Friday, October 23, 2009


This is what my kiddos do when one of us is sick.

Notice the pj's, the teddy bear, and the fact that he never takes his eyes off of the t.v. screen two feet in front of him. These are staples when we have the germ buggies. It had to have been around noon or so. The sad part is that he wasn't the one who was sick that day....he is today though.


The Chad Beck's said...

Oh no!
I hope they get through it quickly!
Be a nice mommy and let them lay around in their p.j.'s and watch movies, even if it is for days, it's truly the best thing when your sick!I'll pray for you guys as well!

Terah said...

Poor babies!

Let's just be thankful we're not pregnant this time around! LOL!

Prayin for my "other" boys!