Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back on Track

I must apologize for the rather dreary and negelectful nature of my blog as of late. I haven't really been into the computer much these days and although my life is typically uneventful it seems to have been especially so lately. My kids seem to scream and run in the opposite direction when they see a camera so there haven't even been my unprofessional quality photos to look at. I hear that my sister has a disc of delectable autumn pictures to admire if ever we remember to ask for\hand it over. I am excited to see them.

Anyway, I'm sorry. And the good news? I think I'm coming out of it. At 11 weeks pregnant, only two(or is it three?) weeks away from the second trimester, I believe I am officially over my bouts of nausea. I do feel a certain cheerfulness emerging as well and I am beginning to feel a little ambitious. Jay is still working hard on the shed and making a little progress. I believe he may have it mostly finished before Christmas. This is an exciting prospect as every spare minute is spent working on it.

Jay's nephew Josh is supposed to be arriving in the next couple of weeks. He will be staying with us for the month of December to work the Christmas season at UPS. I know, you probably envision a 10-year-old when I say nephew but Josh is actually 20, a mere six years younger than us. Strange. I struggle to remember that he is my boys' cousin and not their uncle. His mom is Jay's oldest sister.

Well, this visit and the upcoming holidays have suddenly created an urge to have my house in ship-shape order. So this week will be dedicated to doing just that. My closet needs to be mucked out. Clothes that are becoming too tight will be stored until next fall when they might actually fit me once again. The boys' closets need to be cleaned out as well. Toys will be gone through. Clothes washed and ironed. Pictures hung on walls. Gunk and dust bunnies cleared out from under beds. Furniture and cabinets dusted. Floors vacuumed and scrubbed. Bathrooms scrubbed. Fresh sheets on beds. Kitchen cabinets organized. The works. I think I might actually have the energy to do it! If only my kids cooperate, I'll be all set.

The other exciting event this week is that I have an ultrasound on Wednesday. They were a little concerned as I have had some bleeding and they wanted to check things out. It feels a little silly and unnecessary to me but Jay thought we should go ahead and do it. I am excited about seeing the little one though. If Jay can't start a little late at work I will be canceling as I don't want to do it without him. I figure, if there is some problem, it would not do good for me to hear about it alone.

Yes, I am definitely feeling back on track.

Have a good evening, everyone!


Crystal said...

I will be praying that all is well.

And you are more than welcome to bring some of your energy to my house! It needs some love!

The Chad Beck's said...

you didn't tell me about the ultrasound?! I'm sure everythings fine, but what a great excuse to take a peek! ;) Man, don't you wish they could tell you it's a girl already??! :)

Heidi said...

Yes, very much. I think it's a girl anyway.

People look at me like I've sprouted an extra head when they ask me why I think that and I tell them, "Because I asked God to make it a girl." Oh well. I know that a boy could be better for us and I am 100% willing and ready to accept that but I just *think* it's a girl. Plus I feel a lot different than I did with the boys.

It still would be nice to know for sure...

Terah said...

Wish I could get my ultrasound! Then I would know for sure that it's only one. Too much $$$ though!

It'll be so fun to see your baby for the first time!