Monday, March 19, 2012


Today was a day of milestones at our house.

First Avril is no longer in a crib. She has officially graduated to a big-girl bed.
And she loves it.
So do I.
It is so nice to be able to sit beside her and pray or sing or read. Her bed is now the easiest one to make in the entire house. She can climb into it by herself so that means I no longer have to lift her in and out. And it is stinking cute to see such a little P-body in such a big bed.

Secondly, my oldest son is practically toothless as of this evening.

Daddy helped pull the first tooth. adam was a bit distraught over the whole thing but he quickly recovered.

Then he asked daddy to get the second tooth.


 they wiggled...

and tugged...
 and wiggled some more.

Then there was a swift jerk...

and now my boy looks like this:


Dana Allard said...

Aw. I remember when Kaylen looked like that. Amber's next :)

Holly said...

Way to go Adam!