Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So Blessed

I realize that I've posted this picture before but I had to do it again. It just captures my little man's face so well.

I love that this boy wakes up cheerful every morning. I love that he is a ball of energy just like his daddy. I love that he has to smooch me whenever I get an owie. His non-stop chatter keeps me from being lonely. The fact that he looks so much like his daddy and so much like me is amazing to me. He has such a passion for trucks and all things mechanical. I love that he is 100% boy.

Thank you Lord for my first born. He is everything I prayed for all of those months before his conception and birth. Please take his little soul in your hands. Help me to teach him your ways and to show him by my own life. I know I am so blessed in this little boy's presence and I know that you must love us immensely to have given us such a gift. Soften our hearts and let us be the family you would have us to be. We love you and worship you.


Sunday, September 28, 2008


Our sweet baby boy has been fighting off some sort of sickness since Thursday night and is just today able to run around and play a little. It all started like a common cold but progressed to something much uglier. Thursday it was just stuffy nose and a little bit of a raised temperature. Friday was about the same only no appetite. Yesterday I spent my morning making jelly and the rest of the day holding and cuddling a very sick Rowster. He was shaking and fussing and would not let me put him down. He hardly ate a thing all day and at 7:00 p.m. we took his temperature and it topped out at 104.5 degrees. We caved and gave him some children's motrin. We had only been giving him half-doses of Tylenol before that. After about 20 minutes he was feeling much better and we put him to bed shortly after.

Even this morning his temp. was still a little warm but he seems much better now. However, we are choosing to stay home from church just in case we are still incubating those nasty germ buggies.

Being the pessimist that I am, I will be taking bets as to whether or not I come down with this tomorrow after Jay leaves for work and can't help me. (This seems to have been the pattern in the past.) Any takers? =)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Birthday Girl

Today is my sweet little sister's 17th birthday. We celebrated last night so that she could go visit one of our cousins today. I don't have any way to put old pictures on my computer(no scanner and such) so most of these are fairly recent. It is a bummer that I can't show you a picture of when she was born because I was soooo happy. I was 9 years old and I had prayed for months that it would be a girl because I already had a pesky younger brother. Apparently God knew that we would all need this precious girl in our family.

She is the sweetest person. She is almost always happy. Whenever we all get together she is always helping with the kids. She is quirky. She is hilarious. I can't even begin to name all of the things she is. I know we are very thankful for her.

This is Tess with our cousin Kaylee at their 16th birthday party. They are a month apart in age. (Yes, the long waist and short stubby legs is a family trait. All four of us kids got it.)

This one is Tess with our mom. Still at her birthday party last year.

I love this picture. This is Tessa with Camden at Chirstmas. This is how she usually looks, holding one of the five kiddos and smiling.

I love you Tess! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

...or lay, I never can tell which it's supposed to be.

Anyway, the other day things started to get hairy with the boys fighting and I needed to make a phone call so....I locked them each in their own room to play. After a while I went to check on Rowan and this is how I found him.

He had gotten his puppy out of his crib and laid on the floor to fall asleep. It was so sweet.

I love how this boy will come up and hug my leg with all he's got in him while I'm standing in the kitchen. I love his dimples. I love his sparkling blue eyes. I love that he says "co-kycle" for motorcycle. I love that he is built exactly like his daddy. I love the way he mimics his brother's every move. I love his serious personality. I love his Flintstonian feet. I love how he curls up to fall asleep.

Thank you Lord for this boy that I secretly wished was a girl the first 20 weeks of his existance. Thank you for blessing me so. And thank you for knowing me better than I know myself and giving me just what I needed in this child. Most of all, thank you for loving him even more than I do.


Friday, September 19, 2008

Diggin' On You

Our big outside project of the year is putting up a new shed and tearing down the old rickety fire hazard.
Of course the boys really like to "help" daddy with all of his outdoor projects. They just looked so cute and they went at it like they were really doing something of importance. So here they are diggin' holes for footings with Daddy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

To Have, or Not to Have

That is the question that I am presenting to you.

I have been thinking on this a lot lately. I was reading Heather's blog and it got me to thinking about it even more.

What exactly does the Bible say about having children? I know it says that they are a blessing. But is it optional? It seems to me that getting married is optional but once you make that choice is it your option to have or to not have children? Is the number you have also optional? Is it wrong to decide not to have more than one or two? Do you believe that God leaves the decision in our hands?

I have been wondering about this but honestly have not studied it. I plan to do just that over the next few days but I would also like your opinion. What have you seen or heard in the Scriptures regarding this?

My personal opinion is to each his own. I have always believed that if God really wanted a child to be born, it would regardless of how we try to prevent it. And the same in reverse. I guess what I really want to know is, are we being disobedient by trying to decide how many or when our children are to be born?

Just curious is all.

The Sound Democrat

While we were in Colorado we had to go on a 4-wheeler ride way up into the mountains. Not only is this an amazing experience, it's tradition. We always go atv-ing while we're down there. This of course is one of the guys favorite past times. My two boys included. I had Taiter with me and Jay had Rowster. Every time I would hit the throttle Taiter would squeal and say, "Yeah Mamma! Alright! Yee-haaaawwwwww!"
I was not quite as enthusiastic. The trail was mantained but very steep and there was a lot of loose rock. I have never really driven before, especially with a kid sitting in front of me. Horse back riding had nothing on this! I was terrified.

We went up past 12,000 feet and the view was outstanding. This is very nerve-racking when you are afraid of heights and there are four children between the ages of 1.5 and 5 years old in tow. I threatened impending doom if Jay so much as thought of putting Rowster down. The last thing my heart needed in it's weakened state was a toddler wobbling around at those heights.

I have no idea what this is. It was at the bottom of the mountain. I think it has something to do with all of the old mill buildings around but I'm not certain.

We stopped half way up or so and ate lunch.


Anyone feeling carnivorous?

These were taken from the "top" of our ride. I don't know what the elevation was here but the air was pretty thin. Although there was a very slight slope, the drop off on either side was pretty scary. The piece we were standing on was very narrow.

You can sort of see the trail we came up in this picture.

This is also the same 4-wheeler that decided it was gong to start rolling while I was standing behind it with my baby in my arms. But I dug into the rocky terrain and clamped my free hand down on that sucker and kept it in place long enough for my honey to rescue me. I am woman, hear me roar!

Even though I was scared(have I mentioned that yet?) I have to admit the view was majestic. These pictures don't even begin to do it justice.

On our way back down we stopped to see this old mill that was in the mountains. If you enlarge the picture I think you can read about it if you wish.

We did actually go inside and it was quite interesting. I did not get pictures of it because I was paranoid that my kids would fall or that it would cave in on us. Not to mention we were all quite out of breath due to the elevation and climbing up the hill.

That was the last of our pictures this day. We pretty much just careened down the mountain from this point on. I gave up trying to keep up with Matt after a while and decided that slow was better downhill.

I have a couple pictures of the kiddos riding Cheyanne's horse later that night. Jay took these as I stayed at the house with Rowan.

The fact that my 3-year-old son is more courageous than I am is a little disconcerting. I would blame it on the fact that he is not old enough to see the danger in these things but I know that in truth, I am a really big coward.

The next day Matt and Jay went to Utah for the remainder of the weekend and Tennille and I just hung out with the kids and did a little shopping. Then it was back to the creepy and haunted north.(If you are wondering, read the Most Excellent Way in my blog list to the right.)
We were relieved to be home but we were even more sad at the idea that it will be at least six months or even longer before we see them again. That's the bummer about family being so spread out. Maybe someday I'll post on the advantages of family being far away...

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Lazy Days

After the final show at chuckwagon the guys spent the next couple of days doing cleanup and winterizing the chuckwagon. When Tennille and I weren't doing inventory at the shops, we were back at the house being lazy and playing with the kids.

My boys love tricycles.

This is Matt and Tennille's girl, Cheyanne. She's a cutie for sure. She will be six this coming January and she is very smart. One of her favorite past times is running around the house in the buff. We got quite a kick out of this as she is not shy at all! Of course this is much to the chagrin of her beloved parents.

The Jack Russel is known as Hondo. He is the only Jack Russel that I have ever met that I actually didn't feel like kicking the snot out of within the first 5 minutes(no offense to you JR lovers). Cheyanne insisted that I get pictures with him too.

I think I only have one more post to do of our trip and then it's back to mundane.

What am I talking about? Nothing is ever boring with my two boys!