Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Taiter" Creations

Aunt Tessie bought Taiter a huge set of Mr. Potato Head toys for Christmas and more for his birthday. My boys have been having a lot of fun with them. They are getting very good at putting them together. It keeps them occupied for quite a while. Thanks Tessie!

These are some of Adam's special potatoes. I'm really sorry as the lighting was poor and they are a bit blurry.

I'm not quite sure what happened to this cowboy but I think he took a bullet.


Crystal said...

luv, luv, lovem!

Terah said...

Jude plays with his tato heads every day!

The Chad Beck's said...


Karina said...

Cute! Levi loves potato heads too, but mostly he loves trying to shove the corresponding parts into his own facial orifices. *sigh*

Heidi said...

Ha ha! Rowan does the same thing. He tries to shove them in my nose, eyes, ears as well. Those goofy boys.