Saturday, January 31, 2009


Alright, I'm starting to give myself a brain freeze. Not from eating or drinking too fast but from endlessly searching for names that Jay and I can agree on. I am still not giving up all hope on Emery, but I do need to come up with a backup. I know there are tons of names out there, I've looked through my entire book of 100,000 baby names at least twice. And I mean LOOKED. I read every single name. Twice. Well, Jay says I'm burning myself out and so losing my ability to choose a "good" name when I see it. May I point out that he has not contributed even one name. He just says no to all of mine and never comes up with a new one himself. Those pesky dads...

So I am coming here. I am asking all of you to throw some names at me. They can't be overly common like William, Jordan, Matthew, etc. And I prefer them not to be trendy like Aiden, Bella, Mackenzie, etc. And please don't send me any that you are dying to name one of your future children, I mean what if I like it? And Jay likes it? And we decide to use it, then I would feel bad for "stealing" your name. I am mostly looking for boy names as I think we have agreed on a girl one. Maybe. But I would love either/or.

I would really appreciate it. I have strange names floating around in my head. Might I add for my husband's sake, bless his boring little soul, that extremely unusual names aren't going to fly around this place. I mean he did pick Adam after all. I like the name but you have to admit it's not very original.


Crystal said...

I liked Brandt a lot actually... {insert sheepish grin here}

Sorry, I'm no help!

Maybe Jay will get more involved once he knows what it is...? I know Ryan wouldn't even entertain much... untill after the ultrasound. And with Gretta, I didn't even pick up a name untill then.. Saved me a lot of hair/stress/time! :)

Crystal said...

pick up a BOOK... till after the us..

Man I gotta read over before I post! Sorry!

The Chad Beck's said...

yeah, I think you should wait till after tuesday, cause after all, you're having a girl remember? =]

Karina said...

I pulled out 'The Great Australian and New Zealand Book of Baby Names'. Not that all the names are Australian etc, but its an interesting book which contains a lot of traditional names etc.
I'm not claiming to love/like/dislike these, they just caught my eye:

- Edwin
- Quentin
- Sheldon
- Wendell
- Hadrien
- Alston
- Asher (Hebrew for 'happy')
- Barclay
- Blair
- Bryce
- Blake
- Callum
- Clarence
- Harrison
- Emmett
- Hamilton
- Hugo
- Jace
- Kenton
- Marsden
- Bailey
- Sebastian
- Spencer
- Sidney (had to put that one in!)
- Trent
Tough choices.

Karina said...

(I meant names in general are tough to make choices on, not names particularly from this list!)
We already voted girl anyways...this is all probably very unnecessary!

Heidi said...

Wow, thanks Karina. Some of those are, um, unique for sure. =)

I have actually never heard Hadrien or Marsden before. I'm not sure if I would use them but I kinda like 'em. I *know* Jay probably wouldn't go for it.

Asher is actually Terah's oldest's middle name. I do like that. But I don't believe in copy-catting.

Blake, Bryce, and Bailey are pretty common around here. They are becoming really popular names for girls.

Alston is a new one too. Is it a long a or a short a? Or does it start like Al? Hmmmm...

I know a really old guy named Clarence and it is a popular horse name as well.=)

Jay finally told me that he likes the name Shane but we already know a Shane.=) And we have a nephew named Lane. Brandt is still on the top of his list but it's closer to the bottom of mine. He did say that he would be willing to consider Eliott but that it's not his favorite. I like it. It is a form of Elijah which means "the Lord is my God".

Man, we are picky aren't we?

I really do appreciate the list of names. It has given me a couple to consider.

Our U.S. is in the morning and then it will be easier because we'll know what names to look for. I am just totally convinced this is a boy and as you can see, we take a really long time deciding. So far we don't even really have a list.

Anyway, I will be blogging the results tomorrow. Yay!

Karina said...

lol, yah, some of them are 'unique'.

Ahahaha, Clarence is pretty limited to old men, although its beginning to make a comeback, along with "Charlie", "Clarrie", "Clancy" and "Banjo".

We only know one first name Marsden, but I think its quite a masculine name. I actually like all the names that this particular family has chosen (the family with Marsden), the names are strong and uncommon, but not freakishly unusual. There is also a famous Australian author with that name as well.

I know of only one Hadrien, but I included it because I recalled you (or maybe it was Terah?) with a couple of 'ien'ish names for girls. I could be mistaken though!

Its already Tuesday arvo our time, hurry up and tell us!

Oh and I like Eliott a lot.