Saturday, April 7, 2012

Attention Bargain Shoppers

I'll bet you clicked on this link in hopes of seeing some good deals.


I am actually posting in hopes of you guys helping me find good deals. I know, selfish.

I have a million ideas running through my head for the kids' rooms but everything I want is mega expensive. I have searched the web some but can't seem to find very many deals. So I am asking if you all know of anything similar to what I am looking for or some stores that might carry what I desire.

For the boys' room I am looking for something like this for above the changing table.
Vintage Wire Cubby Shelf

I may have found something sort of workable on Etsy but I would really love to find something that resembles this a little more for a lot less.

I would also like this for their room:

Industrial Wire Storage 9-Bin Floor

It would cost me a minimum of $284 to buy it and have it shipped to me.

Looking for these for the head of the boys' beds:

6 Inch Deep Collector's Shelf, 3 Foot x 9 Inch h., White

Oh, and if you all could just find this entire room for under $500, that would be awesome.

Boys Bedroom 13

Or even this one:
Boys Bedroom 3


Shared Rooms 10

Or better yet:

Shared Rooms 13

Okay. I'm done. Sorry. Getting the covetous bug.

Anyway, I am trying to get the boys' room ready for another boy. Eventually we will need to do some more major changes but for now it's a matter of organizing better and finding a spot for the crib & changing table. No, the baby will not be staying in our room for very long. It's a rule we've always had. By the time they are a month old, they have moved into the kid zone. Otherwise, no one sleeps. i am a bit apprehensive but the older boys sleep like bricks so I think it'll be just fine.

Also, I need to complete Avril's room. I pretty much know what I am doing for hers it's just a matter of getting what I need.

*baskets for toys to go under the bed
*a couple of wall things
*possibly an armoire later on

Then I need to rearrange, finish up some sewing & painting, & hang the stuff on her walls. I know, it's taking me a long time but I really need Jay's help from this point on and he hasn't had time yet.

1 comment:

Holly said...

LOL Heidi you always know how to make me laugh :) Good luck with all that!