Monday, January 26, 2009


This guy has been really full of it lately. He has been talking more and more and although he's generally pretty easy to please, he's also quite sassy at times.

Some of my favorite Rowster sayings are:

1)"Lady bug in my eye!" Translation: Something's bugging my eye.
2) "Light-ma QuQueen." Translation: Lightning McQueen.
3) "Not right now. Maybe later." Translation: I'm not doing what you say so bite me!
4) "I am Buzz Lightyear." Translation: I am Buzz Lightyear. He really thinks he is sometimes. And he really says it that clear too.
5) "Mama, we gotta go." Translation: Stop fixing your hair. He always tells me this when I'm doing my hair, even if we're not going anywhere.
6) "Mr. Kamano Head, please." Translation: Open Mr. Potato Head please.

I know there are more that I'm just not thinking of but these are his most common.

Rowster was in the bath the other night trying to blow more bubbles in his water and trying, at all costs, to avoid looking at me. I, on the other hand, was shouting and making funny noises and trying at all costs not to move my camera one iota while trying to get even one good shot. For some reason that is beyond my comprehension, my camera does not want to take a clear picture without the flash. Especially when the the lighting is poor like it is in my bathroom. So, these are a little blurry but I am feeling motivated to finally crack open that user manual sometime this week. Maybe, just maybe, I'll learn something. But for now, this is the best I am capable of.


Karina said...

Awww, those pictures are adorable! His eyes look quite captivating in the first one and eyelash shots are always so sweet. He looks like he's enjoying himself in the last photo...whatever you were doing worked!

Sounds like he is a good talker. Levi flatly refuses to talk. He's capable, but wont. He gives a stare and mouths out words with no sound. Its very frustrating, especially since Jayde was such a great talker at his age. He can point to just about anything correctly eg, mandibles, antennaes, abdomen, thorax etc...but wont say much more than 'more water peas' and 'jayde row row rowa bo' plus random words. He got into trouble a couple of weeks ago and knew it was BIG trouble and said clear as a bell, 'sorry mama', but can we get him to say 'sorry' again? No. (He gives hugs & kisses). He is such a challenge sometimes *smile*

The Chad Beck's said...

This are so cute Heidi! I love them so much. He is such a cutie, he looks so much older in these!

Crystal said...

Heidi these are great pictures and great memories!

I love the things kids say... adorable!

Terah said...

He's lookin more like Uncle Beaux every day!