Friday, April 6, 2012


I am 35 weeks pregnant today.
Can I say something?
I am ready.
My house isn't.
But I am.

Well, sort of. I do have a ton of things I want to get done but I am having a hard time believing that it is actually easier now than after he arrives. I mean, I can hardly bend over, sit down, stand up, or sleep. However, I have been here before. And I know from experience that if I don't do it now, it won't get done. Plus, it is good to stay busy when you are anxiously awaiting something. I tend to drive myself and everyone around me nuts from this point on. So I promise to try and stay busy enough that I don't mention how "ready" I am more than 50 times a day.

Tonight will be a good start. We are having our Good Friday celebration at the church. I am very excited. They will start with a Resurrection Egg Hunt for the children. Then some music and a program. Then more music and we will wrap it up with cookies & coffee. We have to be there at 5:45 so much of my afternoon will be getting ready to go. Yay!

Plus Sunday is Easter. That goes without explaining. Brunch, church, family get-together.

Then I have next week which will mostly be occupied by finishing up school and painting projects.

The following weeks will be eaten up with deep-cleaning, reorganizing, sewing, & small amounts of decorating. Plus a day at Grandma & Grandpa's, a Mommy-date with each of the kids, our anniversary, the women's retreat, and Jay's 30th birthday.

Whew! I sure hope that this kid doesn't come early. ha ha
Distractions. Gotta love 'em.

I have to send a birthday wish out to my dad.

It's his birthday today.

I hope you have a good day. Enjoy your day off of work.
We love you.


Holly said...

You are doing good Heidi! :) It was good to see you tonight and that ever growing baby boy...Aunt Holly can not wait to meat him, SOOOOOOO excited!

Chris was so cute tonight after we left, he was "filling me in" on your due date and that it was only 5 weeks left and that he was going to Spokane 4 or 5 times in that amount of time so it would all be ok...he could find something perfect for his new baby LOL

This coming from the man that refused to hold a new born a decade ago is now claiming ownership on all your children :)

I just love him! And I just love you!! You got this Mama!!

Heidi said...

He is pretty cute. I gotta admit.

I was "hinting" at the fact that 5 weeks felt like a really long time and he said, "Yeah, I don't know any mom who gets to the last montha and says, 'man, I wish I had another month.'"

I laughed. A lot. It is a pretty unfathomable thought. To think of someone saying, "Oh maaaaaan! Only 5 more weeks. Dang it. That's too soon."

I am doing pretty good still but I am feeling it now. Just the constant big & slow feeling. I think the part that is somewhat despairing is that I could get through the 5 weeks and still end up going another week or more. Plus my blood platelets dropped below 100 so if they don't come back up they most likely won't give me an epidural. Jay says he doesn't really want me taking the steroids to boost them.