Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This morning I told Adam that Aunt Tessie was going to come watch him and Rowan while Mommy went to the doctor. He said,"Oh. Do you hafta pee in a cup again?" I laugh because this has become his standard question every time I mention the word doctor. He has had to come into the office with me before, mostly when I was pregnant with Rowan, so I am guessing that he still remembers or he has just heard me talking about it before. It's cute because he scrunches up his nose and squints his eyes like it's the most detestible thing he can imagine. I kinda feel the same way.

The answer to his question was, "No." Today I had an ultrasound and they like you to suffer from a full bladder during this procedure. However, they always tell me that I'm dehydrated because mine is always empty. I am skeptical about this as I had to run to the potty six, yes, SIX times in the first hour I was home. I think that I just need to drink my water sooner than they tell me to. I am promising to do this for my next ultrasound sometime in February.

Anyway, she said everything looks healthy. There is nothing that concerned her. Although I was confident that everything was okay, it is still nice to have it confirmed. The exciting part was that the baby is measuring at 12 weeks gestation which would put my due date 5 days earlier than I had thought. They said they won't change it though since it's within a week of what we originally thought. I had both of the boys on their due dates without being induced so I guess I'm generally right on target. The only thing I've ever been on time for in my life!

The cleaning has gone fairly well this week. I have not gotten as far as I would like but have made some noticeable progress. I was asking Jay yesterday why even when I was a teenager, did the days seem so much longer. Do you have any idea what I could get accomplished before noon? I would shower, get dressed, do hair and makeup, clean the entire house(Mom & Dad's is much bigger than mine by the way), watch t.v., and get some school work done. I can remember being exasperated because I would do all of this and look at the clock, I would groan and complain, "It's only 12:00! This day is never going to end." So I ask, what in the world was wrong with me? Now I get up and put on sweats, go potty, throw my hair back, go potty, fix breakfast for the kids, go potty, get them dressed, go potty, look at the clock and nearly scream because it's already time to make lunch and I've accomplished nothing! Well, Jay's answer, "Kids, Honey. Kids consume your life. They suck all of the life giving energy out of your body and then they spit it on the floor for you to clean up." Okay, I added the part about sucking and spitting but he said the first part. I think he must be right. I never realized how much time it takes to take care of kids. It's not that I don't enjoy it, I do. But they really do take up a good chunk of time.


So, I was reading over this and I've come to one conclusion.

I think that maybe it's blogging and not the kids.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6


The Chad Beck's said...

that Adam is sure a crack up! Yeah, now I know how all the old people always felt and said time goes faster and faster, they were right, it is!

Crystal said...

Yup, between the computer and the kids......the computer can be my downfall most times!

Karina said...

Yay! Glad to hear everything was okay on the u/s. I love the part about sucking and spitting...ITS SO TRUE!

Glad to hear cleaning is going relatively well. I like reading your blog...I say less cleaning, more blogging ;)! Im so glad Im not the only one who finds time flying faster the older I get....I find more and more that weeks and months blur into one another, rather than hours and days. I guess someday it'll be years. eep.

Hope alls well with you guys! I keep praying for you and your little ones.