Tuesday, October 26, 2010



I need to know how to make banners, posters, cards, etc. such as the type Terah made for the Pro-life auction or that Crystal made for the Country Fair.

Any way that any of you could help me with this would be greatly appreciated.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Too Good Not To

A quote I read today:

"Hard work pays off later; laziness pays off now."

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hotel-Motel-Holiday Inn

After our dreadful experience for our last night of vacation, I would say that these photos are more than fitting. These were taken one of first nights in a hotel but I must say, two weeks, one grimy bathtub, and a set of bloody sheets later...

these are my sentiments exactly.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


We are on about day 7 of some sort of horrible sickness. It started last weekend with Avril. I thought she was just teething, as I could see about five new ones trying to pop through, but was proved wrong after a couple of days. At the beginning of the week, the sniffles began. Then the fevers and sore throats. Then the coughing. Then more fevers. And aches. And chills. And headaches. And cold sweats. And neck pain. And dizziness. And then Thursday night Avril started feeling better but by then Jay and Adam had it pretty bad. Finally, yesterday Adam seemed much better. And Jay felt better too. And then we got up this morning and there was a light at the end of the tunnel. They all felt much better and Rowan and I haven't come down with it yet.

Then, the puking started. Poor Adam. He seems a little better at the moment but you never know.

Please send a prayer up for us. Jay and Adam are really worn down from this sickness. They are pale and have lost weight. And especially Adam is very discouraged. He told me this morning that he just can't wait to feel good again. I can't wait for him to feel good again either!

Avril is as happy as can be and Rowan too. (I think Rowan already had this while we were on vacation.) I feel like a caged animal. I made one short trip to Super 1 late at night early in the week, but have been stuck at home since then.

Please pray that Adam and Jay will recover soon and that God wil protect Rowan and I from this horrible bug.

Have fun tonight at the dinner and concert.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Well, this week I have been in a baking mood. There is just something about this time of year that inspires me to be more domestic. I just want to do all of the housewifely things that sometimes feel like drudgery. Part of it may be that we haven't done school because of sick kiddos, so I just have time to bake. But I think it's just the season.

So far this week I have made homemade crackers, doughnuts, and cookies. Today I am working on a loaf of homemade cinnamon bread. And I may throw some whole wheat ingredients into the bread maker.

And get this, I haven't eaten any of it!

Okay, okay. I sampled the doughnuts. And I snitched a couple little bites of cookie dough, but that's nothin! Normally I do that and then eat three or four when they're done. I'd say I'm definitely improving.

Anyway, Jay, Adam, and Avril have all been sick this week. Some kind of flu-type bug. So they haven't felt like eating. And Rowster has done his best, but most of the baked goods are going in the freezer. Which, in my mind, is wonderful. It makes it nice for when we have company or when we get too busy for me to bake. And if you knew my family, you would know that baking is a necessity. It is one of the essentials. Life without baked goods is no life at all.

That being said, I think I'll make fudge too. Never too early for the holiday goodies!
Not that I'll be eating it, of course.

At this rate, I may need another freezer!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Mug

Homemade hot cocoa.

With marshmallows.


First sips.

Lip smacking.

Happy boys.

I hope this is a first of many this season.

*Adam was very sick this day so he took one sip and went back to lie on the chair. That is why there is only one photo of him.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It is that time.

Time for:

- crisp, cold mornings
- sunny, pleasant afternoons
- baking
- hot cocoa
- soups
- jackets
- hats
- sweaters
- thinking about upcoming holidays
- colorful, falling leaves
- putting things away for the coming winter
- canning
- fires in the woodstove
- school
- inside projects
- cuddling & watching movies
- cuddling and reading books
- leaf piles
- afternoon walks
- settling in

Yeah, hands down, this is my favorite time of year.

Until Christmas!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Bon appetite

This is one of the many things that greeted me when I came home last weekend.

Oddly enough, I'm still glad to be here.

"What is it," you ask.

Well, it is Jay's dinner.

From two weeks prior.
Apparently he forgot I warmed it up in the microwave.

Originally, it was spaghetti. Now it's somewhere between slime and fur.
