Friday, June 5, 2009


Okay, I learned something today. DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILDREN TO THE HOSPITAL TO VISIT THEIR NEW COUSIN WITHOUT HELP! I about went nuts with the constant whining about food and how there is nothing to do and can I pleeeeease touch the baby again and the rolling around on the filthy floor. And to top it all off Rowan's scab came off his knee and I about flipped out when Crystal pointed to the blood all over my white t-shirt. Not that I was really upset about the shirt but I wasn't entirely certain who the blood had belonged to before taking up perminent residence on one of three shirts that still fits me. I felt much better knowing it came from my own flesh and blood. (ha ha ha)

Then I swung by to peek in on Amber and Levi's new baby boy who arrived yesterday afternoon. What a cutie! But I started becoming insanely jealous and was contemplating picking up some castor oil on my way home...

It was at this point that I realized I was the biggest baby in the hospital.

Speaking of which, I'll bet you all wanna know about Terah's baby.

Well, it's a GIRL! Yay! They haven't decided on a name yet. She weighed 8lbs 5oz. She is 22.5 inches long and she looks almost identical to Terah's newborn pictures. She has a ton of dark hair and she's prety darn cute. She is also quite a piggy and I think would be content just to nurse for the remainder of her life on earth. I forgot my camera so I don't have even a low quality picture to post. (frown) But I know Crystal got a ton and I am going back this evening. BY MYSELF!

We will keep you all posted. (ha ha ha)


Karina said...

Yay! Thanks for the update! So exciting! I think we all know what name they were leaning towards...;)

How cool to have two lil girl cousins right at the same age. Jayde has that too...unfortunately we live on a different continent now :S

Good job reporting Heidi! Sorry to hear about your shirt and your woes at the hospital...its hard! I met Levi (Amber's husband) over there for the first time last year. I thought it was weird when Jack intro'd us and told me his wifes name. I was like...what? So you started naming our children after them? Was the first time he'd even mentioned it. Creepy! hehe.

My sister was born on her fathers birthday. He insisted my mum drink a lot of castor oil in order to make that happen. Mum says it was the worst experience ever...but ya know, June 6 (the date I picked) is tomorrow your time so uhh, hmm.

Have fun with your new little neice tonight and tell Terah congrats from us!

The Chad Beck's said...

Okay Heidi~
I'm ready for it to be your turn now!
I was wrong, I wanted to be right and for you have yours first! It will be here so super soon though!!!
Hang in there, love you gobs!