Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well, many of you know how to do this and many of you have done it, I'm sure. But I am excited about the fact that I am making my own baby food this time around. I tried with Adam and I only got as far as carrots. Why do I feel more motivated to do this now that I have three children instead of one? Most likely because we have an orchard and way too much fruit to use. The plums were juiced and frozen to later be turned into jelly. The apples are soon to become cider. And the pears... What do I do with our over abundance of pears? Well, we have been eating them as they ripen. And I will most likely make pear butter out of quite a few. But what about the rest?

That's where the baby food comes in. I do plan on making most of her food but the pears had to be done right away.

This is how I did it.

Clean your work surface really well.

I washed the pears.

Then I peeled them.

Then I cored and chopped them.

About 2/3 of the way through this pile I realized that quartering them was much more efficient. *slaps forehead*

Then I put them in the steamer. I only steam them for about three minutes. I read that it isn't necessary to steam them at all but I wanted them to be a little softer without cooking all of the nutrients out. So I just did it for a very short time.

Next I put them in my food processor. I am quite fond of my food processor.

Then puree!

Now you could always add a little of the water from the steaming if your puree is too thick but I'm guessing that pears are next to never too thick. I didn't add any of the liquid.

Time to freeze.

Are you wondering what the turkey baster is for?

My husband is a genius. He thought of this when I did carrots for Adam.
You use the baster to fill the ice cube trays. It is so much faster and less messy. You don't have to pour or spoon it.

Then you stick them in the freezer. I left them for a couple of days because Avril isn't really eating food yet and I forgot. But it probably only takes a couple of hours.

Pop 'em out onto a cookie sheet. Bag them in freezer ziplocs. Voila! Baby food. Just stick them in the freezer and you can thaw out how ever many cubes your baby will eat at a time.

FYI: I tasted it and it is goo-oo-ood. I think it may be even better than the jarred stuff at the store.
Oh! Admit it! You all tried it too.

I plan to do this with sweet potatoes, peaches, blueberries, green beans, peas, carrots and many others as well. It is cheaper, yummier, and in my opinion, healthier. It's kinda fun too.

Now I'm off to wash and change bedding, do laundry, dust, mop, and bake.

What can I say, Heather's post yesterday makes me feel very convicted. *smile* In a good way.


The Chad Beck's said...

I'll have to keep this in mind... joking! I don't think "I" will need to know this recipe, but I guess only God really knows. (;

So how many pears did that use to make four bags full??

Karina said...

Cool...Im so impressed.
I did it for Levi when he was a bit older...I made mixed versions and mentally gave them silly names like 'mums roast dinner' (potato, sweet potato & pumpkin) or 'karinas secret custard' (custard, porridge, banana & apple). (I dont know why I do these things).

I did it a few times but then gave up. I had those silly ice cube trays where each cell has its own lid. So annoying. Your zip lock bag idea is so smart. I feel...dumb.

I'm sure you've done this with your pears...but last year when we visited and assisted making 140 GALLONS OF APPLE JUICE...we threw some pears in the mix from time to time. Yummo!

Crystal said...

I want some! Pears and sweet potatos yum!

With the first,well its the first, keeping up with all the new is enough!

And with Rowan you were in a motorhome.

Keep it up!

Terah said...

Did you make enough for Adah?!
Cause I'm not gonna do it!
If I had an orchard I probably would...wouldn't I?

Heidi said...

It actually made about twice this much. I froze some of it in bigger containers because I didn't have enough ice cube trays and I was, well, sick of doing it! =)

Hee hee. I will probably just mix my things together later. You know, add a cube of pears to cereal or mix blueberries with bananas and so forth.
I can't completely take credit for the ziploc idea. I did research this online. Most of my inspiration came from Erin Cobb's blog It's in her mama mondays section.

And, no, we've never added pears to the cider. Great idea though!

Yes, the biggest reason I didn't do with Rowan was because he was eight months old when we moved out of the motorhome and had moved on to chunkier foods by then.
We have plenty of pears if you want me to bring you some!? Let me know.

We would be glad to share! I am actually planning on doing one more batch. I just had to wait for time and for more to ripen.Maybe I'll label my next batch "Adah's Pears". (;
And, yes, the orchard is what motivates me. I can't bear to let it all go to waste! Although if we don't get on that cider soon my apples are gonna be gonners!

Britani said...

That's awesome... but the most amazing part is not that you have 3children and are doing this (that alone is a feet I know)! It's you are doing it left handed and taking pictures :)!!! Doing things Left handed is not easy I know... the 2nd day I was in the hospital they sent me tomato soup, I was so hungry I forgot I had never tried to eat soup left handed before! Needless to say after luch they gave me a new gown, somthing about I had tomato soup ALL over the front of me!! So again nice job on using your left hand :)!!

Crystal said...

I would LOVE pears if you really have some! My favorite.... : )

Heidi said...


I will bring some to church.