Friday, January 23, 2009

An Embarrassing Moment

I am posting this for Karina, she tagged me. I already told one embarrassing moment on Lance's blog in his comments. But I thought after Karina's blush worthy post I had better come up with another one, or even two.

A lot of my most embarrassing moments have been in labor and delivery. Starting at the beginning of pregnancy with the dreaded exam. I'll not go into detail as some of you are not female but have wives and already get my drift. One of the most embarrassing parts is when little nurse tiny asks you step on the scale and seeing your look of dread says, "Oh, you can take off your shoes if you want." Yeah, like that's gonna shave 20 lbs. off my rear-end. But then you step on the scale and it reads somewhere around twice as much as itty-bitty on your left. That's only the beginning.

Then there is labor. And all that it entails.
While in labor with Adam I remember telling the anethesiologist that if I were to ever leave my husband it would be for him. *BLUSH* You say stupid stuff when you're in pain.

Then there is birth. And all that it entails.

Finally, you get to have people instructing you how to nurse your baby and you politely nod your head and wait for them to leave. They stand there and then say the dreaded words, "Let's see how you're doing with that." As if they haven't seen enough already.

Well, my embarassing moment falls after all of these.

I had lost quite a bit of blood giving birth to Adam. I ended up with over 50 stitches. Well, I passed out afterwards on my way to the bathroom. I couldn't stand up without blacking out so they had to put in a catheter. They also kept me two days after that.

On the afternoon of my third day there I was told I could pack up and go home any time I wished. I was so grateful but a little aprehensive as I was still getting dizzy when I would walk across the room. Anyway, my cousin's husband, Chris was there when the doctor told me that so he decided he would stay and help Jay carry our stuff to the truck. Well, he came back to the room before Jay did. Adam had just been fed, changed and bundled in his car seat for the first time, so I got up to grab some civilian clothes from my bag. As I walked across the room I felt warm, sticky fluid running down my legs and around my feet. My head was spinning and I instantly thought, BLOOD! Oh no, I'm bleeding again! I was too petrified to look down. I told Chris, "Grab a nurse. Something's wrong with me." He very quickly grabbed the first nurse walking by and brought her into the room. "What can I help you with?" she asks. I say,"Something is gushing out. I don't know what it is." Then we ALL look down to see a gigantic puddle of clear liquid all around my feet. The nurse got down and sniffed it! She actually stuck her nose down there and sniffed! Then horror of all horrors she says, "You're okay. It's just urine!" Jay walked in about then and I was so mortified that all I could tell him was, "I just peed my pants in front of Chris!"

Now, in my defense, the thing they didn't tell me as I was half-conscious the night of Adam's birth was that catheters can make you temporarily lose your sensation to pee. And they were pumping me so full of fluid to get my blood count up that my poor bladder got overloaded.

There is one of my embarrassing moments. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. *smile*


Karina said...

awwww I feel for you! That would be embarrassing, but at least you have a medical explanation ;). (For the weeing...and at a stretch, the anaesthesiologist comment [LOL]...and hey, who could hold you accountable for the nurse's actions?).

*sigh*. Pregnancy & delivery can bring on so many blush-worthy situations. I admire you for doing it all over again... :)

Thanks for sharing!

Craig and Heather said...

50 stitches?! Did I read that right? 8-0

I would have to agree that there are MANY opportunities for embarrassment during the pregnancy/labor/delivery process.

Hope this time around is easier on you!


Terah said...

That's nothin! All it takes is a good UTI to make me pee my pants!
I would just be happy if I COULD pee right (babies?) is blocking everything off! (:

Yes....over 50 stitches!
She outdid me, and that's saying a lot! Here's to another 7 pounder like your last one! (:

Shea said...

lauging my BUTT off! You did great with this one...Having gone through the experience 3 times now...I can relate to just about each account, except the stiches. OUCH!!! You rock for sharing. I loved it. :)