid.

Suddenly I am summoned to his office and I am shaking but trying my hardest to look pleasant. I am a slave and I know my very life depends on how good of a slave I can be. I also know that my entire family was brutally murdered in concentration camps because they were Christians. And most of all I know being called to his office is a very bad thing.

I follow a man through the door and stand at a desk. I can't really tell what the man behind it looks like but he is speaking to the others in the room. I realize what they are talking about and I start to panic. They want to use me to bear his offspring. I don't know what to do, what to say. I am sent back to finish cleaning the bathroom and told I will be summoned that night. I am crying again and the Aunt Cindy look-a-like tells me I should feel blessed that he didn't want me killed. I tell her that I would rather die than do this. She tells me to be quiet and we hear footsteps in the hallway.

In a bizzarre twist my dad steps in and tells me he has someone who will get me out of there. I ask how he is even alive and he doesn't have time to explain but tells me how I must get out.

That night a man comes to get me and I am afraid that he has summoned me for him. But instead he takes me outside of the large building I am in and to an old abandoned factory full of refugees. I understand that these people are Christians. He then tells me that he is the brother of the man who is now in charge of our country. No one knows about him. He became a Follower of Christ because of the great faith of those being slaughtered in the "correctional camps".

It is at this point that I notice a girl with dark hair and brown eyes among the group. I start weeping and rush to embrace her when I recognize that she is my little sister, Tessa. I cannot believe she is alive and they tell me how this man told the camp officials that he had killed her when he had actually spared her and brought her to this place. We all rejoice and start praising God.

Then there is confusion and men start filing in with guns. One of them is the man's brother and he grabs my sister. He is going to take her away. I start screaming and praying all at once. I tell him to leave her alone. He says he's going to kill her on the spot.

The brother who loves God steps forward and says that he will turn himself in if they let the rest of us go. People all around start crying. I say that it is because of me that they were all found. He explains that he is what his brother really wants because he is viewed as his biggest threat. The man in charge agrees to this arrangement and lets go of my sister.

Then this man, this one who had rescued me and my sister turns to hug me good-bye. I hear a shot and he stiffens briefly then goes limp. I stumble under his weight and he falls to the floor where blood pools beneath him. He tells me not to lose faith and then he dies.

* * * * * * *

This was the point in my dream where I woke up. I had tears streaming out of my eyes and my throat was on fire. I crawled out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was in the bathroom getting ready for work and she asked me what was wrong. I sobbed out my dream and she told me it was only a dream. I went to the living room and sat in the dark. I simply could not stop crying. I sat there bawling my eyes out for a half an hour before my mom told me to stop and go get ready for school.

Well, I didn't stop crying just then but I did go and get ready for school. I was about fifteen at the time and the dream still upsets me to this day. It was so vivid and real to me. I honestly felt like it was going to happen.

I have only had two other dreams that have felt this real to me. One was that Adam was kidnapped when he was a baby and I woke up crying. I told Jay to go check on him because I was afraid he wasn't going to be there.

In the Bible many people had dreams that actually meant something. I took the kidnapping one to mean that I had to trust God to take care of my baby even when I couldn't and to watch him super close while shopping at Costco! =) I don't know what the other dream means if anything at all. I remember my mom laughing and saying that it was only a dream but I've often wondered, was it only a dream?

By the way, this guy's brother was half black.


I can only assume that if his brother, unknown of brother, is half black, then so is he.

(Twilight Zone music starts)


Crystal said...

I am banning Ryan from all blogs this week!

He already has too much on his mind!

That is crazy......

Shaggy said...

Acts 2
17 'In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 19 I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord.21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Craig and Heather said...

You all are kind of scaring me with your dreams...but I know there must be a reason. Craig and I have both had some disturbing ones in the past. Sometimes the reason is obvious, and other times not so much.

I didn't mention it on my "depression" post, but one of the reasons I get that way is because I have felt there was something evil "just around the corner" for several years. And when everything is dead, it magnifies the feeling to the point of distraction.

Your dream is very similar to the conscious thoughts I have...Concentration camps, extermination of prisoners, families being torn apart, etc Actually, it is what many believers face already in other countries, so it should be expected that we eventually will be truly persecuted as they are. We are living in the "end times" and I lost my belief in a pre-trib rapture a long time ago.

On a little more hopeful sounding note--have you ever noticed the interesting parallels your dream has to the Salvation message.

Prisoners of Satan--slaves to sin--helpless to help yourself or those you love--Persecuted because of your association with Jesus--The one who saves you gives up his own life for your freedom--you felt the horror of being threatened and of seeing someone else brutally murdered for you and other believers. And the final words to persevere in faith...

Am I the only one who sees this?

Heidi said...

Yes, this thought occurred to me as well.

I have not entirely abandoned the idea of pre-trib rapture. My dad has studied this for 30 years. He originally believe post-trib but after years of studying he now believes pre-trib. Obviously he has shown me many passages throughout my lifetime on this very thing. There are some things that just simply don't make since with post-trib. Of course I've been shown the other view as well and that can be very convincing too. I honestly don't have a clue whether we will be here for the tribulation, I hope not because it sounds...well like Hell kind of.

I do know that things could get very bad even before the tribulation. I mean, it's going to be the worst time of all time and I imagine that it may take a little while to get this way.

Might I add that, I know this is all God's plan and that if we love Him we will have eternal life no matter what happens here but sometimes I get very upset at people telling me this. Just because it's God's plan doesn't mean it will be pleasant or that we won't be tortured. Am I the only that this seems disturbing to even though I know where I will be in the end? Just curious.

Pray for my ever-waivering faith.

Craig and Heather said...

you are definitely not alone. I'm relatively certain that my winter slide would be barely detectable if I didn't factor in the "signs of the times"

As far as the concept of a rapture goes--I am aware of the arguments for and against pre- and post-trib. Craig and I spent a lot of time studying this fairly recently, and both sides appear to make some valid points. But of course,they can't both be exactly correct. We were both at least leaning toward pre trib when we started and now we are both expecting that Christians who are alive at the beginning of those terrible times will probably be here for at least part of it. Not saying I don't think a pre-trib rapture COULD happen, I just am no longer banking that it WILL, without a doubt, be what happens.

Actually, I should have explained my reason for even mentioning it...When Craig and I were studying, and found that even though we couldn't definitely point to a solid argument for either side, we came to the conclusion that it may be a pointless exercise to try to figure it out. Greater minds than ours have wrestled with--and come up with differing conclusions. But Craig pointed out that Daniel didn't "get" much of what God told him, but when we look back through history, we see the prophecies are totally true. And the Jewish leaders who were supposed to have spent their lives studying the Scriptures (and had all the prophecy concerning Jesus arrival and true nature) totally missed who He was because they were so busy being "religious"!! Even if they were confused previously, they had all the confirmation they needed as the prophecy was fulfilled right in front of them. We may have a very similar situation shaping up here in America--people who claim to be Christians too busy putting on a religious show to recognize what is really happening around us--or our true calling in Jesus. Whether we fully understand Biblical prophecy (or distubingly realistic dreams), our main goal is to be sure we are following daily where God wants us. Then we will be able to hear His voice when He instructs us during troubled times rather than be distracted by a preconceived idea of what we think will happen. I've personally been really lax in that area over the years as I was so busy being "churchy" :(

I will be praying that God will draw you closer and strengthen your faith in Him.


The Chad Beck's said...

I remember you being so upset over that dream! You and Chad always seem to have those type of dreams, I don't really know I ever have?
Question: was the unknown half brother from Kenya?? Just wondering. :)
It's pretty scarry cause it's getting so evil, but I still think it's going to get a whole lot worse before the end, although now I see everything changing much quicker in the wrong direction then what I'd expected awhile back. My hardest thing to think of is all our kids and their kids having to go through awful times.

Heidi said...

I don't know what country he was from but he was the new leader of "our" country and he was not from here. It was obvious somehow that another country had taken over.

I have been bawling to Jay about our kids suffering through these things. I keep telling him, "I don't care if it is God's plan, I still don't want it to happen!"

I know, sorry. Very bad attitude on my part, I'm just tired of not being honest about it. I am scared. Dead scared of being persecuted. It's not really the afterlife I'm concerned with, it's the "how" I'm going to arrive there. This is just me sinning by being so worried.

Thank you, Heather. I always appreciate your insight. I know what you mean about the Rapture. I don't really believe either way on when it will happen. I am confident that it WILL happen. I just really WANT it to happen before the really icky times. =)

Thanks for the comments and prayers.

Craig and Heather said...

In one of my dreams this last week, the government came and took Tobey. I was devastated. (Tobey is by far the most fragile of our children) In the dream i cried out to God and was asking him, Why her? How is she going to make it?

God came and put his arm around my shoulder with tears running down his face and said, "Craig, I lost a child, too once. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't necessary. Trust me, I have Tobey." This was father to father, and I knew he understood. My heart was still broken, and there are tears in my eyes now as i type this, but I was ok after that. Not dancing a jig ok, but peace in my heart ok.

In 1Peter 2 it talks about suffering, and then points out at the end of the chapter that we are following Christ in suffering, not being sent out ahead. He is our Shepherd and Guardian.


Heidi said...

Thank you, Craig.

I know that Christ is with us and even before us and that nothing can touch us without His say so. I *believe* this.

What bothers me is that I don't really feel comforted by it. Why? What's *wrong* with me? All I can think of is Job. God allowed all those things to happen to him. I don't want to be like Job! I know God gave him more children and possessions in the end but I don't want different children, I want THESE children.


Anyway, Jay and I have been talking about it and I have come to the conclusion that Satan uses this to cause me to lose my focus and that whenever the time comes God will give me peace. I am also starting to think that being comforted may not be the same as having peace.

Craig and Heather said...

Feelings can be deceiving. Pregnancy is usually a time of "restlessness" for me. You may be feeling a totally natural confusion of emotions brought on by hormones.

I am probably the WORST of offenders when it comes to worrying about what MIGHT be. And I believe Satan uses that to keep me from obeying God *today*. The joy of serving my Redeemer is then removed and I tend to become burdened with things I shouldn't be concerned about.

I think you are right about Satan encouraging you to lose focus. Don't let him win!

Craig and Heather said...

Nothing is "wrong" with you. You are a normal mom. What you are asking about is something outside yourself that only comes through suffering.

Let me explain what I mean.

The first time I felt this type of comfort was on day 5 when Dad was on trial and the jury went out to deliberate. To back up a little, the trial was in October, his original arrest was in February. There was a lot of prayer on my part for those 8 months that sounded like the questions you are asking now. However, when the jury went out, God gave me peace. I knew Dad was not guilty. But I did not know how they would decide. I realized at that point (i mean in my heart, not my mind, i knew all along - different entirely - like the difference between knowing the nutritional information about honey, or tasting it) that God would take care of Dad either way. I knew this because I knew Dad was not being disciplined. I realized that the safest place in the world for Dad was in the center of God's will. If that was in a jail cell as a 60+ year old man convicted of child molestation, then so be it. If God wanted him there, he had a reason. The big "aha" moment for me was when I realized that God is not so small that he would need to care for Dad's body in order to take care of Dad. God is not limited by circumstances.

I had just watched Mom on the witness stand being asked questions no lady should be asked in public, with Dad accross the room unable to do a thing about it. The love of his life was being humiliated, and he was powerless to do a thing about it. But God upheld Mom. You should have seen it. God could do for Mom what Dad couldn't. And God upheld Dad, too. God enabled him to behave properly in spite of the situation. Then Dad got up on the witness stand and shone for Christ as one can only do in persecution. - when insulted, he did not insult - 1Pe 2:20 For what glory is it if you patiently endure while sinning and being buffeted? But if you are suffering while doing good, and patiently endure, this is a grace from God.
1Pe 2:21 For you were called to this, for even Christ suffered on our behalf, leaving behind an example for us, that you should follow His steps;
1Pe 2:22 "who did not sin, nor was guile found in His mouth;" Isa. 53:9
1Pe 2:23 who, having been reviled, did not revile in return; suffering, He did not threaten, but gave Himself up to Him who was judging righteously;
1Pe 2:24 who "Himself carried up in His body our sins" onto the tree; that dying to sins, we might live to righteousness, of whom "by His wound you were healed."
1Pe 2:25 For you were "as sheep going astray," but now you turned back to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls

The verses are speaking of Jesus, but I have watched God empower one of his followers to do the same.

Got pretty longwinded, but the point I am trying to make is from where you are you can only imagine. Those who have suffered don't have to imagine, they can remember. God was there for me when I watched something like this before, and he will be there for you, too.

Sorry to take up so much space on your comment section.

Praying with empathy,


Heidi said...

Thank you Craig.