Monday, June 9, 2008

Just a Glimpse

Okay, my sister posted that I have to do this on her blog so now I am caving under the pressure. I am such a sucker! I am not quite sure where to start but I will give it a go...

10) I once swallowed my sister's water. This doesn't sound too revealing. But... she had already had it in her mouth and spit it back into the glass. I know it's gross, but she dared me!

9) I've only dated four guys and I was the first kiss for all of them. Unfortunately, only one was my first kiss, and I'm bummed it wasn't Jay.

8) I cannot stand loud music. It just gives me an instant headache. I feel sick the whole next day if I go to a concert. It doesn't matter what kind of music, if it's loud, I can't tolerate it.

7) I have almost 21 nieces and nephews. It's 20 right now but Jay's sister is due in October.

6) I hated tomatoes before I got pregnant with Taiter. Now they are one of my favorite veggies. Weird,huh?

5) I have wanted to write a novel for as long as I can remember. Not a cheesy, flowered up, Christian novel, but a realistic Christian novel. You know, not where everything is always perfect in the end.

4) I also, am not competitive (in the usual since anyway). I don't know if I am not competitive because I lose every game I play or if I lose because I am not competitve. Either way, I could care less if I lose. It's just not important to me.

3) The sound of people chewing, really grosses me out. Gum also grosses me out. There is almost nothing more disgusting than someone putting a big wad of chewed gum on their plate while they eat. Except, of course, when they put it back in their mouth afterward. YUCK!

2) I laugh when someone falls. Now it can't be just any fall, it has to be one of the really bad ones. Like when my brother-in-law and his wife sat in a metal chair and it folded, not tipped, under them and they fell back and slammed into the bookcase in front of Jay's entire family. I was the only one not asking if they were okay. I was laughing too hard to breathe, in fact, I'm still laughing! I honestly can't help it.

1) I am terrified of heights. I get that dizzy feeling where it actually feels like you're falling but you're not. I seriously almost cry every time I go on a theme park ride. Panic Plunge almost killed me. But for some strange reason, I am drawn to these rides. I just simply must go on them.

Well, there it is. Just a glimpse into who I am. I'm sure some of these facts are obvious but this was the best I could do. Now, hmmm, I tag Lyle. I did it, so you've got to give it a whirl. Plus Chad and Shelby are gone.

1 comment:

Terah said...

Lyle's gonna be so mad! HeHe. He said I'll have to come up with his weird stuff. I said, "no prob!"