Monday, June 2, 2008

Fiddlin' Around

Yay, it's June! This is probably one of my favorite months of the year.

We kicked it off by joining our brother-in-law at a fiddle competition. He is married to Jay's sister Deanna and he's a great musician. He can play different instruments but this time it was the fiddle. The fact that he asked Jay to back him up with the bass is actually an answer to prayer. Jay has really missed playing lately and was asking God for more bass time. Andrew called the next day. Isn't it amazing to see God at work.

The boys and I joined the group, although I think I was the only person over 12 who couldn't play some kind of an instrument it was fun. The boys got to play and I got to visit with my looney sister-in-law. I said that just for her benefit. You'd have to know her to understand.

Here are some pictures of us "fiddlin' around. (All musicians hate these jokes)

My cutie niece C.C.

I think, and so does she, that she was actually the star of the competition.

Here is one of her older brothers, Brandon, eating his yummy Subway sandwhich. He actually ate most of a foot long! He's only 4!

Jake is the oldest of A & D's boys. He's on the right and his buddy, D. is on the left.

Here's the Taiter!

Rowster's favorite game was to climb up on the picnic tables and run across them. He fell more than once and his mommy had more than one heart attack!

Here's the man of the hour.

And here's his backup crew. Left to right: Sam, Drew, Jay, & Ryan
(No, this is not trick photography, Jay is actually that much shorter than everyone else. Those guys are huge!)
Andrew played well but being the non-conformist that he is, he broke the rules on the last round and placed fifth! Good job, Drew!

I would like to acknowledge the fact that A & D have three boys. Zach, is the second and unfortunately I did not get any pictures of him.

Thanks for a great weekend and we will see you next yea... I mean soon!


Terah said...

Cute! I've never seen little girl. She looks like Deanna! And I still really think Tait and Jake look a lot alike!

Looks like fun!

The Chad Beck's said...

wow they sure have grown! Cara is a little cutie and boy did she grow quick! The first picture she reminds me so much of Carissa, although her, Deanna, Jay, all look alike to me. :)