Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby Update

I had a checkup today. Everything looks good and little miss is head down! Yay!

Wanna hear the downside?

Even the doctor thinks this baby is LARGE. I keep thinking that I feel like I should be about a month closer to my due date and then try to tell myself that it is in my mind. Well, at church on Sunday two different people commented to my mom and sister that It looks like I'm due any day. I have six and a half weeks left. Then, at the doctor, he said that he would like to order an ultrasound at around 38 weeks to see just how big she is because he believes she's gonna be a porker. Although it is somewhat depressing to hear, I have to admit that it's nice to know that I'm not imagining my largeness.

Well, that's all I have time for at the moment but I will have some pics to post later in the week.

Good day.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Six Years Ago

Six years ago today this was happening:

I'm so glad that it happened.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Guessing Game

Well, since I still have yet to get my software for transferring pictures, I will open up the blog for guesses about the baby. As I mentioned in a post a while back, while we were guessing the gender, I think it would be fun to have you all guess facts about the baby in advance and send some sort of a small prize to the winner after she is born. I am asking that only people who know me guess. No strangers please.

To give you all a fighting chance, I will tell you the facts about both of my previous births(and babies) and how this pregnancy is going thus far.

I will start with Adam.

Adam was due on January 6th. He was born on January 6th. He weighed 9 lbs. 9 oz. He was born at 8:18 p.m. He was 21.5 inches long. I was in labor for three days. I had over 50 stitches.

Rowan was due on December 20th. He was born on December 20th. He weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. He was born at 11:30 p.m. He was 22 inches long. I was in hard labor approx. 6 hours. I had 20 or so stitches.

This time I am due June 15th. So far I'm feeling a little more like I did with Adam. Maybe a little less cranky but really large and full of baby. I am measuring 4 cm big at this point which I did with Adam as well. We already know we're having a girl.

So you guys get to guess:

Her birth date
Her birth weight
Her length
What time she is born
and just for kicks
How many stitches I'll have

Whoever is closest on all five will get the prize. I'm not sure what it will be yet but I'm thinking on it. I am open to suggestions but keep it small. Also, please have patience as I may not get it taken care of for a couple of weeks after she is born.

Have fun! I am really excited to see all of your guesses!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


While at my parents' house celebrating Easter, my dad showed us this commercial that was being aired on the History channel.

It is pretty sad that people are so deceived. This was a great reminder to me, to pray for our children and the strengthening of our own faith.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Energizer Bunny

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, hardly a cloud to be seen, and it's in the 50's. It feels like spring!

If you notice, I changed the template on my blog to something a little more cheerful than the black. I needed it after having a rough week. I, too, came down with the awful bug that Terah got. It just keeps going and going and going. I was down for about four days when I went in and asked for an antibiotic. Jay had to take Monday off to take care of the kids because I was far too sick to do so. It was another two days after that before I felt like I could function for small amounts of time and I still am coughing a bit today.

Jay started coming down with it Thursday and keeps telling me today that if he could just take his head off he'd feel much better. He no longer has the aches and shivers but is still congested and blowing his nose repeatedly.

Rowan got the fever on Friday and was slightly reserved yesterday but has bounced back to his normal self for the most part. He seems a little sensitive and sleeps quite a lot still but is pretty cheerful otherwise.

Poor Adam started coming down with it yesterday and still is feeling poorly today. He cries a lot and just lies on the couch. I feel for him as that's all I could do for about five days (lay on the couch. I actually only cried a couple times.) I don't know why it seems to hit some people so much harder than others. It just seems to drag on and on.

So, I needed a more cheerful backdrop here and the sunshine is wonderful. We all went outside for a couple of hours this morning. When we came in the boys crashed in the living room and I found them both sleeping by the time lunch was ready. Rowan on the floor with his cars and Adam on the couch with his bear. I took pictures but I think I need some certain software to transfer them to my computer so I'll have to post them later on.

Well, I think I'd better go and do some house cleaning. Or maybe I'll wait until the next gloomy weather day...