Tuesday, March 27, 2012

10 on Tuesday

1) I have decided to break down the list of things I want to accomplish before baby comes into weekly goals. It seems a little less overwhelming if I have a week to complete a list of 4 or 5 things. Even if they are bigger things. I broke them down into six weeks. That's all I have left. Crazy!

This week is week 1. My goals are:
*to finish Avril's room
*deep clean boys' room
*deep clean our room
*switch out seasonal clothes
*vacuum 5th wheel

2) We also started a new morning routine as of today. I think it is going to work beautifully. Today was the first day in weeks that we were finished with school by lunch time. I felt so free having my afternoon to do projects. And it did my heart good to be able to send the boys outside for two hours. Spring? Have you finally arrived?

3) Sleeping is becoming more & more difficult. There are only one or two positions in which I can lay comfortably and by morning they are no longer comfortable. It's okay though. It inspires me to get up earlier. Which inspires me to go for a walk & do devotions. In a way, it is a good thing. And in a way, it's not.

4) Jay bought me the entire series of I Love Lucy for Christmas. I enjoy watching it while I fold laundry or iron. What I really get a kick out of though is the fact that my kids like it even more than I do. Even Avril will proclaim, "Let's watch LUCY!" and run to dive in the chair. Then they will sit transfixed through however many episodes we happen to watch. Pretty cute.

5) Has anybody noticed how hard it is to find kids' clothes at a reasonable price these days? Is it that I just have more kids and less hand-me-downs or have prices really gone up the last couple of years? Whatever it is, it's going to cause my kids to have to wear uniforms pretty soon. That way I can buy 5 of the same 1 or 2 shirts that happen to be on sale and call it good.

6) My two younger children have picked up the most endearing habit of sticking their tongue out at me when I get after them. I am guessing that it won't take them long to get over that. (wink wink) If you know what I mean.

7) We are coloring Easter eggs on Thursday with Terah & the kids at Mom's house. I am excited about it. I got two egg-coloring kits last year for $.25 a piece. I am planning on getting more stuff this year when it goes on clearance. I sometimes think we don't make a big enough deal out of Easter. I plan on making it a really special time in our home from now on. At my husband's request, we don't do Easter baskets but that doesn't mean we can't make it special in other ways.
(I also got the kids each a chocolate bunny for a quarter a piece and stuck them in the freezer.)

8) I received my new Taste of Home magazine yesterday. They had 12 different cheesecake recipes in there! The one that I was actually drooling over is the Salted Caramel Cappuccino Cheesecake. I think I must try it before I have to go non-dairy while the baby is nursing. Maybe I'll make it for my sister & my sister-in-law for their birthdays. It's complete with Kahlua. Mmmmmmm.

9) A funny ad that we saw on the front page of the newspaper while we were in Colorado was titled:
"Valentine's Day Visectomy Sale"
Well, it still makes me laugh.

10) I think, I think, we finally named our baby. Of course it is subject to change over the next six weeks or so. But as for now, we have decided to name him Garrett Leighton. We intend to call him "Rett" for short. I still feel wishy-washy about it so don't be surprised if it does indeed change but it hasn't changed for the last three weeks or so.


Dana Allard said...

Kids clothes are expensive! I do a lot of clearance, garage sale, and thrift shopping. I've just started sewing some too.

Heidi said...

Oh man, I wish I could sew.
Maybe when the baby is a little older I will get the chance to learn.

Terah said...

ummmmm....yes, please!
Happy birthday to ME!!!

Well, Aunt Terah will be calling him Rhett, FOR SURE!

Holly said...

Chris says that Garrett is a very cool name :) and he is not sure about Leighton yet...I told him he was crazy, Leighton is one of my favs that you are considering.

I am getting so excited! I can not believe its right around the corner already...I think I am getting use to him being a boy too lol

Heidi said...

I know! Six weeks left.

It was 5 weeks ago that we left for our trip. When I think about how fast that went I start to panic. =)

I am wishy-washy about Garrett. Leighton is my favorite but Jay isn't sure about it either. Maybe we'll just have to wait until we see him. He might be one of those people that just "looks" like a certain name.