Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ten on Tuesday

1. 12 days until we leave for Arizona. It's so close, yet, I have so much to do that it feels distant. Tomorrow I will work on compiling a list of the groceries/supplies we need. This involves meal & snack planning as well as activities for travel for kids & adults alike.

2. I have made a decision to join CC Connected for our homeschooling adventures. I have rebelled at the idea and resisted to the point of just being obnoxiously stubborn but was convinced by a friend today that it is more than worth the extra money you spend. We shall see...

3. Adam had to have an abscessed tooth extracted today. It is his third one. Poor guy. I am not sure how to make his teeth healthier. I will start by making sure we clean up our diet a bit. We have also started using fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash. Ugh. Does that stuff freak anyone else out? I mean, what is fluoride? I asked our dentist and he tried to explain but I don't feel any more knowledgeable on the subject than I did before. Oh pray for my kiddos' teeth. I think Avril's are going to have trouble too.

4. We have finally come to the conclusion that we need to go 100% dairy free as far as our kiddos go. It will take some adjusting but mostly with baked goods and when we are out & about. Those are really the only areas we haven't been very strict. They never drink milk or eat cheese and we get them a non-dairy spread for their toast and such. So begins a label-reading-frenzy for us.

5. That brings me to my next topic. Our children are unhappy. It would seem unusually so. Constant crying, whining, fighting, & grumpiness. I do expect to deal with this as a mother of four but it seems that we deal with it all the time. I would chalk it up to lack of discipline, only, I think our kids get as much or more discipline than most.(We are working on consistency and not yelling at the present.) So we decided that we would make sure they are feeling well and really work on structure as well as taking a sincere interest in them.

6. I started exercising again last week. It makes me feel wonderful & tired all at the same time. Here's to hoping the tired wears off quickly...

7. I finally got new contacts a couple of weeks ago and my eyeballs feel as though they've been on vacation ever since! Now I just need to suck it up and get new glasses. hey, its only been 9 years since my last pair.

8. Still trying to figure out the best routine for school. Ok, actually, I figured out a routine that works really well, when I stick to it. I have gotten into such a nasty habit of being idol. *sigh*

9. Any good daily devotionals out there that will last me more than a week? I need some inspiration and an outline to get me going on my daily devotions again. another thing that I've become idol about. Probably, not surprisingly, the reason everything else is so chaotic & out of whack.

10. Do you have any idea how long its been since I've read a book just for fun? More than two years. How sad!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dear Lord...

"...I love you. I just love you very much. And I love all the people...except Mommy. And I love myself too, God."

~Avril, February 8, 2014