Monday, August 2, 2010

Domestic Me

Many people have said they enjoy the laid-back, lazy days of summer.
Well, they lied.
I don't know what planet they are from but here, where I reside, summers are anything but laid-back and lazy. It seems we're crazy busy this year. I think it is almost putting December to shame. Almost.

I scarcely have a moment to breathe(I do that while I'm blogging.)hee hee In times like these I have to be creative if I need a moment's peace. So I have been retreating to my bathroom a lot lately. Sometimes I really do need to use it but a lot of the time I go under the pretense of using it and just sit on the lid of the toilet and read a few pages from a book, pray, or ignore the fighting going on in the rest of the house. Lately I read a few pages from The Power of a Praying Wife. She speaks a lot about Proverbs 31. This makes me feel ashamed. I know I have a long way to go to be this woman. And these days, if I'm honest, I don't try or even pray to be this woman. I really have been lazy!

But seasons always change in due time. And the time is due. So for the sake of posterity, here is the list of things that need to be done by the end of August:

* deep clean house
* clean out basement
* have yard sale
* cut all the boys' hair
* make food for brother's wedding
* go to brother's wedding
* design and get started on school room
* rip out rocks and old flower beds
* turn last year's plum juice into jelly
* pick more huckleberries & freeze them

Not too bad until you consider that deep clean house will take me the better part of a week. As well as clean out basement and rip out rocks and old flower beds. That's about two weeks plus of work right there. Man I wish I had slaves like my parents did. What? You thought that slavery ended in the 19th century? Nope. My folks had four of us.

And just for kicks, here's looking at next month.

* finish school room
* start school
* pick plums and juice them
* turn them into jelly
* pick pears
* finish last year's Christmas project
* learn to can pears
* go to Vermont

There may not be that many projects but they are BIG projects. Oddly enough, I'm excited about getting started.


The Chad Beck's said...

Yeah, I'd be excited to get started on the Vermont project as well! Lucky girl!!
Yeah, I really know the feeling... you should see my list!! You'd be frightned, trust me!

Christine said...

The good thing that lists do for me is they give me a little challenging push to see if I can really get everything crossed off in the time that I have- and taking a trip (to Vermont especially!)is a fun ice cream sundae for you when you finish. :)