Saturday, December 20, 2008

Baby of Mine

Dear Rowan,

Today is your second birthday and I must admit that it is bittersweet for me. I have loved watching you grow and learn but I am sad that the days of your babyhood are nothing but a memory. If not for your chubby cheeks and adorable little voice as you learn to communicate with the "big folks" I fear I would dissolve into tears at the mere thought of you being two.
Today I remember your birth as if it were yesterday. Appearing after only three pushes, you seemed an easy child from the start. You came on your due date and weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. From the very beginning you were a content, easy-going baby.
As you began to grow, you became very happy and smiley. You have to-die-for dimples and you seemed to love showing them off.
You are a cuddler. Trains are one of your favorite things. Your favorite food seems to be peanut butter these days. You are also a huge fan of bananas. Immitating Daddy and Adam is one of your favorite games. Although you seem to be quite cheerful most of the time you also have a quiet, very serious side to you. You like to go around the grocery store saying, "Do you need a spankin?" in a very loud and gruff voice. At night you cuddle up to me while we sit and pray and are generally very happy to get into your bed. Cars is your all-time favorite movie.
In two short years you have gone from helpless baby to energetic, fun-loving boy. It has been a pleasure and a priveledge to be your mommy and I wouldn't trade one second of it. I once feared I would not, could not love you as I love your brother but I was mistaken. For I do love you, my precious boy. I love you as I love your brother and as I love no one else. I love you the same as him but different all at once. I thank the Lord every day for sharing you with us.

So, Happy Birthday, baby of mine.

All my love,


Terah said...

Happy Birthday little stinker!

I love you!

The Chad Beck's said...

I love you little guy! Had fun at your party tonite!
Man, I can't get over how tiny Adam was in these... my how time goes by...

Karina said...

What a sweet, sweet post! He looks so much more grown up than Levi! And very handsome, particularly in the last picture.

Happy Birthday mate!

Crystal said...

I'm with Shelby! I can't believe how tiny Adam was when Rowan was born!

Happy Birthday Rowan!