Thursday, October 1, 2009

More Zoo

As I said, the big cats are probably my very favorite to see in the zoo. They are so powerful and beautiful.

Here the king of the jungle was acting very royal indeed. I couldn't get a clear picture and I couldn't get him to really look at me. I felt like paparazzi.

They also had cougars, cheetas, jaguars, bobcats, and some others. I didn't get pictures because I was patting and bouncing a screaming baby while we were looking at those.

My very favorite.

This guy(or girl?) was very cooperative. He put on quite the show. He was playing in the water most of the time. He kept looking at us and he even growled once at the guys. At the end, he went over and started playing with a big bouncy ball that was in his pen.

All the while I was snapping pictures, I kept thinking that the waist-high fence and thirty-foot gap didn't seem quite big enough to keep this creature in. You know, if he was feeling hungry or something.

We came on a very special day. It was the debut of a three-week old baby elephant. It's a girl and they hadn't named her yet.

Weird observation: Did anyone else know that elephants feed their babies from their...chest?

We took a train ride around the zoo. Here we saw rhinos, camels, giraffes(they had a baby too), prairie dogs, and many others.

The kiddos riding the train.

There were many more animals as well. Gators, crocs, kangaroos, hippos, koalas, seals, snakes, birds, little monkeys, capabaras, warthogs, etc., etc. Some I got pictures of and some I didn't.

My biggest regret at the zoo is probably the fact that I didn't get pictures of Matt playing with the chimpanzee. He knelt down by the glass and she and her baby came over to say hi. The baby did somersaults. The mama licked and kissed the glass and put her hands up to Matt's. Jay had gone to discipline Adam and Avril was very unhappy so the camera went unmanned for the duration of the chimpanzee exhibit.


Terah said...

Oh my goodness!
That baby elephant is soooo sweet!

Karina said...

Ahhh, that baby elephant reminds me of me when I was young...

Love the tiger shots. I love going to the zoo. But I always get completely exhausted by the end of it. Im very impressed with your bravery taking all 3 kids...looks like a great time!