Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Homeschooling for us was the only option. We did not wish to send our children to someone else for the majority of their week. We did not wish for any extra unwanted influence. We did not wish for public schools to have control of our child. We did not wish to pay the costly tuition for a private school. We(namely:I) did not wish for it to be so...challenging. And it has had it's challenges for sure. Probably more difficult than pleasant days. And a lot more of throwing my hands in the air completely exasperated than I ever expected. But you know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. I get to have my child home with me all the time. I don't have to worry that he's not learning what he's being taught, because I'm the one teaching him. I already know where he struggles. There's no wondering what kind of friends he is playing with or what kind of things they are teaching him. No fretting that he's not getting Scripture in his daily lessons(although I do wonder when it will really start sinking in). No dealing with an unfair teacher. No phone calls saying,"Uh, your kid's in trouble." (Hey! He is my kid after all. It would happen if he went and you all know it!) No frustration over what he did or did not leave at school\home.

And....he is actually learning to read. From ME! I can hardly believe it's possible. My worst fear is that I would not be able to teach my children to read. But he is doing so well.

Words Adam can Read:

* any word that is spelled the way it sounds
* a
* the
* words ending in "ll"
* words ending in "ss"
* words ending in "ck"
* is
* has

It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. He can read simple sentences now.

And despite all of it's difficulties, homeschooling is still my only choice.



The Chad Beck's said...

Yay Adam!
okay, too funny about this post. I was getting ready to post this very same thing about Kira!

Terah said...

guess it's the theme for today...

yay Adam!