Friday, February 20, 2009


"Mommy, can I play with Preston's kitchen toy? Because Preston's kitchen toy is really cool and awesome. And Preston is really cool to me and his kitchen toy has lots of cool things. It has a cool stove thing and a cool sink thing and I really wanna play with it."

Adam continued on to tell me all of the other "cool" features of Preston's kitchen toy before I finally told him he could play nicely with it. I don't know why he deemed it Preston's because I'm sure I remember it being Kira's but apparently Preston is one cool dude and his kitchen is something to be had. *smile* Might I add that I agree, about the boy at least.

Just a quick post that I had to share.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ten Tid-Bits

You've all heard of Ten on Tuesday, well here's my version.

1) I want to know God. All my life I've prayed that He would know me and I never realized that he already knows me in the sense that he created me.He made me what I am. It is I who need to know Him. It is me who has strayed in this life, not Him. I have no idea why this never occurred to me until recently.

2) Anything lemon sounds soooo good to me. Except lemon meringue pie. I don't care for meringue.

3) My mantle was so dirty yesterday that I couldn't simply dust it, I actually had to vacuum it off.

4) Changing the bedding on a bunk-bed while six months pregnant is quite the feat.

5) I don't deep-clean often enough. Yesterday, while I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors, Taiter came in to ask for a snack. He was so surprised that he stopped abruptly to say, "Wow, the kitchen is really clean, Mommy." I guess that's a pretty good sign that I should do more than surface cleaning once in a while.

6) I have decided to iron this week. I think I've ironed maybe ten times since being married. Maybe.

7) We spent nearly $300 at Costco on Saturday and my fridge is still virtually empty.

8) I love shopping for my girl. There is just one problem, I am so cheap! I can't bear to spend so much on such tiny clothes. I am finding that it is much easier to find a good deal with boy clothes. Although I must say that it is getting difficult to find things for Adam as well.

9) I'm pretty sure that we have a girl name picked out. I won't let others' opinions sway me but I am quite SICK of getting negative feedback on it. It's not as though we wish to name her Dorcas or something of that sort, but apparently we have strange taste. My only hesitation is that Jay says although he really likes the name, it's not his favorite. Of course, he has no idea what his favorite one is.

10) Jay's brother and his family are coming to stay with us for two weeks! They will be in Spokane on Thursday and at our place on Monday! We are very excited.

That's it for now. Have a good one!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time with the Boys

Today I decided to go outside and play with my boys. Although the snow is not "snowman quality" I thought we should try to get out and do something. Trouble is, there really isn't much to do. Taiter enjoys digging with his snow shovel but Rowster doesn't have one. We don't have any hills to sled down. The other toys aren't really fun for playing in the snow with. So we resorted to climbing on Daddy's snowmobile, climbing trees, making snow angels, and me pulling the boys around in the sled. Once around the back yard and my legs were on fire! I guess I need to up the incline on my treadmill. It was a lot of work pulling those guys around while sinking to my knees. But it still felt good to go outside and I did manage to snap a few pictures.

*Please ignore the reflection of the large Bohemian woman in blue.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Big Reveal

I went in for my ultrasound.
The baby is very healthy.
All measurements were great.
The brain is developing properly.
No cleft lip or palate.
The little one is quite the wiggler.
The heart is working properly.
And I'm sure SHE will be just adorable.

I feel so blessed that God has decided to give me a daughter. I must admit that I was so shocked at first that I could hardly even be excited. That has most definitely worn off and I am worn out after being so excited. I think her daddy was just as, if not more, excited than I am. It is so hard to imagine having a little girl around here.

Adam jumped up and down when I told him he is going to have a sister and Rowan just gave me a blank look and went back to watching his movie. I guess Horton and the Who's were just a little more interesting to him than this phantom baby we keep talking about. I think I may have to aquire a doll to help them practice the "baby thing" soon. I never did it for Adam and it was a challenge teaching him to be gentle. Nerve-wracking when they are learning on your real live baby.

I told Jay that he is in big trouble now. There are just so many cute things for girls...