Monday, April 9, 2012

What's in a Name

Still debating on the name of this baby. Maybe it's not as big of a deal as I am making it but it is very important to me. I know it is important to Jay too or he wouldn't oppose me so much. *wink*

I just don't feel sold on Garrett "Rhett" Leighton. I want Leighton to be his first name. I suggested Leighton Maddox and was told it is a girl's name. Then I suggested Leighton Dale as he is due right around my Papa's birthday(Papa is Dale) and was told that sounded girly too. I asked if it was Leighton he didn't like and he said it was just fine. 

So what do we do? I cannot, in good conscience, bring myself to name him something Jay is unhappy with but I can't bring myself to settle for something I don't really like either. I know that "a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet" but if it was called "barf" would you really want to take a whiff?


We just don't agree on names. Adam was a compromise. Rowan was the one we both actually loved right off the bat. And Avril was because I really wanted it and Jay didn't have a better suggestion. But we seem to be stuck this time. True, I could live with Garrett/Rhett but I don't love it. Rhett is near the top of my list but it's just not the name. Even when we were compromising with Adam I knew it was the name. And if we were having a girl, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what I would name her.

It is stressing me out because we are going to have to name the little guy. And relatively soon too. I can settle on a lot of things: my house, where we eat, what kind of car we have, cheaper clothes for the kids, etc. But this is one thing I really don't want to just settle on. I know it would bug me for the rest of my life. Silly? Maybe. But it's still true.

1 comment:

Britani said...

I hate the name game! Mike and I couldn't decide even though I love Bentley from the time Mike jokingly said it. Mike finally said yes about a month before I had him. But I got so used to calling him Baby & baby boy, I still call him that more than I call him Bentley.
Whatever name you choose I am sure it will fit him perfectly!