Saturday, June 27, 2009


I have so much to be thankful for! My cup runneth over.

First I have a beautiful daughter who is now 10 days old. She is healthy and sweet and she went to sleep by herself at nap this morning. Yay! At her appointment yesterday she weighed in at 10 lbs and half an ounce. So she is gaining her weight back and this comforts me. The boys both dropped a lot of weight and gained very slowly until I started bottle feeding them at around 9 months.

Second, my husband is the most amazing in all the world. He took two whole weeks off when I thought he was only taking one. He has been waiting on me hand and foot. At night, when Avril has a hard time going back to sleep, he takes over until her next feeding. If he goes somewhere he not only takes one, but both of the boys with him. And he's been cheerful almost the entire time no matter how little sleep he gets. I feel unworthy that God would share such a man with me.

Third, the boys have adjusted to their sister quite well. I am in awe over how Adam seems to know already that it's his job to protect her. And I am equally astounded that Rowan understands almost by intinct that he is to be very gentle with her.(of course he does drive his cars on her head, but he's not rough about it.)

Fourth, I feel better than I felt after having either of the boys. I even seem to have gotten over the baby blues rather quickly.

Fifth, we sold our truck yesterday. Woo-hooo! We didn't even have to go below what our minimum would have been. Praise God!

And sixth, we got our SUV fixed yesterday as well. Now we have a vehicle that will cart the whole family and no payments!

There are many other things to be grateful for but these are the ones that are truly on my heart. God has been so good to us. It is my prayer that we will be sincerely grateful for all that He has done and that we will know in our hearts that it all belongs to Him who loves us.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


1) Still pregnant. I know I'm only a day over due but it feels much longer. And I was kinda holding out hope that all three of my kiddos would be born on their due date.

2) I don't see my new niece often enough. She's so cute and I'm running out of time to get all my cuddles in before my own little one arrives.

3) Number two is wishful thinking. I only hope I am quickly running out of time.

4) We are planning a vacation at the end of September. We are not sure where we are going, only that we are definitely going somewhere.

5) I am being freakishly emotional the last couple of days. I cry at the drop of a hat. I thought this was supposed to happen after the baby comes.

6) I have been dreaming about making felt books for my kids. I saw some online at the beginning of the year and have been wanting to make them for Christmas presents. They are really cute and the last couple of nights I've had dreams that I made them.

7) Tonight is our women's ministry meeting. I am excited about going. It is always a blast and maybe it will help me not to focus on myself.

8) Boys fight. Well, my boys have it down to an art. They are constantly screaming at each other, biting, hitting, and taking toys. I'm ready to pull my hair out. Any suggestions on how to teach them to get along?

9) They want to induce me on Monday if I have not had my baby. This excites and scares me. Please pray that she comes before then. And before they start shutting down the bridge from 5am to 5pm.

10) I feel I must apologize for all of my complaining and grumpiness lately. I am quite prone to that. I have been in prayer over it for the last week and I do feel God is helping me to conquer the urge. Slowly.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Okay, I learned something today. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO THE HOSPITAL TO VISIT THEIR NEW COUSIN WITHOUT HELP! I about went nuts with the constant whining about food and how there is nothing to do and can I pleeeeease touch the baby again and the rolling around on the filthy floor. And to top it all off Rowan's scab came off his knee and I about flipped out when Crystal pointed to the blood all over my white t-shirt. Not that I was really upset about the shirt but I wasn't entirely certain who the blood had belonged to before taking up perminent residence on one of three shirts that still fits me. I felt much better knowing it came from my own flesh and blood. (ha ha ha)

Then I swung by to peek in on Amber and Levi's new baby boy who arrived yesterday afternoon. What a cutie! But I started becoming insanely jealous and was contemplating picking up some castor oil on my way home...

It was at this point that I realized I was the biggest baby in the hospital.

Speaking of which, I'll bet you all wanna know about Terah's baby.

Well, it's a GIRL! Yay! They haven't decided on a name yet. She weighed 8lbs 5oz. She is 22.5 inches long and she looks almost identical to Terah's newborn pictures. She has a ton of dark hair and she's prety darn cute. She is also quite a piggy and I think would be content just to nurse for the remainder of her life on earth. I forgot my camera so I don't have even a low quality picture to post. (frown) But I know Crystal got a ton and I am going back this evening. BY MYSELF!

We will keep you all posted. (ha ha ha)

Monday, June 1, 2009


A while back I posted "The Guessing Game" where all of you guessed the details of this little gal's birth. Well, due to the fact that they do not have high speed internet, my mom and baby sister are non-bloggers but they wanted to guess too. SO I am entering their guesses here.

Mom(a.k.a. Grami):

Date: June 11th
Weight: 8 lbs. 13 oz.
Length: 21 in.
Time: 10:23 p.m.
Stitches: 29

Aunt Tessie:

Date: June 12th
Weight: 8 lbs. 11 oz.
Length: 20.5 in.
Time: 1:37 a.m.
Stitches: 28

There it is. It's recorded. No backing out or changing your minds now people. Now it a waiting game.

I also wanted to ask for prayer. My blood platelettes(the little things that help your blood to clot) are a little on the low side. They aren't in the danger zone yet and normally this would not be a problem as long as they stayed steady. Well, they are dropping. Not rapidly but they want to check them every time I go in from here on out. If they get too low, I will not be able to have an epidural or any of those glorious drugs. Now, I'm not a tough girl and the thought of having any baby, let alone a big one, without an epidural is very frightening to me. Plus the whole bleeding thing. I am asking you to pray that they will not drop any more and that the birth will go smoothly. Please pray that I will trust in the Lord and not be afraid whatever comes.