Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Bible Retold

Last night at dinner I decided to read Scripture to the boys while they were eating. Jay wasn't home yet and this was something I had been doing at breakfast a while back. I figure, even if they don't fully understand what they're hearing at least it's being heard and someday they will begin to comprehend. So I usually just read where ever I have been reading from in my personal time. However, last night Adam requested that I read about baby Jesus. So I started at the beginning of Luke where it tells about Zechariah and Elizabeth. Of course there are always lots of questions: "Why did the angel talk to him?" "Why can he not talk now?" "Where is the angel?" "Can I see one?" And so on and so forth.

A while later Adam went and got his Bible story book and asked if he could read to me. Obviously he can't really read, he doesn't even recognize the letters of the alphabet. (Hey now, I know he's almost four but seriously, you try to get him to hold still long enough to learn even one letter. It's very, very difficult. I know they would tell me he has A.D.D. if he went to public school.) Anyhow, of course I said yes because I thought it should be very interesting. I was not disappointed.

So here is the Bible retold by Adam.

Adam and Eve

"They used to be able to pet the animals but then they were naughty and couldn't anymore."


"The guy said, 'What is this?' And then the lady said,'Have a drink of water and some fruit.' Then they got married and had their first kiss."

Daniel in the Lions Den

"The bad guys put Daniel in there and the lions ate him because they were hungry."

John the Baptist's birth Foretold

"Then the angel told the old guy to speak clearly."

Apparently it's been sinking in a little less than I thought. I think I am going to have to read these stories a little more often. Oh! I forgot to mention that there are little drawings with some of the stories and he gleaned a lot of his information from that. Such as Adam and Eve petting animals.


Crystal said...

That is GREAT! I needed a laugh!

And it will sink in.... the example is wonderful... you are a super mom!

Terah said...

Whatta a cutie!

Funny how Camden and him are so different. Adam grasps the language so well and can comprehend stories and conversations. Camden just totally gets letters and shapes, etc. It's probably good that they spend so much time together...maybe they'll rub off on one another!

Karina said...

That is so funny! I love hearing stories like that. I recall Jayde watching an animated dvd on the 'garden of Eden' when she was about 3. From then on, she tells the story exactly as the cartoon...with the serpent's ssssneaky voice etc. So when you actually read her the real account, she says 'no mum, he said it like thisssss...'. She also loves playing with large sticks...I remember her standing on top of a rock a couple of years ago with a huge stick jabbering on in a very 'fire and brimstone' kind of way. I asked what she was doing, and she said that she was Moses and that we should do what she said or she'd turn her stick into a snake on us. :S. Hrmmmmmmm.

The worst one of all was having dinner at a friends home where they asked if she wanted some red cordial. When they served her a drink before dinner she looked up solemnly into our eyes...held out the cup with two hands..and said "take and drink, for this is my blood, shed for many, do this in remembrance of me". She was about 3. And although she has grown up a lot since then both in her understanding of the Word and in her understanding of what is socially acceptable...I still can see a dramatic yearning in her eyes every time she drinks anything 'red' or there is an uncut loaf of bread laying around. Oh, and I probably shouldnt mention the time she organised all the children in playgroup to 'crucify' her and drag her outside as though on a cross. I am hoping when she's older that her ability to empathise/storytell will give her an amazing and active compassion & witness. But in the meantime, I just smile through my red face and am glad she's trying to share the gospel in her own odd little way. Just like your little bloke. :)