Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ten Tid-Bits

You've all heard of Ten on Tuesday, well here's my version.

1) I want to know God. All my life I've prayed that He would know me and I never realized that he already knows me in the sense that he created me.He made me what I am. It is I who need to know Him. It is me who has strayed in this life, not Him. I have no idea why this never occurred to me until recently.

2) Anything lemon sounds soooo good to me. Except lemon meringue pie. I don't care for meringue.

3) My mantle was so dirty yesterday that I couldn't simply dust it, I actually had to vacuum it off.

4) Changing the bedding on a bunk-bed while six months pregnant is quite the feat.

5) I don't deep-clean often enough. Yesterday, while I was on my hands and knees scrubbing the floors, Taiter came in to ask for a snack. He was so surprised that he stopped abruptly to say, "Wow, the kitchen is really clean, Mommy." I guess that's a pretty good sign that I should do more than surface cleaning once in a while.

6) I have decided to iron this week. I think I've ironed maybe ten times since being married. Maybe.

7) We spent nearly $300 at Costco on Saturday and my fridge is still virtually empty.

8) I love shopping for my girl. There is just one problem, I am so cheap! I can't bear to spend so much on such tiny clothes. I am finding that it is much easier to find a good deal with boy clothes. Although I must say that it is getting difficult to find things for Adam as well.

9) I'm pretty sure that we have a girl name picked out. I won't let others' opinions sway me but I am quite SICK of getting negative feedback on it. It's not as though we wish to name her Dorcas or something of that sort, but apparently we have strange taste. My only hesitation is that Jay says although he really likes the name, it's not his favorite. Of course, he has no idea what his favorite one is.

10) Jay's brother and his family are coming to stay with us for two weeks! They will be in Spokane on Thursday and at our place on Monday! We are very excited.

That's it for now. Have a good one!


Karina said...

We have too much in common! lol.

Lemon scented/flavoured items were the only thing that helped with morning sickness for me.

Changing bunk beds are a feat even when not 6 months pregnant! (or maybe thats just me? arghghgh!). Our son decided to spew all over his bed about 230am this morning, so I have bunk-bed-making to look forward to this afternoon.

I did a 'deep-clean' on monday, and Jayde made a similar comment about the bathroom. Can I just say in my defence that our kids/my husband get SO dirty and with all their hand washing/ bathing/ showering/splashing (then waving towels around so that any stray pieces of lint quickly cement onto any wet surface) they can just destroy a bathroom in a couple of hours. So frustrating!

I despise ironing. I only do it because my mum told me once how in Africa a pair of my dads underpants didnt get ironed and he ended up having insect eggs lay in his bottom & had maggot filled boils. Too much info? Yes. I overshared didnt I? But its only this irrational fear that makes me do it at all. And even then, I only mostly do the clothes that absolutely need it.

I adore shopping for little girls. Im not a stalker, but did pick up something for your little girl in our summer sales :) I may need to go to bargain hunters anonymous tho'.

Yeah, your taste is REALLY strange and freakishly far out..I mean, ADAM...woah! :P. Okay, I dont do sarcasm very well, but if you like it in your heart & guts, & she's going to be able to hold her head high in a job interview 20 years from now...then why not?

Have a great day!

Crystal said...

Deep cleaning... Ugggggh.

Britani said...

I must be sick... I say that because I LOVE deep cleaning!! I like the basics and I like to throw everything else away :)