Friday, February 18, 2011

Signing Out

Well, we're off! Leaving bright and early in the morning. We'll be back in a couple of weeks.

See you all then!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


 Well, my poor blogs have been pretty dormant these last couple of weeks. It's not for lack of effort on my part but more of a lack of time.  I have tried repeatedly to post some pictures on here but for some reason I have not been able to upload them. We are also in the throes of getting ready for vacation and catching up on school. I have pictures for the other blog but do not remember on what days they were taken so I will just post them in order and do better from today on out. I keep reminding myself that if I would keep up on it each day it would be a lot easier. But alas, I am a procrastinator at heart.

We leave for Colorado on Saturday morning. We will be there for two weeks. Unfortunately there will be no trip to Arizona this time but I'm sure we will enjoy our vacation all the same. Jay will get some snowmobiling in with his brother, the kids will get to play with cousins, Tennille and I will get to go shopping kid-free! There's been talk of going up to the cabin for a day. We have to ride the snowmobiles in to it but it's usually pretty fun. Avril will be the most difficult to entertain as she will be confined to the inside of the cabin while were are there. We plan on doing this during the second half of our stay as the elevation wipes me out. Maybe I will have adjusted by then.

Home life has been somewhat caotic. I have a newfound desire to be a better homemaker. More like the Proverbs 31 woman. I did not realize just how difficult this would be until I started trying to put it into practice. I have since failed to get up before my children, failed to do devotions in the wee hours of the morning, failed to exercise every day, failed to get things done in advance, failed to read Scripture aloud every day during breakfast, failed to finish school at a reasonable hour if at all, failed to photograph the little "every day" moments, failed to be places on time, failed to get or keep a clean house, failed to have meal times and bedtimes on time, and failed to be patient. I could go on for another hour about the things I have failed to do since I first committed myself to being a better homemaker and wife and mother but I prefer to tell you what has been accomplished. And that is truly very little. But I do have the desire to get better and even though I am failing miserably at accomplishing these things, I am moving in the right direction. That is what has been acheived. An improvement. The fact that it's better than it was. That I'm better than I was. And the realization that these things don't make me more righteous or more deserving. They don't make me more a child of God than I already am. They just help to express my love to Him. If I love Him, I will obey His commands. And eventually they will help me to be a better example, a better wife, a better mother, a better servant, less stressed, and more organized! =)

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

I have not failed.  I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.  ~Thomas Edison

Just once it might be instructive to pretend you're accepting an award for failure, just to see who you would thank.  ~Robert Brault

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."


"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him."

Not much room for failure there! =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ten on Tuesday (to do list)

1) Devotions

2) Adam's school

3) Deep clean laundry room

4) Bake cookies

5) Clean kitchen(a.k.a. mop the floor)

6) Blog posts

7) Vacuum

8) Finish meal planning

9) Run on treadmill

10) Work on Valentine party decorations