Monday, January 12, 2009


Wow, I can hardly believe that I am nearly half way through this pregnancy. This time it has passed so quickly that I wonder what I whined about so much the first two times. Of course I may remember closer to June!

Anyhow, I have an appointment scheduled for an ultra sound in three weeks so I thought it would be fun to have you all guess what I'm having. Yes, much to my husband's dismay I have twisted his arm far enough that he has agreed to let me find out what this baby is. We didn't know with Taiter and we did with Rowster. Jay insists that it's awful to ruin God's surprise but the suspense is killing me! Plus, if it's a girl we have NOTHING to clothe her in. Well, we have lots of boy winter clothes but my heart rebels against dressing her in those. I long for a daughter and if I am blessed with one I want to take advantage of the "girlie" things.

Over on the right I have place a poll where you can guess "boy" or "girl" but I would love to know who guessed what. So if you could leave a comment on this post and tell me what you guessed, I'd have a lot of fun! Oh! And in three weeks I will reveal the answer of course.

Have a good one!


Crystal said...


Dana Allard said...
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Dana Allard said...

I pick girl too. Because you deserve at least one. They're so much fun.

Karina said...

Eeep! You're brave. My mum had 2 girls and then decided to find out with me (another girl) and spent the rest of her pregnancy battling disappointment that I wasnt a boy! lol. She STILL resents me not being a boy! Just kidding. I know that you will be happy with any sex of baby as long as they are healthy! :)

So uhh, do we get prizes if we guess correctly? My bet is that EVERYONE is going to vote/guess girl, since you are kind of hankering for one, so if I go out on a limb and say boy...I retain a 50% chance of guessing correctly, and may be the only one to do so. So statistically, if there are prizes involved, I should vote 'boy'. Then again, if said prizes are localised, I would be ineligible for them as I reside outside the USA.
*Sigh*, this is getting complicated....I vote girl.

(But if it is a boy, I still like the name Emery).

Heidi said...

ME too! Jay hates the name Emery but I think I'll play the "If I can't have a daughter I should at least get to use my favorite boy name" card. =) He may feel bad enough for me to let me use it. Or I could just pray that God will show Jay that our next boy *must* be named Emery. Or I could just pray for a girl and there wouldn't be a battle over the name at all. Man, this is getting complicated! =)

I never thought about prizes...

I guess it'll depend on how many people are right! If 10 people are right I doubt I'd be able to dole out much of a prize to each one.

Tell you what:

When I get closer to my due date I'll have everyone guess how big this baby will be and what day and time "it" wil be born and whoever is the very closest on all counts will get a little(I said little) prize. How's that? I will also include birth weights and lengths and times of each of my boys so that everyone will feel it is a fair guess and not unevenly balanced in favor of family. AND....since my hubby does work for a worldwide shipping company, I will include international guesses as well. This may not be necessary as I could simply do a gift certificate online.

I will have to think on this more. It could be a LOT of fun! Thanks for the idea Karina!

The Chad Beck's said...

oh man... I want to say girl for your sake Heidi, but for some reason I "feel" it's a boy. So I have to go with my gut and say girl, sorry, but it's not like it matters though, you know, I:m hoping for a girl for you, but my brain is telling me boy.
I'm looking forward to a chance to win in the future guess! :)

Karina said...

Uh oh! I always do this...I say something as a joke and then it becomes 'official'. I need to work on my joke telling skills! lol.

Australia as a nation, is fairly into 'gambling'. Im not, but I think we have more poker machines per person than anywhere in the world and a lot of people will bet on just about anything.

With that background, I can explain a pretty common occurance over here. When someone is pregnant all her friends, family, co-workers etc take bets on the date of birth, gender, weight etc of the unborn baby. All the money from the bets goes to the parents who use it to get things for the baby. The winner gets the baby named after them...just kidding...the winner usually gets bragging rights for winning...and maybe a small gift such as a box of chocs, a nice pic of the baby, or a jar of jelly beans etc. This way of doing things is slowly being phased out as the 'baby shower' becomes more common. :)

But I really was just kidding! Quick! Its not too late to delete your comment! hehe.

Terah said...

Well, since I just *knew* both of your others were boys form the get-go, I'm going to vote girl, simply because I can't decide what I think this one is....

SLANCE said...

Boy! =)