Monday, November 10, 2008

My Turn!

Okay, so Lyle and Terah have got me hooked on the name thing so I had to do one too. Keep in mind that these are my picks, not Jay's. We simply can't agree on another boy name so I guess it's a blessing that we have 7 more months to come up with something. Terah jokes that we should name him GUY.

Emery-industrious leader
Gresham-village in the pasture

Averil- april; opening buds of spring
Danae-she who judges
Jaine-God is gracious

Well, those are my top picks. Before any of you get too critical, let me explain my choices. Emery is my all-time favorite boy name but Jay hates it so this will most likely not be happening. Jay likes Brandt, I like it more for a middle name. We already have our girl name picked out, I was just curious to hear your input. Lucile was my great-grandma's name and she was one of my favorite people. She really loved the Lord and it was evident. Her name and the meaning fit her perfectly. This would also most likely be a middle name.

Can't wait to hear your opinions!


Shaggy said...

I like Bella! I almost put Belle or something of the sort on my list.

Terah said...

My votes:

~Avril Jaine~
I like it without the "e"...especially when paired with Jaine. I think a name as unique as Avril begs for a simpler middle name. They set each other off perfeclty.
Jaine is one of my favorite "common" names and Heidi's boys each have a middle name using "ai"

Then, when you have another girl, you can name her Lucile.
Avril and Lucile. Totally cute!!!

Not so sure about the boys.
Emery is my favorite. Not sure what I'd do for a middle name though...

Heidi said...

Yes, if Jay would allow me to use Jaine I would prob. drop the "e" in Averil.

Maybe I could talk him into it by saying I want her to be named after him! Jay-ne. Only with an "i" of course. =)

Crystal said...

I *love* Jaine.... especially spelled that way!

And Emery... not that my vote counts!

Good luck choosing! I always put off these conversations till the US so we knew which names to battle over... girls or boys!


Dana Allard said...

I like Lucile. I know a Lucy and she's the sweetest girl ever.

...and emery for the boy's name.

Craig and Heather said...

I like Avril Jaine, too. Was even tempted to put Avril on *my* name list this last time around but I didn't want it to appear we had named her after a "celebrity" (that we don't even follow)--which happens so often these days. I'm weird with name associations, though, which is probably why I prefer slightly different ones rather than ones that "everyone" is using.

Your boy names are interesting--Brandt sounds "manly". I love it when little boys have names they can "grow into" :) Emery is not one I've ever considered myself. It is definitely one you don't hear everyday! I like the meaning, as I feel it is important for a Godly man to be a strong, productive leader in his home.

It's funny, all the agony I tend to go through trying to ferret out just the right name (with a good meaning) and when we see the baby it seems so much easier. Oh, yes, this is xxxxxx and we love him/her :)

The Chad Beck's said...

My vote is Avril Jaine ! Love it so much, and right now people might think of the singer, but once they are around your baby people will most likely forget! We did the same thing with Carson, we didn't think we'd ever think of Carson without thinking of "Carson Daily" but I never think of him, I think of the cute lil blue eyed three year old, so I wouldn't NOT name her cause of one celeb.
As far as the boys, I have no idea! My advise is please don't name him Guy! ;)
I'm actually glad the guys put up a fight cause are kids would've been named all different. Kira would've been chloe, and I'm really glad she isn't cause everyone starting calling all their lil rat dogs Chloe!

Karina said...

lol @ rat dogs!

I LOVE the name Emery. I also like Brandt, but not as much as I like Emery. Its a name that I instantly feel oddly infatuated with...not just conjures up masculine/strong/yet compassionate my (very...very...stupid) brain.

I also like Bella, every Bella/Belle/Isabella that I've ever met has been beautiful inwardly and I like it simply from name associations. I also love all the cross Skye Bella (beautiful sky); Esther Belle (beautiful star)etc. Avril always reminds me of 'Avril's atonement' from Anne of Green Gables, but is still a nice name too.

Is that Jaine pronounced Jane, or Jaynee?

Ahh, names are so much fun.
(PS- Whats wrong with 'Guy'? I dont mind it....:) )

Heidi said...

Ahhhh! You all are killing me with the fact that you like Emery too. Jay is just gonna hafta cave on that one I think.=) (When Hell freezes over)

Jaine is pronounced "Jane". I added the "i" because my boys' middle names are Gaige and Taite. I thought it would be neat to follow suit with our next one.

Yes, now that you mention it, Avril's Atonement does come to mind. Funny, I never thought of Avril Lavign(sp?) or that when I picked the name. I just loved it and Jay happened to agree.*shock shock*

I've been considering Bella Lucile because the meaning would be "beautiful light" and that really appeals to me. I would probably call her Lucy just as much as I call her Bella. I just don't know if that's too many "l" sounds in a row.

What am I doing? This baby could be a BOY! *gasp* I think he will be a nameless one as I truly can't settle for anything I love less than Emery.

Thanks for the input ya'll. If you come up with any new names for me, please let me know.